Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2,000 page views??

The date is April 23, 2013.
As of 8:30PM (UTC + 8), my blog has reached...
Two thousand page views.
Are you all kidding me?!
Seriously, thank you all so much.
To those just passing by for a glance to those who regularly view my blog,
I would like to sincerely and happily thank every single one of you.
I wouldn't have made it to two thousand without all of you guys, and for that,
I am grateful and thankful to have such wonderful people reading, passing by.
So yes, a toast to all of you!
I really hope you guys enjoy what you're reading, no matter how random or serious.
I hope that you'll continue reading whatever I post. Wow. This is hard to take in. XD
So, once more, thank you so much.
I'll be posting much, much more soon.
*sends you all cyber-hugs and cyber-kisses and cyber-cookies*

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