Friday, December 26, 2014

Transcendence: A Request Prompt (1/5)

New York City
United States of America
November 2118
Free, Ansel

Finding your soul mate, his mother had told him, is like reliving your experiences of true love.

Ansel Free never really understood the comparison. After all, experience of *true* love – the purest love, the most beautiful kind of love – was only to be experienced once in someone’s entire lifetime. So Ansel attempted to refute his mother’s statement, saying that true love was a one-hit kind of thing; however, she merely smiled and told him that he would understand more when he was older.

(Ansel hated it.)

As the boy grew up, he never felt that zap of love that people tended to feel. In high school, a few of his friends had experienced it. During college, around half of his peers found the person they were looking for Рas clich̩ as it had initially sounded.

Soon enough, Ansel found himself caring less about soul mates as he worked his way through his chosen course. The male worked late nights as he balanced academics and his extracurricular activities, living and loving coffee as well as take out. After a total of four grueling years, Ansel Free had walked and received his diploma – a sign of his achievement.

A total of seven months later, Ansel was working in the real world. He had been hired by a multi-media company after various others had looks at his resume and school records, immediately thrust into the field of film making and the arts. Content enough, Ansel worked hard and aimed higher, into bigger areas. Smaller-scale companies turned into bigger ones, paychecks went from just right to splurging once in a while. Before he knew it, Ansel had filled a sense of fulfillment. His longing to be beneficial in the real world was being satisfied; after all, he had a stable (and enjoyable) job, a comfortable apartment and a good social life.

He lacked in one certain aspect, however.

To put it specifically, his life lacked color.

Ansel Free, at twenty-four, still had the heart insignia on his forearm uncolored.

* * * * *

It was an unknown phenomenon when it first happened; around the year 2050, newborns all over the globe were discovered with small heart marks on various areas around their body, particularly the forearm. Additionally, (as if doctors and scientists and theorists weren’t crept out enough) half of those newborns had tick marks on either the left or right wrist. This would later help in determining the child’s dominant hand.

Even so, the new addition proved to be staggering and unbelievable. A number believed that it was a divine intervention proclaiming the number of days – or years – they had left. Others merely thought that it was photoshopped; after all, the first report of such incident was through picture. With the non-believers came the faithful. They said that it was merely a shift in evolution – something that could potentially be better.

With no scientific evidence or medical thoroughness to prove anything, the doctors and the scientists merely decided to see what would happen in the course of twenty to thirty years.

In that period, strangely positive things had occurred.

Reports flew in like birds flying through open air, both filed by males and females alike. They all said the same thing – upon meeting a specific person, color would fill the black heart outline on their arm.
Another common denominator freaked out the whole pool of scientists and doctors.

Ultimately, they all married that person – the person who caused color to fill the empty outline of a simple heart. Divorce rates stunted. Statistically, the amount of happy families rose. There was more diversity in the world than in the past hundred years. People eventually became more open when it came to same-sex relations.

And it was all because of a heart and some color that was needed.

But no one could explain the tick marks. Those remained a mystery.

* * * * *

Ansel was part of the majority who had been born with a heart-shaped outline. The existence of it never really bothered him as a chld; Ansel was one of the few who wasn’t too bothered with the thoughts of true love and such.

Besides, if the heart was there, it was already an assurance that someday, he would find the love that he needed. So Ansel pushed away his worries and focused on his studies, eventually working his way up and finding himself surrounded by potential fame.

But for the hazel-eyed boy, it wasn’t enough.

“You need to find your SM,” Gong Jae Hwang told him, drinking from his tea much after. Ansel sent his friend a small look. “Listen to me, asshole. I already found mine and she’s the puzzle piece I needed,” the other insisted.

“Sure, Jae. Because I’ll be able to find him or her in this clusterfuck,” Ansel spat, yanking up the sleeve of his shirt. The uncolored outline stood out clearly against his skin. “How did you find her? How?”

“No idea, actually. It might have been fate.” Jae Hwang rolled back his shoulders, Ansel catching sight of the lilac heart imprinted on his collarbone. “Look. I know you’re not a keen believer regarding those kinds of things, but I’m telling you, man. That person is out there,” the Korean insisted, “And you should definitely be on the search.”

