Monday, October 26, 2015

Russ' Updates #056: Ending October

Good evening, Darlings!

"Happy almost-Halloween. *waves*"
October's coming to a close this weekend! I'm surprised that the whole month flew by really, really quickly, to be honest. The month's been alright; I'm still managing to keep my head up despite *~college~* and all the sudden events that's been happening.

To be honest, I haven't been feeling that great in terms of the creative muse. I haven't really been feeling myself lately, but I'm hoping that it wards off soon enough, because I really want to start liking my own writings (and graphics) again. Hopefully this week will give me the chance to get some writing done (especially the weekend).

Speaking of closing October, closing October also means closing Elena's month. ;w;

"Aww...thank you for having me though, Russ. Really."
While Elena's month may be ending soon, don't fret! The Transcendence universe will still be making its usual appearances around the blog. :) For the month of November, I won't be featuring a character, so expect more of my scheduled posts to revolve around anything that comes to mind! 

That's all for this week, lovelies. Enjoy and have a great Halloween! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russ Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

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