Monday, April 1, 2013

"Let the Sky fall."

The Shoujo Parallels: Eri
“Let the Sky fall.”

She took her pistols out, facing the other side of the battlefield. There stood a smirking Celeste and an irritated Alpha, but Eri wasn’t even paying attention to them. She had her green eyes on the one in the center, the one with a brandished sword that bore an orange hilt and dark gems. She gripped her weapons tighter as Amaya turned to look at her, her own eyes stoic and emotionless, warriors behind her. From her sides, she could feel Cissa and Lisa’s tension and in that moment the truth hit her.

They were in war, and it was lose-lose situation for them. If she would win with her comrades, there would be a possibility these past friends of hers would rot in jail or be buried in the soil. If they lost, then she would either be dead or kicked out with her family. She grit her teeth, maintaining her stare with Amaya. Silence filled the air and no one dared to move.

It was only Cissa’s deafening yell that initiated the battle.


Daggers flew and immediately blasts of harsh air and sunlight came from her side, knocking them down. It was an alarm, a trigger that ran through their minds as they charged towards the enemy side. Running with her team and leaving all traces of kindness behind, she reverted into who she was raised to be – a warrior. She was warrior who never hesitated to kill, a fighter who stripped off all compassion to defend her home and her family.

She shot and didn’t spare a second look as the opposing warriors fell one by one, dying a painless death with a bolt to the heart. Their eyes glazed with determination to defend and protect for their own good, a reason she was forgetting with the second that ticked. She attacked and was attacked, fought and defended as she went mercilessly against the opposing side.

Bang, went the sound of her pistol as she shot. Bang, bang, bang.

She heard a horrified scream but didn’t pause to turn.

Running and ducking, she had no idea what was happening to the others. Her mind was set on victory, and victory was what she wanted, victory was what was entrusted to her. Storms were cast and people fell, sun fought the clouds, and soon enough, lightning would collide against the sky.

“Lightning would collide against the sky,” she mused. A young girl turned to the other, wrinkling her nose. “Don’t you think?”

“What, are you predicting something?”

“No, I’m just thinking.” The first of them hugged her knees and gazed up at the blue sky, pursing her lips in thought. “Is your family training you?”

“Yeah.” She shrugged. “Too early, if you ask me.”

The brunette chuckled.

“You never really know, Eri.”

She never thought that it would end like this.

She ducked and aimed her pistol just as the other woman thrust her sword, their eyes meeting like at the beginning of the battle. Her mind swarmed with dozens of memories that she fought to keep out. Immediately did lightning strike on the field, causing many of the soldiers to gaze up in fright. Traces of the storm, clouds, and sun disappeared, with the electric green lightning fighting against the sky in an attempt to free itself.

“Stop her,” Celeste hissed to Alpha, who took out her own sword and fought her way through the crowd. Lisa saw and immediately rushed after her, bow and arrow in her hand as she aimed to stop the woman who could kill the one who would most likely stop the mess in the first place.

This left Cissa and Celeste meeting gazes, both of them jumping back and taking out their weapons. Without any further thought, they charged towards each other with the intention to defeat.

Lisa ran after Alpha, sunlight blinding the people around. Gritting her teeth, she attempted to grab for the smaller girl but Alpha ran quicker, planning to charge up at the two warriors in the air. Lisa hurled a ball of sunlight towards Alpha, making the latter crash down and scream as the former caught her, struggling to keep the woman in her tight grip.

Suspended in the air were Amaya and Eri, Sky matriarch supported with a mix of clouds from Alpha and the Lightning matriarch with a storm rumbling under her feet. At the sight of Amaya nearly stumbling due to Alpha’s fall, Eri ran with her pistol, preparing to shoot. At a split second, Amaya saw and flipped back, this time supported by Celeste’s storm clouds that rumbled from her feet. The bolt of lightning missed her, and Eri seethed with irritation as she aimed once more.

Wind fought against water as Celeste and Cissa fought neck-to-neck, weapons clashing and their soldiers fighting by them. Away were Alpha and Lisa, Alpha fighting to be free and Lisa fighting to keep the woman from harming her friend. The battle waged on.

At the end, there was no clear victor.

Both sides considered themselves ‘lost’.

* * * * * * * * * *

Horrified at this possibility, Eri Blitzschnell jerked her hand away from the prophetess. Her body shook, and her companions stared at her in shock. “E-Eri?” Lisa put a hand on her friend’s shoulder, staring as the prophetess merely bowed her head and mumbled words under her breath while clasping a rope of beads.

“Eri, what did you see?!”

A few seconds passed and she finally looked up, unable to say a single word to either of them and instead just pushing a small pouch of coins to the prophetess before spinning around and walking off.

The collision of lightning and sky…

Eri pursed her lips.

Who was she to doubt the sight of a Sky Prophetess?

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