“And what if I don’t?”

Jae Hwang shrugged. “Fuck if I should know. You may die alone, unsatisfied and craving for someone to love. But you know, since you don’t give a shit, you missed out and ruined your SM’s chance at happiness as well.”

Ansel Free groaned loudly and gave a visible scowl. “Fuck. Fine. I’ll be on the lookout.”

* * * * *

A number of weeks before The Miracle, Ansel found himself dreaming.

Typically, his dreams would be weird and incomprehensible. He usually dreamt of strange events and losing fingers, the type of dreams which would leave him baffled upon the first five minutes of getting up. But when those five minutes were done, Ansel would shove them to the back of his mind and not think of them for the rest of the day.

However, his dream that night consisted of something…too lifelike.

Ansel dreamt of fumbling limbs and teasing smirks from a woman; flashes of images made him see a lady backed against the wall with a man pining her there. He saw irritation and raw passion in the man’s eyes, and the woman was merely smirking from ear to ear, taunting him.

As if the dream hadn’t shocked him enough, he heard the man spitting threats and curses under his breath that Ansel struggled to hear.

“I can’t fucking believe you – how could you do that to everyone wih me there–”

“Aw, is he actually…jealous?” this lady drew out the word. Ansel felt what the other guy was thinking at that moment – an intense envy. “I never knew that you were the jealous type.”

“I hide a lot from you,” he muttered darkly. She found her wrists pinned as well. “Goddamn. I hope you’re ready to pay the price,” the male threatened, and the woman didn’t even flinch.

In fact, she grinned.

“Try me.”

And the dream exploded into a thick, chaotic mess of passion and lust. Ansel woke up with a start, cold sweat running down his body.

* * * * *

Ansel dreamed of many more encounters from that night onwards.

He found himself seeing girls kissing girls and boys kissing boys; visions of girl holding boy and boy holding girl. Ansel found them to be like memories – they were muddled, discontinuous, snapping from one to another. The male, however, remembered a lot of things and rarely forgot even the most miniscule of details.

But why did the memories – the dreams – tell him something similar?

It was as if they were telling him something, something he couldn’t pick up.

On the fourth week, he found himself dreaming of memories once more. Instead of resisting them like what he had tried to do, he let himself swim within the subconscious of someone who was not he. Ansel found himself staring at the night sky all of the sudden, feeling the wind against his skin and quiet chatter from all around.

His senses worked perfectly, even while asleep. He could feel the grass beneath his fingertips, smell the cold air and see the dimness of the candles. He heard chatter and tasted sweetness that he recognized as chocolate. It seems that he had eaten.

But aside from the senses, the physical senses and all of that, Ansel felt a deep pit inside him.

And he was falling into the pit.

“–never. I hate to break it to you. But it was never there.”

Ansel felt as if something had jerked his soul even deeper.

“Look at me.”

He didn’t want to look.

But the person did look, and he found himself staring into a pair of hard yet sympathetic eyes. He never knew that the combination worked. “It was only you.”

Unlike the other memories which contained either happiness or shallow joy, this was different. Ansel didn’t like it, he hated it, he wanted out, out, out, out

And there it was.

Despair, pain, rejection, anger and shock hit him straight in the heart.

He opened his mouth to speak, wanting to question what the hell was happening.

But instead of a confused male voice, what came out of his mouth – the person’s mouth – was a heartbroken and devastated sob.

He felt it. He felt every single emotion and wanted to burn. Ansel felt misery to its highest degree, felt his heart splintering into many tiny pieces, and a sick desire to be numb.  

“No, no, no,” the person sobbed. “It’s a lie – everything’s a lie – a goddamn lie–”

Ansel woke up with spluttering breaths and his whole self shaking. The American yanked the sheets off him and got out of bed, running straight to the bathroom.

It felt real. Everything he felt seemed real.

The sight of his pale, sweaty face greeted him; eyes bloodshot as if he had been crying all night. Lifting a hand to touch his cheek, he realized that he had, in fact, been crying.

And he saw it – right there from the reflection.

On his left wrist, the twelfth tally mark was glowing an ardent shade of green.

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