Thursday, August 28, 2014

Unattainable Desires

"What do you want? What do you really desire for yourself?"
"I want to change . To become someone new. I want to become someone else."

Monday, August 25, 2014

Meraki: A Fanmix Yourself Meme

Inspired by: x
Listen || Download

Happy Second Blogsary!

We did it, darlings!

Happy Second Blogsary! *throws a multitude of confetti everyfreakingwhere* Wow. I never thought that I'd be managing this kind of blog until now - and it's been two years! 

From someone who just posted the weirdest stuff two years ago, I'm doing graphics, playlists, the occasional rant and review, and even stories that people somehow like to read. Hell, I'm even coming up with my own projects and putting them here for the world to see.

Basically, I want to thank you all for supporting me throughout this. Let's be real - without you guys, I wouldn't actually be here on blogspot, typing this long message. I know people say that views don't matter - I've been telling myself that since day one - but it's one of the things that drive me, something that pushes me to keep posting and whatnot because there's actually people who read my stuff. 

And that means a lot. Really, it does. It's one of the most amazing feelings, to see that people are interested through simple monitoring of pageviews. Even just one browse through the front page of my blog is enough to send me to ecstasy. Basically, thank you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for continuing to read, browse, support and what not. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

I've got two more posts to go, and I might save them for tomorrow. Who knows? ;) 

Thank you so much, darlings. I love you all. xoxo

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Archetypes: XD to the XD Power

 Archetypes represent fundamental human motifs of our experience 
as we evolved; consequentially, they evoke deep emotions. || x

(Click on the pictures to zoom in!)

The Purest Tear: A Request Prompt

“You just have one more tear to go,” he told her. Arzen nodded uneasily. Eyes scanning her briefly, the pair walked into the hospital.

Arzen only had a limited amount of time left. She knew that. The pocket watch that Nikolai had given her was blazing, unbelievably hot that she had asked to Nikolai to keep it for her. The brunette agreed to do so, and it merely hung off his neck.

Nikolai, on the other hand, was surprised at her progress. At first miffed that she had to get tears from those that weren’t her family, she had managed to collect them (although with pain throughout the journey). It had taken her days to get over a few select betrayals. At first, he wondered if she was going to give up after suffering such pain.

After all, physical pain was nothing compared to that of emotional. He knew that well.

So when she told him that she was finally ready to collect the last tear, he asked if she was sure.

“The more you get hurt, the less motivated you’ll get,” he had warned her. Arzen looked down. There she was, in a fresh shirt and shorts, the wavy hair of the person she taken over damp from bathing. “You don’t have to keep doing this to youself.”

After spending more than thirty days with Arzen, he had somehow learned to care for her.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of Arzen herself – or because she took the form of a girl he had learned to care for as well.

Erica Memoire.

“I’m not going to get hurt,” she told him. Quietly. He didn’t believe her. He had seen how she cried bitterly upon learning that a select number of her ‘friends’ actually didn’t care for her at all. He witnessed her anger, her sadness – everything.

Just as a Scheduler would always see.

Silvicutrix: Amina

"They say she appears even until now. If you sit in a forest and listen to the birds singing?
She'll come by and start singing with them. And you wouldn't even know."

Friday, August 22, 2014

Unidentified Savior: A Backstory Short

A Few Years Prior
Post-Kira Era
Tokyo, Japan

Kenichi still had a hard time managing his company.

His father had passed only a few years back. Even though he had graduated with a business degree and worked just for the experience, suddenly being shoved to the topmost seat from struggling to finish his resume made it all seem unrealistic. Inheriting riches? The Matsumoto Manor? He suddenly felt like wanting to return to the past, drinking coffee at 4AM and finishing his term paper.

Even post-death he still thought if he really deserved the position. Yes, he had studied abroad throughout his college years. So what? It wasn't such a big deal to him as much as suddenly leading a multi-dollar company that once rivaled Yotsuba. All of a sudden, he had advertisements to approve and people to hire. There were meetings to attend, lawyers to argue and agree with, papers from court to sign and check, wills to listen to...

In all of that, he didn't realize that he had forgotten to have the driver fetch him from work.

Which was why he was walking home.

Sure, there were taxis and buses. But he didn't want to risk getting inside one and end up mugged or thrown into the middle of nowhere - just as people were exaggerating nowadays.

Who would do that? This is Tokyo, he thought sullenly as he walked. Even with that, he resolved to walking. Besides, walking was healthy. He told himself that firmly. Walking would get him into better shape, better form.

Walking...walking would let him think.

