Monday, December 22, 2014

Russ' Updates #017: Good News and Breaks

Hi, Darlings!               

So Christmas break is finally here, and I’ve been resting up as much as I could lately. Oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve been able to recover from the two hours of sleep I had last Friday, haha.

Anyway, since Christmas break is here, that means New Years’ Eve is coming up soon! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 2014 is going to end in a matter of nine days and that means a whole new year coming up for all of us. I’ve got great vibes for 2015 for some reason, and I hope that those good vibes are the good premonition kind of thing.

Speaking of good vibes – you night have noticed the words ‘good news’ in the title and are wondering why there’s good news and such.

help what is this happiness i've been feeling

Basically, results for the De La Salle University College Entrance Test (DCAT/DLSUCET) came out last Saturday, around 8-9AM. Although DLSU isn’t my dream school/first choice, I was still hella nervous because it was a freaking college, man – this is my future we’re talking about, huhu.

And then this happened:

Is it real, is it real????

Yes – I was able to pass the DCAT, meaning that I’m eligible for enrollment in DLSU in the case that I choose to study there! *throwing of confetti everywhere* Last Saturday was a really great day for me, since the past week hasn’t exactly been what I’d call amazing. But away from that, it practically lifted my spirits so much that I’m still uplifted – until now. I'm basically one big ball of thankfulness and amazement. 

So for the rest of the week, I’ll be continuing the Five Days of Christmas, as well as a couple of requests which my friends asked me to do. ^_^

I hope that you have a spectacular Christmas, Darlings! Enjoy the rest of the week. <3

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: The Second Day – Courage 
[x] Russie Writes: The Third Day – Forgiveness 
[x] Russie Writes: The Fourth Day – Devotion  
[x] Russie Writes: The Fifth Day – Camaraderie

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