Sunday, December 14, 2014

Memento Mori: A FC/UC Background Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Moneta Residence


A blonde-haired lady turned, clutching something tightly in her hands. A smile reached her lips as she saw the brunette-haired man approaching, attempting to relax at the sight of him.

“There you are,” he scolded. The weapon in his hands, a lava-red scythe, retracted into a simple bow. “What did I tell you about running off? I’m supposed to be your Watcher. Someone who protects you. Not someone who would end up losing you.” He meant it seriously – losing Lysa would cost him a lot – but the lady gave him a mischievous little smirk.

“Nothing happened to me, Z.” his cheeks flamed at the nickname and he huffed, turning away from her. “See? I’m unscathed from the attack. If you can even call it an attack,” she mused.

What had happened to the twosome?


Zachariel Vasilias had been guarding Lysandra Moneta carefully as the female got home from college, when a rustle from a couple of blocks away captured their attention. Zachariel had instructed Lysa to stay close, but the stubborn Storm Original went off, wishing to give the monsters a distraction while Zachary summoned his weapon.

And it did provide a distraction.

That is, they decided to chase her rather than attack him.

So Zachariel ended up having to do a number of things at once; ward off the monsters away from Lysa, make sure that no one saw them, and make sure that the girl didn’t clumsily fall over her own two feet (as she tended to do).

Luckily, they were safe – and Lysandra was patiently waiting for him inside the comfort of her own home.

“You shouldn’t worry too much, Z,” she teased. Zachariel gave her a look. “I mean it! Besides, I was able to get them off my back a little bit, right? Right?”

The sky above them gave a rumble and it started to rain. She gave him a cheeky grin.

“Come on inside, idiot. I don’t want my Watcher getting too sick.”

* * * * *

He didn’t know how he was able to tolerate Lysa.

Lysa was a living representation of her element – storm. Her notorious stubbornness was one of them, second was her conflicting and constantly-moving moods. One moment, she could be stormy and angry, the next she could be thoughtful and reflective like a settling gale.

One thing was for sure, however – she could be, in her own way, a tempest.

He had felt an odd connection with her, a stranger desire to protect her than the norm. Of course, all Watchers had their natural obligation to protect their Assignment, but Lysa gave off a different vibe. It seemed that she wanted to be protected – yet couldn’t admit that own fact to herself.

Eventually discovering her own quirks and secrets, she found that she was simply too afraid to fall in the first place. So he let her ease into him. It took days, weeks, months, a few years until she was finally able to reach a certain level of comfort with him.

But even though he was the one to protect her; that she had maintained a certain level of trust, there were still some things that she was unwilling to tell him.

And he respected that. Besides, there were some parts of him that he simply refused to have her know.

“What’re you holding there, Lysa?”

“Hm?” Lysa unclenched her fist and stared at the necklace, mouth forming into a small ‘o’ – judging by the look on her face, she had just remembered what the certain object was doing in the palm of her hand. “Oh! This – I – well – it’s been a few years since you were assigned to be my Watcher, right?” Zachariel nodded.

It had been five years, in fact. They had met in the winter of 2004. Zachariel still remembered until that very day. The mere thought of him made him smile and nearly miss out on Lysa’s next words.

“This necklace was something I bought with my savings a while back,” she explained. “It’s been with me since first grade.” She passed it to Zachariel, who took it interestedly into his hands. It was an inch-long stone made of red jasper, suspended by a strong-looking black rope. It was already looped, the wearer only having to slide it on. Zachariel recognized the stone.

“Red jasper?”

Lysa nodded. “For justice. It’s said to help the wearer control their passions, too. And a number of other things I can’t exactly remember,” she grinned sheepishly, “But it’s kept me on my two feet for as long as I can remember. And now,” she snatched it from his fingers, “I’m going to pass this onto you, Z.”

He stared as she adjusted the necklace, standing on her toes to slide it onto him. Zachariel felt the cool texture of the red jasper pendant lightly hit his chest, Lysa smiling widely as she stepped back and observed him.

“It looks nice on you, Zachariel.”

“I…thank you,” he replied, feeling a little awkward. “I don’t have anything to give you, though.”

“You don’t!” Lysa moved back and fell onto her bed, sitting up quickly and meeting his ruby gaze. “I just thought of giving you something special. Something that’s been a small part of me.” The playfulness vanished and her smile turned soft, genuine. “Since…you really do mean a lot to me, Zachariel. Even though I don’t show it much.”

He felt his throat dry up and was about to stutter a reply when she coughed and turned her head away, hiding the pink that dusted her cheeks. “Anyway! I have to complete my stupid thesis. You know what to do,” she told him, and Zachariel snapped out of his thoughts as he managed a nod. “Don’t hesitate to take anything if you’re hungry.”

“And your parents will question the missing food,” he responded drily. She beamed.

“I’ll just say that the others wanted some good snacks. It’ll be fine.”

“You really do love spoiling me rotten, don’t you?”

Picking up the pink laptop bag, Lysa merely smiled. She heard the door close and knew that Zachariel had gone out, the smile vanishing from her lips almost immediately.

“That’s the least I can give you, Z,” the Storm Original whispered, willing for the winds to carry her words to him.

But they never did. 

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