Apotheosis: For the Arzens of the Main Belts

"I  want to achieve the highest form of perfection."
Alpha || Beta || Gamma || Delta

All For the Girl: A Request Prompt

Beta Belt
The Otherworld

Luxuria’s eyes gleamed as he looked the man over.

“This will be fun,” he remarked. Roots sprung up from the ground beneath them and shackled Mathias, his ice-blue eyes widening in shock. “Come here to rescue your girl?”

“Don’t make me mad,” he spat. Luxuria could only chuckle as he watched Mathias struggle with the roots, a few more starting to climb up his legs. “I’m warning you–”

A vine covered his mouth, silencing him. The Setomion yawned.

“It’s nothing personal. You have to do what you’re told to do,” he remarked. “And sadly, this was an order addressed. Besides, I have no interest in her. Invidia might.” With that, he saw Mathias’ eyes flash a dangerous shade and the Setomion frowned.

Stop him from getting her back.

That was what was instructed to him.

Arzen Venura was contained a room away, and the door to that room was just behind Luxuria. To get to that room, he would have to beat Luxuria. For the time being, he decided to taunt his opponent a bit – to gauge a reaction and test his limits.

Bored, he glanced at the vines wrapping around Mathias’ legs. “She has good memories of you.”

This made his head snap up.

“The first time she saw you, she could hardly believe that you were real.” He said slowly, closing his eyes and thinking of the memories he had managed to break into. “And then she saw you. Again,” a heavy root wrapped around his torso, “And again,” another around his arms, “And again.”

Mathias sucked in a sharp breath. A vine, this time, had started to squeeze.

Right around his neck.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

We Must Do Better: Female OCs

- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Fashion Mishaps: A Request Prompt

“No.” Peters’ face fell.

“No? But – why not?”

He didn’t understand, really. Peters thought he was doing well with J. He had the flowers, made sure to not smoke in front of her, opened the doors like he usually did. The man peeked at his armpits. Maybe he was sweating heavily or something. Figures. When you were asking the most amazing lady on a date, the sweat glands would really get down.

“Peters, I refuse to go on a date with someone who wears that,” J snarled.

He spluttered, “But what the fuck’s wrong with wearing ombre?”

That question alone irritated her more. He cringed as she turned a slight red (not quite suitable with her pale complexion) and opened her mouth to speak, spitting venomous words at him a mile a minute.

“Those things are so goddamned ridiculous. You left me in permanent disarray because I wondered if you were stupid enough to wear a shirt that was half-wet to work today. Do you know how distracting that thing is?” she growled, and Peters gulped upon seeing the intensity of her glare. “Dark grey and light grey. You’re such a fucking idiot for even buying that – the thing looks wetter than–”

She stopped upon having him cover her mouth, J realizing that they were outside the offices. But she bit his finger and he yelped, she continuing her rant as if nothing happened.

“Disgusting – wetter than a beer soaked in condensation, you pig-brained shit!” She glared at the American who cradled his finger and folded her arms over her chest. “So, no. I’m not going on a date with you at all.”

“Just because of the shirt!?”

“Figure it out,” she snapped, and retreated back inside. Peters stood in the middle of the area, looking confused (and feeling confused, most definitely) as well as irritated just because of a petty reason like that.

Because of the shirt.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mind Over Matter: A Request Prompt

A’s Office – Headquarters
Tokyo, Japan

Olsen hummed as he walked around the office, sipping from his paper cup. He didn’t really know why others preferred coffee over tea – tea was much healthier, more energizing than the damned bean water. He tried defending his case to Peters, but the American shot him a look from his own cup of black.

So he scampered away, slightly dejected but amused at the same time. His footsteps slowed to a stop as he reached a familiar lady’s office, and he smiled to himself before knocking.

“Daily reminder to not drink during work,” he sang. Usually, he would receive a snarky reply and he’d laugh as he walked inside to visit her. Those happened on usual days – even if she were swamped with cases.

But she didn’t reply at all. So he knocked once again, and he eventually heard a mumbled answer. Upon stepping inside, the first thing he noticed was the tissues that were discarded quickly.

And her eyes were red around the edges.

“You look awfully sad this morning,” the brunette commented. A blinked and looked up at Olsen, who attempted at a smile as he raised his cup of tea to her. Where he got the tea, she didn’t quite know. “Would you like a cuppa? I can get you some in the shop nearby,” he offered.

A wanted to decline, to tell him that everything was fine.

 Peters poked in his head, smelling of nicotine. The scent of it made her clench her fists under the desk. “Take a break, A. Touta asked me to tell you that.” Olsen studied her worriedly and A sighed loudly, grabbing for her bag and rising from her desk.

