Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Russ' Updates #016: The Final Attempt

Hello, readers.

I’m Zachary Regulus, also known as Zachariel Vasilias, and I’m here to report Arianne’s Weekly Update. Or as she calls it, her RussDate.

"She really owes me for this."
Aside from being your Featured Character for the month of December, I’m also going to be the reporter for the RussDates when Arianne doesn’t really feel up to reporting. It’s not a personal thing, I promise. All I can say for now is that she doesn’t want to give a diluted RussDate all because of her shitty mood.

Forgive my French.

Anyway, if you had noticed, she wasn’t exactly able to post half of what she had planned to post last week. That’s because our lovely Arianne – Russie – caught a bad sickness last Wednesday. Due to that, she missed around 80% of her third quarter finals.

Today, she was able to accomplish two of them, leaving six to go. Also, this week is pretty much her last week of classes for 2014. *nods* She’ll be busy with exams until Tuesday, will have an activity on Wednesday, and will be overnighting at school from Thursday until Friday.

What does that mean?

Well, dear readers, expect that by this Friday afternoon or so, Divine Elevation will be kicking up once more. Arianne has planned a small ‘celebration’ to kick off the five days until Christmas, which is from December 21 – 25, 2014. Expect a lot of Christmas vibes to flow around the blog by then.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short [Zachariel Vasilias] 
[x] Russie Photoshops: Metamorphosis – A Gifset [Death Note OCs] 
[x] Russie Launches: The Five Days of Christmas 
[x] Russie Writes: The First Day – Intimacy 
[ ] Russie Writes: The Second Day – Courage

That’s all for today. Enjoy the week, and an advanced Merry Christmas to you all.

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