Sunday, January 31, 2016

Culmination: CLS Launch '16

Good evening, Darlings!

Well, here we are. January's come to a close, and with that, the Coalesce Launch is coming to its end as well. :) I really all of you have enjoyed what I've presented this month, and got to know a bit more (at least) about the story and the characters!

"We'll be here for a long time."
Anyway, this post will pretty much be me explaining Coalesce more. I'll be talking about the Launch, the story plot, and perhaps the characters themselves. Additionally, I'll be talking about what I have planned out for this project blog-wise. :D

If you're interested, click the read more link down there!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Meta: A Coalesce Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
July 2017

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Face to face in Aether’s office. The shorter girl tried to absorb and understand the look on Lysette’s face, which showed nothing but pure amazement and a slight hint of admiration. Aether couldn’t help but shift in her chair, finding herself unable to look straight back at the other female in her office at that moment. 

“Because,” Lysette Cross began, “I haven’t seen you in such a long time, Aether. Aren’t I allowed to be happy because I finally saw my best friend for the first time in forever?” the other Englishwoman saw the dark-haired lady roll her eyes at that, but the smile on her face was all that had mattered. She couldn’t help but grin herself, “You’ve…changed.”

“Have I? It seems like you’re the one who changed. And in a better way,” Aether added as an afterthought. It was true, she confirmed to herself. Lysette had definitely improved since they had last seen each other. Instead of wearing a simple tee and shorts until two inches above her knees, her strawberry-blonde friend donned on something more professional. Lysette gave the collar of her button down a tug and shot another smile. “You look more serious, now.”

“Says the one who came into the building looking like she wanted to rip her hair out,” the other teased. “You changed too, Aether…you look older. Even though we’er nearly the same age.” Lysette’s eyes ran over the other’s features, the other’s clothes, how Aether held herself and studied the vibes she gave off. Lysette whistled, “I’m not surprised that you had someone there with flowers—”

“He has nothing to do with the interview,” Aether interrupted, flustered. Lysette grinned. “And speaking of…”

“Okay, that wasn’t a ruse. I really am here to interview you.” she dug into the bag she had brought and pulled out a rolled-up magazine, handing it to Aether. On the cover was an international figure who had recently became known. On top was the name; a single word typed in thick, sans-serif font. “It’s for Meta,” she admitted. “I came here to interview you for the magazine.”

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ground Zero: A Coalesce Graphic

She went to Atlanta just so she could interview her friend.
Now, she's in the middle of a criminal investigation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Search: A Coalesce Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
February 2017

Mack blinked. Aether had nudged his side. 

“Are you okay? You’ve been out of it since the car.” Mack gave a short nod and drank from the beer bottle, saying nothing more. Aether opened her mouth to ask again, but Peters caught her eye from across the table and shook his head. The dark-haired lady promptly closed her mouth, but still kept an eye on the hazel-eyed male next to her. 

“Mack needs a drink because of what he saw today,” Peters said calmly. Mack looked startled for a moment but then nodded in agreement. Aether still looked dubious but chose to accept it, sighing quietly and taking a sip from her glass. “I think we all do. You know, crisp flesh doesn’t do good for someone’s system—”

“Duly noted,” Aether groaned. “I don’t need to remember what he saw.” Tadashi gave a wry smile; he and Mack listened to the two other members bicker. From the corner of his eye, however, he made sure to watch Mack. Aether’s comment made a feeling of concern rise up in him. 

He noticed that the curly-haired male’s eyes tended to swivel over to the bar, where a brunette lady was serving up drinks and occasionally chatting with customers. Instead of a look on interest, though, he noticed something that seemed like disappointment in Mack’s hazel eyes. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Russ' Updates #068: Ending January

Hi Darlings! 

This week's update is going to be short, seeing as we merely have two characters to go as well as the final culmination day before the Launch (and January) ends. :) Mack's going to be staying from today until Wednesday, while the final character will take the Thursday to Saturday slot. 