“Fine. I’ll go out.” Without waiting for either of the men, she stormed out of her office, leaving the two men flabbergasted on what had just occurred. Narrowing his eyes, Peters turned to Olsen.

“…I don’t understand what’s wrong with her,” the Brit muttered, but Peters merely shook his head.

“Go after her, Sawyer. Best not leave her by herself.”

“Why not you?”

Peters merely shook his head.

“Trust me; she needs someone else right now.”

Monday, August 18, 2014

Insecurities: A Request Prompt

He paced back and forth in his room. Gnawed on lips brushed against themselves roughly and he felt his palms dampen as he looked at the clock located in the living room. 

It was nearly eve.

His three older brothers and mother had gone out, leaving him alone back in the manor. Nathaniel rubbed his weary eyes and sat down on the couch, the seventeen-year-old male trying not to think of his looming anxiety that would come when she visited him on that day.

Ambrosine Gregory.

He had met Ambrosine years ago when her family had moved in a few houses away. Nathaniel, being the most sheltered of the four siblings, became curious and begged his older brother to sneak him out. With that, the fourteen-year-old boy caught a sight of long hair swishing as a female stepped into the house, her features blank and eyes blue as the sea. 

He found himself speechless.

Days later, Ambrosine had knocked on their door and their mother answered. He listened from the stairs, hearing an alluringly sweet voice which rang throughout the whole manor. Nathaniel peeked downstairs; he saw his mother with a smile stuck on her face as Ambrosine offered gifts.

Which he found odd, because it was supposed to be the other way around. But nevertheless, he listened on and ended up nearly tripping down the stairs if not for his eldest brother.

And that was when Ambrosine saw him for the first time.

Launching: Blogsary Week

Hello, darlings! Guess who's back?

I'm alive and I've honestly never felt more relieved.
Yes, it's just what the title says! I'm back - and I'm here to officially launch the week long celebration for the Second Blogsary! *throws confetti* After the disaster that was the UPCAT and QT Week, I've finally gotten some time to post and start celebrations - as early as today.

I've decided that I won't be doing the kind of thing were I do unlimited posting on the day itself. Instead of that, I chose to have a week long kind of thing were it's just update galore. 8D

Right after this post, I'll be posting the first in a series. Basically for the week long celebration, I've asked a few of my friends to give me writing requests - whatever they wanted to request - and I've compiled around seven of them. From today until Wednesday, I'll try to post at least two per day. Come Thursday, that's when I'll start going nuts with the posting. 

I hope you guys are excited, because I really am as well! <3 Two years is a really big thing, an amazing thing come to think of it - and I want to celebrate with you guys. All of you are the reason why I even decided to celebrate in the first place. So from this early on, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Mush aside, let the posts (and whatnot) begin!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Elan: Calor

"One minute and he's admiring the beauty of the flames.
Another passes, and he's relishing in destruction."

Friday, August 15, 2014

Better With You: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short


Alpha Belt
Venura Residence
August 2014

“Doing okay?”

She sucked in a breath. “Yeah. Okay. Definitely better.” Miles let a small smirk curve his lips upwards; seeing Arianne flustered (despite the gravity of the oncoming situation) amused him. But he couldn’t actually blame her for being fidgety and nervous.

He knew that she had been studying for the past months and wondered how she was able to carry it all – school work, extracurricular work, and then the tutoring. The second Game of Thrones book was left discarded on her bed. She had promised to read it when she had time, but she hadn’t even peeked at the backmost portion which contained the lineage of various characters.

“–and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I failed the exam,” she flustered. Miles blinked and looked at her. Arianne was pacing, eyes lit with fear as she walked back and forth across her room. She pivoted on a heel and turned, walking to the door, to the window and back. “I just want it over with. As soon as possible. I don’t even know why I was put in the last batch,” she groaned.

Miles quirked a dark eyebrow. “Perhaps you’re worrying too much. It might be a sign.”

“A sign?”

“That an extra day is being given so you can calm your nerves.” He stood up and walked to her, gently pushing her back to her own bed. “Please do calm down. Write. Read. Do what you want and don’t think of the exam just yet. You’ve prepared enough,” Hopefully, he added in his head, “And remember what Sir Andrej said. Just relax.”

When she still didn’t look sure of herself, he pursed his lips and sat next to her. “You’re one of the most intellectually stimulating I know, Venura. A different kind of intellect,” he added. She looked befuddled. “You see things. You understand them. You apply it. If you believe you’re not intelligent at all, then I might have to shake some sense into you,” he joked.

But she still looked hesitant to accept all of that.

