Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Russie Babbles: A Year in Review

Hi, my Darlings! 

So (I think) it's December 31, 2014 all over the world - meaning, it's officially the last day of the year. I bet most of you are wondering - wait, why the hell is Russie posting a non-lit post today - well, that's because I decided to do a Year in Review. 

Basically, I'm going to talk about what's happened blogwise this year, as well as plans that I hope I'll get to execute in 2015. It'll be like a throwback and preview thing. 

So for the year 2014, I can safely say that it's the year where I probably grew the most as a writer-slash-blogger. A lot has definitely happened in terms of development and such, and I'm truly thankful that I got to experience a lot of these thingies. 

A number of things which happened are the Challenges-slash-Celebrations I took upon myself to do! 

I started January with a bang when I did the Sweet Sixteen Challenge. Fast forwarding to June, I spent the beginning of my Senior year developing Samuel Peters' character even more with the Caffè Americano Challenge, which was actually one of my favorite things of the year. 

Two months later brought me to the New Era Celebration, AKA the week-long event wherein I managed to fit fifteen different posts into seven days. August 25 marked two years since my very first post on here...and the rest was history. 

Finally, I celebrated Christmas with the mini-challenge called The Five Days of Christmas.

"I'm surprised your grades didn't suffer too much."

Yeah, A, I'm surprised too. >.>

So in totality, this whole year was I managed to pull off four celebrations and survive the last quarter of my Junior year as well as three quarters of my Seniory ear - although I definitely did not come out unscathed, let me tell you that.

2014 was one big roller coaster ride full of ups and downs. There were days full of laughing, days full of crying, basically a lot of emotional days that made me want to burrow into bed and not leave at all. A lot of things definitely tested me to the core - that's for a different post, perhaps - and a few times during the year, I thought that I wasn't really going to make it through.

Somehow, I managed to pull through. ^_^ And that, Darlings, is the most important thing.

Anyway - let's get to some 2015 planning, yes?

"I hope you have a long summer so you can...accomplish said plans."
For 2015, I already have three plans thought out.
  1. Matt/A Celebration Week: January 26, 2015 - February 1, 2015
  2. Russie's Graduation Celebration: March '15 - April '15; specific date TBA
  3. The Third Blogsary Celebration: August 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015
The Matt/A Celebration Week has yet to have an actual name for it, so keep checking the RussDates! I may be announcing it either on RussDate #019 or RussDate #020 (which is my birthday!).

Next, the Graduation Celebration is something I randomly came up with while I was still at school. Basically, it's going to be a monthlong thing where I dedicate a portion of my summer to the projects that I was able to come up with during my four years of high school. Here's the catch, however: I am not going to include the Death Note AU as well as the Shoujo Parallels universe. Why?

Well, I wanted to showcase the other projects I wrote many years back, and I think that it's the perfect opportunity to do so. I'll be graduating on March 21, 2015 - and am officially closing up one of the biggest chapters of my life; my high school era. So why not celebrate with the characters who have been there for me for the past four years?

What else do I  have planned? 

Expect the return of Vices: A Race this summer, as well as a formal introduction to the Equilibriai universe! I aim to finish Vices during the long summer, and to introduce more about the Equiverse around mid-2015. Also, expect more shorts about the Royal Court (Achievement Hunter) universe, as well as a few potential alternate universes I may have in mind...

Before I formally wrap up the post as well as the year, I want to take the chance to thank all of you who have joined me in yet another year of writings (romantic, feelsy, angst and whatnot). Whether you be a Darling who checks this abode of mine once a week or once a day, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support, read and delve with me as I keep writing and posting.

I definitely wouldn't have done it and made it this part without your support. So whether I know you personally or not, you have been an important part of my year - and I'd like to give you a toast. 

Thank you for sticking by, my Darlings - and may we have an amazing 2015!

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