"The Launch went by pretty quickly, Russ."
Nothing much is happening this week too, come to think of it! Though probably as a heads up, I've got no classes on February 1 and 2 (next Monday and Tuesday), and I really want to get things rolling and introduce to you guys the OC I've chosen for February's Featured Character~

"They can't wait to appear again."
That's all for this week! Please do enjoy the rest of the month <3 

Apathy: A Coalesce Graphic

Mack's quite the odd guy, come to think of it.
He's always been apathetic regarding his own ambitions.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hollow: A Coalesce Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
January 2017

Mack noticed that Jian looked terribly empty. He didn’t know how that happened; usually the Asian was full of life and cheer and teasing. So he tried to bring it back. 

“Business looks like it’s starting to suck,” he commented. Jian rolled his eyes as he polished the inside of a glass, later looking up to see the curly-haired man glancing at him. The smirk appeared once Mack recognized that empty Jian was still present. “I’m surprised people are still coming out and drinking when shit’s been happening lately, you know?”

“You make it sound like there’s someone out there to murder everyone,” the bartender replied dryly, doing his best to ignore the sudden uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Fingers twitched.

“There might be.” Mack shrugged and took another drink from the beer bottle, “I’m not surprised anymore. You get shit like this happening left and right. You sort of get used to it the more you immerse yourself into investigating it.” he said all of this while holding the bottle gently, keeping up the inviting tone in his voice. Trying to get the same old Jian out. 

“You’re very calm about all of this.” Jian set aside the glass where many others also sat in perfect lines, “It’s weird.” 

“I don’t generally give a shit unless my life’s at stake,” the other answered bluntly. This made a frown come to the Taiwanese man’s expression, a stony frown instead of an empty one, and Mack noticed. He blinked. “What’s wrong?” Did I do this wrong? 

“Nothing, nothing. You want another drink?” 

Mack was about to say something else when his eyes fell on the nearly consumed bottle. “Huh. Alright.”

Friday, January 22, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

For Her: A Coalesce Short

Jin-kyong’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
November 2016

She had no one else to call but Eun-seok. 

A number of investigators had been sent over to her apartment to ask about that night; the memory she had been doing best to repress since she had learned about it. There were two of them; a tall male Korean with a consistent look of sympathy, and a shorter lady with her hair pulled back and doing her best to look neutral-faced. While initially wary of entertaining both of them, the lady explained that they had to ask just to make sure that nothing fishy had occurred when Kim Soo-yeon’s death had occurred.

That made her relent, and she let them into her apartment. The lady thanked her; the man promised that it wouldn’t take too long.

The process was a quick one; Jin-kyong had been asked if Soo-yeon had been drinking, if Soo-yeon had gotten into the car alone, if anyone else was in the car with her. After that came different questions; questions like if Soo-yeon had travelled her usual routine home, if Soo-yeon had any plans to meet anyone else. Those questions bore into her memory and she found herself digging deep into her subconscious just to remember.

She found herself tearing up. At that, the lady’s eyes softened and she dug around in her bag before retrieving a few tissues and extending it to her. At that, the man spoke. 

“We know that remembering can be painful,” he told her slowly, choosing his words carefully, “but believe me when I say that anything you can remember can greatly contribute to our investigation. The pain you feel right now is going to be very much worth it.” Jin-kyong thought that the male grasped at something but then thought that it was just part of her imagination.

Taking a shaky breath, Jin-kyong opened her mouth and proceeded to answer whatever questions they had for her. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Russ' Updates #067: Second Semester

Hello, Darlings!

The second semester has officially started for me, and to be honest, it was really, really tiring today (even though we just had orientations and such). Hopefully I'll be able to catch up and get used to the flow of working again, especially with the goals I set for myself this semester. :D 

Apologies for not posting last Saturday! :( I was busy the entire day because of my debut, so the posting schedule sort of shifted. Due to the shift, the culmination day will take place on the 31st of January, so please do look forward to that. I've got two or three final thingies planned, and I very much hope that I can get those three posted.

