Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flipside: Three Hearts Gone

Good evening, dear readers! This will be a short Behind the Scenes post regarding my latest post, entitled "Three Hearts Gone". It was actually an OTP challenge given to me by Giselle Elaine, and the challenge was to use the following word as a prompt or whatever: doomsday.
The first thing that came to my mind was the Doomsday episode portrayed in the 2005 revival of the Doctor Who series. I had originally planned to make just two shorts regarding the theme given, but I thought, why not kill my feelings and make it three? The third one is currently being written, but I don't think I'll be posting Doomsday II and III here on this blog.
So what happened in Doomsday I?
It was basically my OTP recreating the famous and heart-wrenching scene in Doomsday, featuring Matt as the Doctor and Arianne as Rose Tyler. Instead of Rose's family back in the Parallel Earth, I made it Peters, Jean, and other characters - characters who were instead, apparently employees at Torchwood. I'd like to think that Samuel posed as the Mickey to Arianne's Rose, except without them being exes.
So, the whole thing was a Doctor Who x Death Note x OC short. And all of it was very painful. No major changes were made, if you were to look at it. And I left out the famous beach scene at the end of the episode, which had the Tenth Doctor's (apparent) famous last words to Ms. Tyler. And that was another scene that tore my heart out. Who knows, I might make a follow up to it soon enough~ (that is, if I can actually take it.)
Just a tidbit, here's the reason why I made the title "Three Hearts Gone".
The Doctor has two hearts, right?
Two hearts of the Doctor + One heart of the female companion = three hearts.
I think you'd understand the "gone" part, yes?
ALSO. Originally, I intended for it to be an Author x Character short, but changed it at the end. Hence her mannerism towards the Doctor being quite...out of character. Hah.

Well, that's it - I'll go try and fix my feels now.

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