Monday, October 12, 2015

Russ' Updates #054: Cool Down

Hello, everyone. *checks cue cards* This feels weird, but welcome to the fifty-fourth RussDate! Russie is currently reviewing her notes and organizing her academic to-do list, so I'll be taking charge for the meantime. *grins* I might be hosting some of October's other RussDates, so look out for that.

For this week, Russie wants to keep posting things featuring yours truly. It's very likely that she'll be posting a short or two as well as a graphic, so stay tuned for that. Also, she'll do her best to get those posts up starting tomorrow, since test season will cool down from that point on. 

However, she may not be able to post as much this Sunday. Russie will be attending the debut of a close friend and will probably end up coming home late. Despite that, she'll still try to make up throughout the rest of the week, yeah?

Anyway - here are this week's expected posts.

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

Also, you guys might have noticed the presence of this new Coalesce tag lately...unfortunately, I'm not going to spoil it for you guys. But do keep an eye out for it. *winks*

That's all for this RussDate - enjoy the week!

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