"That was a nice three days..."
For this week, expect two new characters to show up! We've had quite the shippy feels lately (#MaEther), and there might be even more of those feelings coming this way. :> 

"It's a more...unconventional relationship."
That's all for this week, lovelies! We've got 13 days left until this Launch ends, and I'm extremely excited for the days left. ^_^ Have a good week! 

Aether: A Coalesce Fanmix

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chances: A Coalesce Short

Aether’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
April 2016

“Thanks for taking the three of us home again, Aether.” Tadashi smiled. Aether smiled despite herself; driving home two drunken men and one buzzed one drove the energy out of her, but it wasn’t all too bad. Especially with Mack and Peters bickering in the back about whether this band or that band was greater than the other. 

It was Squad A’s usual monthly drinking night. For April, Aether had lost the ‘competition’ and was designated to be the one to pay for their drinks, bring them to the bar, and bring them all home. Tadashi was the last to be dropped off, as he and Aether lived in the same apartment. “You sure you don’t want us to walk back together?” 

“I’ll be fine,” she waved him off, “I can park and walk back myself. You need to get some rest before you end up falling asleep. I know how you get when you’re drunk, T.” Tadashi’s cheeks turned a light red and he managed a small laugh, nodding. “Get some sleep, alright?” 

“Got it. Night, A.” Aether wished him goodnight and Tadashi stepped out of the car, proceeding to slowly walk towards the apartment. Aether’s smile slipped away, she sighing and driving to the parking lot of the apartment to park in her usual spot. 

As soon as the engine was off and the car was properly parked in the right spot, Aether got out with her bag and started walking back. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reunion: A Coalesce Short

Hartfield-Jackson Airport
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
March 2015

“This can be considered our first major investigation,” Tadashi explained. Aether and Peters looked up at him, curious, “Seeing as we’re actually going to another state to help out with the NYPD.” 

“This is great,” Peters leans back and stretches. “I’ll be showing you two how to get around New York. I think you’ll like Bronx. It’s got a lot to explore,” he shared. Tadashi gave a smile and Aether merely listened as the American shared about his home state. “How long are we staying, Tad?”

“For as long as we need, but HQ wants us to be back in two weeks.” he replied. “We’ll be meeting the officer they sent once we arrive. He’ll be the one to bring us to the hotel, where we can rest for the night. Tomorrow, we begin.”

Aether glanced up from the folder in her hands. “Is there someone we should look out for once we get there?” 

Tadashi shook his head. “No definite officer, but we’ll know them when we see them.” At that moment, a voice on the speakers asked for the passengers to get ready, and the man stood up, swinging his carry-on over his shoulder. “That’s the call. Come on, you two. Let’s get ready.”

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

Russ' Updates #066: In Progress

Hello, Darlings!

I apologize for not posting a RussDate last week; I completely forgot that it was Monday and that there was even a RussDate to post in the first place. D: Anyway, I hope you guys are doing well! How are you finding the Launch (and the characters) so far?

"I know I've enjoyed my stay, Russ."
We've got three characters down and have six to go - I hope you guys can keep up and are looking forward to the rest of them. I've got a few things planned for the Launch when I'm done introducing them. Stick around to see what I've got under my sleeve, yeah? ;D

I've got a lot for me this week despite it being my last week of freedom (#nope). Tomorrow's my eighteenth birthday, and for this Saturday, I'll be celebrating with my friends. Don't worry, though - I'll do my best to make sure that everything sticks to schedule. You can expect a new character banner in a couple of hours!

"It feels so good to be back."
That's all for this week's RussDate! I'm not going to post the Posts to Expect list to keep the character order a surprise, hehe. I hope you guys keep sticking around. <3 Enjoy the week! 

Mathieu: A Coalesce Fanmix

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Encounter: A Coalesce Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2014

“You sure you can take this from here, Aether?”

Oh God.

Mathieu’s eyes flickered towards the tall American who was busy rounding up some of the men who had been bothering him earlier. “This one seems pretty flighty. I’d take Tadashi if I were you.” The other man with them nodded and approached the woman (supposedly named Aether), but she shook her head. The gun was still aimed in his direction.

