Thursday, April 4, 2013

Flipside: The Impossible Belt

Hello, and good evening to you all! As you may have seen, I recently posted an entry entitled The Impossible Belt, which spawned from a challenge given by Giselle. The challenge was simply this: to portray the 2p!Shoujo Parallels. Particuarly, the XDees. She let me choose only four to depict, but for some reason, I ended up choosing six. In this blog post, I'll be explaining those characters, what's happening and whatnot - so, click the read more for more information!

In The Impossible Belt, six girls are showcased in their fourth year of high school. These characters include Arzen Venura, Therese Ramos, Beatrice Amor, Gabrielle Angeles, Elaine Rivers, and Ryel Tunes. Originally, I had intended for it to be the same group (except for Gabrielle and Ryel), but for some reason, fate had made me add these two into the mix of it.

The following will be the changed identities and such. 

  • Arzen Venura -> Arizona Adler   
  • Therese Ramos -> Keiko Umai
  • Beatrice Tamora -> Chloe Vanto 
  • Elaine Rivers -> Margaret Clarico 
  • Ryel Tunes -> Davi Kolesnik  
  • Gabrielle Angeles -> Grace Erudit
The whole naming process was pretty easy (but will not be explained), it was the plot I had difficulty with. Eventually, I settled for what I wrote and then finished it. First question's first: why the hell did I choose different names for the characters? Truthfully, I ask myself the same thing. But here is my answer: when it comes to 2p, my personal perception is the original character's opposite self, except portrayed as if the original self did not exist in the first place. This perception of mine was taken from where the whole idea of 1p and 2p originated - Axis Powers Hetalia. Himaruya Hidekaz states somewhere (correct me if I'm wrong) that he had designed the 2p as if the whole original characters did not exist in the first place. I draw my inspiration from there.

So with new characters comes new names. Another fun fact is that I chose Arizona Adler without much thought, and only put some research into Keiko Umai and the rest. Again, I won't really showcase how I pick the's my own personal style that I won't really reveal for now. 

Next, comes the differences. What the bleeding hell are the differences of, say, Arzen Venura and Arizona Adler? Honestly, that's for you to decide. But in case there are confused people out there, I'm going to put in a bit of information regarding that.

First up, Arzen Venura is someone I depict as not academically strong. She's alright, but nothing special compared to Therese Ramos or Megan Alando or Maxine Ride. Arzen focuses more on the creative strengths of herself. Aside from that, she's someone who freely showcases her emotions without any care in the world. So in contrast, Arizona Adler is someone who is everything Arzen seemingly isn't - academically gifted and unusually stoic. Aside from that, well, she's quite the girl in the level. 

Therese Ramos, mentioned as the academically gifted, doesn't really like sports as I know the real Therese in real life. I changed her up as Keiko, grinning and wild - almost like Arzen Venura. Keiko Umai is a varsity player, hailed as one of the best. She was seen in the story with a volleyball and in sports gear, along with Grace Erudit, known as the Gabrielle Angeles of the original Shoujo. 

Grace, although not as depicted, was also seen as a teasing girl with a flare for sports. 

Next up, Chloe Vanto and Davi Kolesnik - otherwise known as Beatrice Amor and Ryel Tunes. Both of these ladies, let me say, are brutal in real life. Bundles of energy as well, they're reduced into usually mild-mannered females. Chloe Vanto, if I may, was portrayed as a hipster. Those hipsters with the Starbucks and the tumblr and the 'mainstream is out' mindset? Yes, that is Chloe Vanto the 2p. Meanwhile, Ryel Tunes, aggressive and knowing what she wants, is instead a little hesitant and wary, even quite girly if noticed. An unmentioned fact in the story is that Davi is taller than Chloe - compared to the Shoujo word, Beatrice is instead taller and Davi smaller. 

Finally, Elaine Rivers or Margaret Clarico. Compared to Grace, I'm not quite sure which one I've had the hardest time depicting. Margaret is seen as Arizona's associate. Compared to the real life in which the real Elaine Rivers and I are quite close, Margaret and Arizona are connected through simple common interests. Margaret would be someone in the norm.

Next up - cliques. Will be pretty short form here. 

Chloe and Davi, both 'hipsters' had a dislike for the 'jocks', Keiko and Grace. 
Keiko and Grace, 'jocks', would be considered well known just like Margaret and Arizona. 

Anyone notice that they're not a group and only know each other through common interest? Think about it.

If I would have made the short longer (why call it a short then), it would be showed that they would be considered popular. Which in the real world...well, I think you can make the connection from there. 

So long story short, the whole belt is what Arzen considers impossible. It would have been a dream or not, some kind of premonition, or could have happened that was left unexplained. I don't know. 

At the ending, Arzen herself is accompanied by Eri - her Parallel. God knows if I'm breaking and bending rules or such, but Arzen pretty much was curious about another world. So Eri brought her to that belt, and with her own eyes, she witnessed how different it could be. And she hated it. Therefore, she asked Eri to take her back to her universe in which she belonged, not wanting to see any more from what seemed to be impossible in the first place.

Getting on a little personal level now, it seems kind of weird to think of the exact opposite of what you can possibly be. You can be someone you won't even imagine or someone you wonder how the hell are they the opposite from you. All in all, as Arzen showed, she wasn't ready to see that kind of reality. She saw it as horrid and asked Eri to take her back, because it wasn't something she could even think of just yet. 

Even I would see it as pretty messed up. *shrugs* But that's just me. 

TLDR; the short showed what could have been - and that Arzen bloody well hated it. I would too.

So with that ends the very first Behind the Scenes post I've made regarding a story...more may be coming soon and I hope you enjoyed as well as understood this mess I've written. *sips juice*

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