Sunday, April 28, 2013

I'm planning! ...somehow.

Good afternoon, guys! Here's a non-lit slash announcement post from me, regarding this blog's upcoming anniversary. To be honest, I'm really not sure on what to do for my blog's anniversary, except for a few things here and there. By the way, the date is on August 25, 2013. So what do I have planned? Two things as of now.

Chace is laughing at my lack of planning. Thanks, mate.

1. Layout Changing: Yes, I'm going to change the layout and whatnot of this blog. It's actually going to be harder than changing my blog over at tumblr, and I'm wondering what I'm supposed to pick, what color schemes I'm going to apply, so on and so forth. One thing is certain, though: it's not going to be pink anymore. Aside from the layout, the banner on top is going to be changed as well! So in a few months, we'll be saying goodbye to the blonde Zooey Deschanel and hello to a possibly new banner with my "blog mascots" featured on it.
If anyone's wondering, my mascots are the darling Zooey Deschanel, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, and Chace Crawford. The faces are a little inside joke with another friend and I. c: They aren't heavily featured, but you may notice them whenever I post a GIF here or there whenever I post.
2. URL Changing: Yes, just like the layout - 4ri-anne will no longer be used when the anniversary comes. But to avoid confusion with the new blog name, I'll be using a spare blog to redirect readers who accidentally stumble across 4ri-anne to the new blog. That, or I can post in advance the URL I'll be using. Whichever floats my boat.
Yes, I only have those two planned. Forgive me.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm even going to do a giveaway. First because I don't know what to give, and second because I don't want to have a winner and have the gifts lost in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. Third because... (looks at followers list) Yep. Haha!
So if any of you guys have suggestions for what I can do for the anniversary, comment your suggestions. I'll look through them and hopefully, I can make some arrangements. Oh yes, and the Royal Flush blog's anniversary is on October 28! I don't think I'll be changing some major things, just a few tweaks here and there. I like the banner + layout a lot.

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