He knew that she was still thinking.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hell Week 2.0: QT Edition

Good evening, darlings!

For the second time since June started, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to be on a mini-hiatus once more. Exam Season starts today and ends (albeit unofficially) this Thursday; to make it even heavier, I've got my first College Entrance Test coming up this Sunday.

I'm terrified, to be honest.
In case you guys are curious about which exam it is, it's the CET of the University of the Philippines (also known as my second choice college). I've been studying since summer, actually, given the review and all. So as much as possible, I'll be balancing studying for Quarterly Exams and the UPCAT until Friday. I might post on Saturday since I plan to spend the day before the CET in peace.

Additionally, it's not just me that's going to be taking it! Please do pray (or keep in your thoughts if you're not religious) for Rothie, who's going to be taking the same CET on Saturday.

Sidenote: If anyone's curious which courses I applied for, my first choice is English Studies and my second is AB Psychology. Quite unusual, but those two are what struck a chord in me. OwO

That's all for now! See you all this Saturday. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sick Days: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

Mathias had leaned his head on her shoulder on the way home.

Arzen flushed suddenly. In front, her mother glanced at them from the mirror and frowned at the sight of Mathias.

“Touch his forehead.” And she did.

It was burning.

“He’s too warm.”

She wanted to avoid awkward sentences like “he’s too hot” because God forbid.

“Have him rest when he gets home. You can just bring up his homework tomorrow.” Arzen nodded, taking her hand away but not quite moving his head away from her shoulder.

It didn’t feel right to do that.

When they had reached home and parked the car, she nudged him softly. “Mathias? We’re here.”

He awoke with a small groan and she felt her face redden for the nth time.

“Come on, we have to get out.”

“A few minutes,” he muttered. Arzen had no choice but to move away, prompting him to wake up. 

She carried his belongings back inside the house.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Where the Heart Is: An OTP Short

The Road Back Home
Tokyo, Japan

Kenichi had offered to drive back.

Matt fidgeted in his seat. Behind them, the trees vanished and soon, the winding road turned from curvy to straight. Various gasoline stations began appearing. The radio was on and it was seven in the evening; classics played out and he dimly heard Kenichi singing from the drivers’ seat.

“And the road just goes on and on and on…”

The ginger barely blinked as he looked at his phone every few seconds, flicking to the right as picture after picture appeared.

“I’m on my way, way back home.”

The pictures showed the same face. Kenichi caught him wistfully stroking the screen and cleared his throat after singing, making the other man look up. A quick finger changed the station. Instead of oldies, a radio DJ was happily reporting the day’s events. He turned the volume down.

“Are you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid,” Matt replied, drawing his eyes away from the gadget. “Just apprehensive.”

Biting back a witty retort, Kenichi nodded and kept his eyes on the road. It was unusually empty for Saturday night, but he decided not to complain any further as he drove. He listened as Matt continued.

“I’m rarely afraid. It’s just…I don’t know what’s going to happen once I get there.”

“Hope for the best.”

“I’m trying to.”

“Matt, she isn’t going to throw you out–”

“But what if she does?”

The Prats of the Universe V1.0

"It's funny how the best and worst of us end up with the same fate."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Brotherly Bonding: A Headcanon Short

Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Ethon lazily flicked the hair out of his eyes as the edge of his lips twitched to a smile.


“Older brother,” he greeted cheerfully. The temperature, Ammon thought, had gotten warmer. The pale-eyed male loosened his scarf, making the younger chuckle in an amused manner. “Sorry ‘bout that. Do you want me to lessen the heat?”

“No, I’m fine.” Ethon snapped his fingers and a chair instantly appeared, Ammon taking a seat without a glance back. “I assume you received my message?”

“Your little darlings painted it in the air for me,” the other drawled. “I can still see the outline, if I squint.” Ethon was right – Ammon glanced outside, and he could see traces of white floating in the twilight sky. Ethon gave a wolfish grin. “I’d rather it fade away. I wouldn’t want to waste such beauty.” Ammon couldn’t help but hold back a smirk as Ethon glanced up, gesturing for his companion to leave the room.

The older male watched curiously as the fiery-haired lady bowed and stepped out without a moment’s worth of complaint, closing the door behind her and leaving the two siblings alone in Ethon’s private chambers. A table had appeared with a pitcher of a dark-colored liquid inside and two glasses beside. 

“Yes, beauty.” Ethon’s eyes lingered on the door before he looked back at Ammon, the grin mellowing into a faint smile. “Thank you for finally coming, Ammon. I really do appreciate it. Now,” he poured himself and his brother a drink, “Why did you decide to talk?”