Monday, October 19, 2015

Russ' Updates #055: Bounce Back

Good evening, Darlings! Apparently, there was an earthquake earlier in the hour and I (as usual) wasn't able to feel it despite it being a 5.4 magnitude one...

"I'm just gonna fear for your safety when the massive superquake comes."
As I mentioned earlier, there had just been a 5.4 earthquake which emanated from Occidental Mindoro, which is roughly 83 kilometers away from Manila. Additionally, typhoon Lando had hit the country last weekend, so please do take caution especially when it comes to these kinds of natural disasters. 

Anyway, I was supposed to post a lot more than two posts last week... *insert horrified emoji here* There had been an influx of academic requirements, and I sort of had to get my priorities on check because there was so much to be done. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this week won't be as stressful and acad-filled because I really do want to keep posting. 

As much as possible, I want to make sure Elena gets the same treatment Ansel got. *nods* I've currently done two shorts and two graphics, which means that she has one short and two more graphics to go until the 'quota' has been filled.

In all honesty, I'm not sure whether to push through with next month's FC/UC. We'll see how things go, though! Let's see how I manage to hold up, yes?

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[ ] Russ Writes: An OTP Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

"Stay safe, everyone! Enjoy the week."

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