Sunday, October 4, 2015

Identity Crisis 101: A Coalesce Short

Ken’s Manor
Otemachi, JPN
September 2012

“You doing okay there, Leroux?”

“Perfectly fine,” a male answered dryly. He had a heavy French accent, was wearing a black suit, and kept a blank look on his face. Behind the shades, eyes kept trained on the CEO as he moved around and associated with the guests. “Nothing seems out of the ordinary or weird.”

“Right. Well, just be sure to keep looking. We don’t want anything to happen, right?” From his position, Leroux nodded blankly. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Your shift’s going to end soon, anyway.”

“I can extend.”

“You sure?”

“I’m certain that Boss would like it more if I extended my shift,” Leroux answered, fiddling with the mouthpiece. “And I stay here anyway. I don’t exactly mind.” He kept his hands inside his pockets and listened as the man on the other line instructed him, eventually hearing a click signaling that the call was over. At that, he looked back at his boss and stayed in his place, not moving an inch from where he was positioned.

He began to count. On three hundred and sixty four, the CEO came forward with a grin on his face and two glasses in his hands. “You’re looking terribly stiff, Leroux. Have something to drink,” he said cheerfully. Leroux thought of declining, but took the drink anyway and sipped. “Too many people as usual. I wonder why I invite this much in the first place,” the Japanese man said with a funny look on his face. Leroux cocked a brunet brow.

“They’re your associates, contacts, and whatnot. Of course you want to invite them to the Great Manor for the Great Party,” he replied, lacing the different words with air quotes. The other man nudged him gently.

“I know that, asshole. But still.” He glanced at the crowd, “Do you think I should start cutting some off? Make some room for potential new prospects?”

“That’s up to you,” Leroux answered carefully. “Whatever would be best for the company, I suppose.”

“Quite so,” the other replied. Leroux detected a hint of false sincerity in the others’ tone, recognizing it as the voice he used when he was talking to businessmen he wasn’t particularly fond of. The male could only raise a brow, making his superior chuckle in mild amusement. “Fuck it all. We’ll figure it out eventually.” He took a drink from his glass yet again, Leroux watching. “Finish your drink and loosen up, Christ. Tonight’s supposed to be a night of celebration, after all.”

“Of course.” Leroux’s eyes fell to the dark red liquid swirling in his glass. “Celebration and whatnot.”

He wasn’t quite sure of how the events flowed on, but they did. Before he knew it, he was trailing much closer to his superior and sending dark looks to anyone who tried to bother him. The Japanese businessman, however, didn’t seem to mind. He talked more with other people, posed for pictures, smiled for cameras and appeared as the perfect CEO to all. A new kind of CEO who didn’t shut his company away from the rest of the word. A new kind of CEO who genuinely liked communicating with people.

Leroux thought it was odd that there were some CEOs who preferred to keep to themselves, but to each their own. He merely shrugged it off.

“Try not to piss him off,” the older male joked. “My bodyguard here…he’s really protective. Doesn’t like it if anyone gets too close.” Many eyes flickered towards him, yet he ignored it and kept his gaze straight with arms folded across his chest. A younger child probably below the age of ten reached out and tugged at Leroux’s suit and the mother quickly pulled him away.

Leroux glanced down at the boy and reached out to ruffle his hair gently. The boy grinned at the sight of a very small smile on his face, and Leroux quickly returned to his regular position much after.

“He has a soft side, too.”

The bodyguard was tempted to smack his boss up the head, but he resisted the temptation and instead raised a brow, keeping silent.

It felt like forever, but the party eventually flowed to a stop. The child he had patted earlier was being escorted out by his parents, and various older men were shaking his boss’ hand and thanking him for the pleasant night. The gathering hall was already starting to clear up, and the lively music that had been playing hours back had reverted to something calmer and slower.

He watched anyway; watched as the different people departed and as Kenichi kept the same smile plastered on his face.

Eventually, the last one finally left. That was when the smile on his face dropped and he began to instruct those around to clear the area. Upon facing Leroux, he asked for the male to accompany him back to his room. Leroux agreed.

As they climbed the stairs, the Japanese sighed. “What a long night.”

“You appeared to enjoy it,” Leroux replied. The other made a face.

“That I did. But the real reason for holding that banquet isn’t something enjoyable.” Leroux stayed silent. “Were you able to accomplish your goal?”

They entered a private hall where the CEO’s master bedroom was. Leroux nodded. “I was. Took him out immediately. The police will find him whenever, away from your vicinities.” He removed his shades and put them in his pocket, revealing a pair of piercing blue eyes. “No one will suspect a thing.”

A sardonic smile came. “Excellent.” Leroux opened the door for the male and he entered, Leroux following and closing it after. “Nothing went wrong?”

“Not exactly.” The privacy of his superior’s bedroom made him relax a little bit. Leroux decided to drop the second skin as well as the accent. “Ken.”

“Mm?” Ken glanced at Leroux, “That was quick.”

“Being Leroux isn’t exactly the best thing in the world,” he replied tiredly. Ken watched as the bodyguard approached a pitcher of water and poured himself a glass. “You know that. You know that I’m not exactly a fan of being Leroux.”

“I know,” Ken sighed. “But you have to–”

“Suck it up. I know. You keep telling me,” he snarked after taking a long drink. “It’s just – hell. You don’t exactly get used to climbing up a high area and then sniping someone.”

“You never do.” Ken loosened the tie around his neck and unbuttoned his cuffs, “But it’s part of the job description, really.”

“I know that as well.” He rubbed his eyes and drank more. Ken watched him with a funny expression.

“…Mathieu.” The male looked at Ken, “There’s always a choice to back out. I know that you’re not exactly into the whole ‘let’s get into the shadier side of business’ kind of thing. I’m not forcing you to stay if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“I never said anything about discomfort.”

“Don’t lie. I can see it in your face. You’re still mildly disturbed by all of this.” Leroux – Mathieu glanced away. “And I can’t blame you, can I?”

“I’ve gotta get used to it eventually.” Ken stayed silent, “Can’t back out just because I don’t like having to see a bullet in a target’s head.”

“Whatever you say.” Ken walked to the walk-in closet and stopped, looking back at Mathieu. “Get some rest. We’ll discuss what happened in the morning. For now, just get some rest. No need to keep watch.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m perfectly sure,” Ken waved his concern off, “Take it as a chance to get some sleep. Alright?”

“Understood.” Mathieu fished the shades out of his pocket and slid them back onto his face, “Good night, Ken.”

“Good night, Mathieu. Rest well.” As the CEO walked into his walk-in closet, he heard the door click and heaved a heavy sigh to himself.

He tried not to think about how the warm-hearted Mathieu was able to shift into the cold Leroux so quickly. He also tried not to think of the regular Mathieu being against killing against the stoic-faced Leroux who sniped without stopping to consider the given target.

He had to remind himself that the two were completely different identities, and that Mathieu was the primary while Leroux remained a mere cover.

“They’re not the same,” he reminded himself. “They’re definitely not the same. Not at all – not ever.” 

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