“I’m good. I think you’ll need the extra help, Pete.” She cast a blank look towards the men who were silent, “Might need to discipline them a bit more.”

“Alright. Come back soon, we’ll be sticking around to make sure these guys get what they deserve.” Mathieu swallowed and shifted nervously against the wall behind him. Eyes watched as the ones named Pete and Tadashi left with the men, and the woman named Aether turned to him with a tired-looking expression.

“Were they harassing you?”

“I…you can say that,” he managed. Shit. Shit. Okay, I can handle this. Just use some of your acting skills. “They were saying shit about me being the guy who attacked their leader a month ago,” Mathieu admitted, telling the truth, “but I hardly even recognize them at all.”

She lowered the gun. Okay, that’s better. Better look at her than look into the barrel of a fucking firearm. “…they said that you attacked their leader?”

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Offering: A Coalesce Short

Mathieu’s Apartment
San Francisco, CA
United States of America
February 2012

“So, you mind telling me how you got banged up like that?”

“Jesus Christ…it’s a long story,” Kang Jin-ho groaned. He held the ice pack to his head and looked at the man who had saved him, who was currently making a drink for both of them. “Thank you, by the way. Never got to know your name after staying here and borrowing your ice pack.”

From the counter, the man gave a small chuckle. Jin-ho estimated that this guy was in his early twenties, despite what seemed to be his large frame initially. Then again, there was a chance that he was slightly concussed and the dark never really did do favors for anybody. “Mathieu Silvestre. Just call me Mathieu. And yours?”

“Kang Jin-ho. Though I doubt the name’s familiar,” he added the last part as an afterthought and cringed as the icepack hit a relatively sore spot. “Fuck.”

“Still aching?”

“Unfortunately.” Jin-ho glanced as Mathieu approached them both with what appeared to be two cups of tea, and the redheaded male pushed the steaming cup towards him. “Tea?”

“It’s what helps me,” Mathieu shrugged as he lifted the cup to his lips. He paused before speaking, “Unless alcohol is more your style?”

“It is on most days.” Jin-ho set down the icepack before taking the tea, “But this seems to work as much.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016

Warming Up: A Coalesce Short

Hartfield-Jackson Airport
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
August 2010

“She’s going to be there around eight thirty or nine, I’m not too sure. I heard was delayed for some time.” Eri explained to him over the phone. Tadashi nodded slowly, sitting nearby and waiting for the crowd of people to suddenly gather. “Where are you now, Sato?”

“Where the family members and friends wait for the passengers,” he replied. He could almost hear Eri rolling her eyes from the other end of the line. “Arrivals hall, Eri. Arrivals hall.”

“Okay…well, just shoot me a text when you’ve got her so that I can update the higher-ups about it. What are you planning?”

“Get her something nice to eat or some coffee if she’s a little drowsy,” Tadashi admitted. “Flying takes a toll on you. I know that well.”

“Warming up already, Sato?”

“I’m taking her under my wing. I’m going to have to be concerned for next couple of years,” he explained. Tadashi heard Eri’s laugh and shook his own head before the woman ended the call. He pocketed his phone and glanced around before checking his watch, sighing to himself.

It would be some time before the new girl would arrive.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Stability: A Coalesce Graphic

They say that he's been a little unstable since losing his old team.
...his new one? God, he's too protective over all of them.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Launching: Coalesce

Good evening, Darlings! It's finally happening! :'D

"Finally! That took a such a long time-"
Well Darlings, I guess this is finally it. Welcome to January 2016, otherwise known as Coalesce's official launch month. In lieu of celebrating my eighteenth birthday with another week/monthlong celebration, I decided to instead celebrate it through launching my newest project.

You may be wondering what exactly this Coalesce is, especially having seen shorts and graphics about it these past months. If you click the Read More down there, I'll happily explain what it's about and why I decided to put up a launch for it! It's a pretty long explanation and there's a lot of text colors, so hold on tight.