Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Let Me In: A Relationship Short

A’s House
Tokyo, Japan


“Do you honestly like it?”

A raised a brow at Touta’s question. “What kind of question is that?”

“A normal one.” He watched as the woman took yet another drink from her glass, his own bottle untouched. “A…”

“I like drinking,” she answered carefully, “Because it numbs everything. You learn to cope. To temporarily forget about things. And it’s a strangely blissful feeling, as ignorant as it seems.”

Touta gave a long, heavy sigh.

“What’s more relieving, A? To tell everything, or to waste away?”

She sent him a harsh look, her eyes flashing dangerously. “Why are you–?”

“Just answer me.”

The half-German took a deep breath. “Why even trust when they’ll just leave? Why hurt yourself? I’d rather chip away,” her grip on the glass tightened, “and leave unhurt, than to let everyone in and have them leave eventually.”

He reached for her. She flinched. “Just let me in.”

“No.” A shut her eyes, “No. No, please. Don’t.”

“What’s wrong with–?”

You’ll just leave like the others did!” she snapped, eyes widening and she covering her mouth much after. A looked shocked with her outburst, unable to look directly at him. Touta thought he saw pain flash in her eyes and instinctively put a hand on her shoulder, feeling her flinch yet again. “Touta…it’s better if you don’t,” she mumbled weakly, her hands falling to her sides.

“But why?”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Russ' Updates #009: Cooling Down

Hi, Darlings!

I’m sorry for another late RussDate – I went to a friend’s birthday + slept over at her house yesterday, so I couldn’t find the time. I brought my laptop, actually…but things happened and I ended up sleeping at 3AM last night, lol.

(Note: I’m probably never social drinking again.)

So what’s up this week?

Well, I’m still on semestral break! It’s been a really great rest so far; it’s the first time I’ve felt relaxed since the start of the year. Despite the fact that I’ve been working on club duties for the past few days, I’m still grateful for the rest. ^_^ I just hope that I’ll be able to survive second sem when it comes.

*me right now -- relax mode on*

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Fanmixes: Miles Gabriel
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP A/Touta Short

[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Slow Down: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina

Fifth grade.

Adri del Riano noticed that Emman Astra’s pace was longer; most likely due to the fact that the Lightning Original was taller than Adri by miles. So whenever the two would walk side by side, Adri would always need to quicken her own steps.

Emman’s walking style was quick, no nonsense. She always managed to make her steps appear sophisticatedly flawless. Adri, on the other hand, merely took her time with a bounce to her step. Clumsy as she was, the heiress was frequently seen with a sprained ankle due to the many accidents that would happen to her.

“E-Emman, hold on,” Adri protested. Emman paused and turned to look at Adri, who was struggling to keep up, limping. Emman frowned deeply, walking back to her and snatching the messenger bag from her grip.

“If you put further strain on it, it’s going to get worse. You should have rested.”

“I couldn’t.” Adri glanced downwards, “I had to submit some other reports, remember? I…I can’t exactly submit anything late.”

Emman looked at her for a moment and then shook her head, slinging Adri’s bag on her free shoulder. As gently as she could, she let Adri lean on her.

“W-What are you doing–”

“Just let me help you until we reach the Multi.”

It had been that way for the rest of their grade school life. Emman would always accompany Adri to her fetching area, and Adri to Emman’s. And every time the two would walk together, Adri would always have to quicken her pace.

Junior year.

The fetching area for bus riders switched from the covered courts to the area near the theater. Due to that, Emman could – sort of – no longer bring Adri to her place, and vice versa.

Yet Adri persisted.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

This Is: Date Night -- An OTP Prompt (2/2)

8:12 PM 
Kinokuniya Bookstore

“So let me get this straight,” Matt said slowly as A rushed around the bookstore with a shopping basket in her hand, “You don’t like not paying for food, insist on getting me prizes at the arcade, but you’re happily letting me spend on books?”

“At least I let you pay for something,” she said, putting her fourth book into the basket. Matt can’t help but smile at that, letting her immerse herself into her own world for a moment.

“I’ll be by the graphic novel section, darling.”

“I’ll come when I’m done,” A replied cheerfully. She heard Matt’s retreating steps and hummed to herself happily, glancing down at the basket and smiling (albeit sheepishly) at the amount of books there already were.

After the arcade, Matt asked A if she’d like to choose their next destination. Without a moment’s worth of hesitation, she answered: Kinokuniya Bookstore.

Matt had watched her practically run to the bookstore, the ponytail she had tied in the car bouncing against her back. Admiring her for a split second, he soon followed and found her later by the fiction section, already with three books in the basket. His girlfriend was beaming, her fingers moving over the embossed cover of the book she held in her hand.

He knew she never had time to read, and during the moments that she did, he left her alone to spend some time with herself. A’s bookshelves back home were practically filled with books to read – from crime novels and Shakespeare to Japanese language guides. He walked in her reading two books at once at one particular event.

“Babe, what are you doing?”

A’s head snapped up, her eyes half-lidded as she tried taking him in. For a moment, she saw nothing but blur and shook her head, eyes readjusting as she looked at him again. “Oh. Um. I’m reading?” she sheepishly held up a thick novel and a Japanese language guide, Matt snorting.

“Jesus, darling. You might strain your eyes.”

“I’m not straining,” she huffed, going back to her books. Matt smirked a little and hung his jacket, unbuttoning his shirt and watching her. He saw her eyes, which squinted a little, and he gave a little amused hum of his own.


“My usual, please.”

Friday, October 24, 2014

(Un)wanted Reunions: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Headquarters

Zachary wanted to shake some sense into her.

“Are you kidding me? Are you honestly kidding me, Adrienne?” he tried to stop himself from yelling, really. But he couldn’t believe that she had just said. “You’re not going there. I’m not allowing you to go there,” he started, feeling the rage start to pool up in his system, “You’re not going to visit Emmanuelle Astra. You’re not.

Adri, on the other hand, felt like yelling herself.

“Who are you to stop me, Zachary?” she demanded.

“As your Watcher, Adrienne, I’m making you stay in your room.”

“You can’t do that. I’m not letting you do that, Zachary.” The girl’s cold silver eyes met his ruby ones, “You may be my Watcher – in more ways than one – but you’re not controlling my actions. I’m not going to let you control my actions like some kind of puppeteer and the marionette.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” the Lava Original spat. “After what I’ve done to protect you, and now you’re just throwing it all away.”

Adri stared at him and took a step backwards, clenching her fists tightly.

“I owe you nothing, Zachary.” She said coldly. “Absolutely nothing. Fine by me if you decide not to be my Watcher anymore. I don’t care.”

The sky lit up for a moment outside – and with that came a large clap of thunder.

With that, she turned on a heel and left him alone in the middle of the hallway.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Heavyset Protection: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm
Sector ACR 4-A, Nuevo Filipina
Del Riano Residence

Adri knew, of course.

His assignment wasn’t stupid. She was anything but stupid. So seeing the look on the Astra’s face was one thing he enjoyed from his visit. If Emmanuelle thought that she had the upper hand, then…she hasn’t seen anything yet.

The only thing he worried about was how she would handle it.

For many years, the del Rianos made their lone daughter believe that she was a Snow Original. And she only found out the truth, the extent of her abilities, only a few weeks to a month ago. It was an accident, a mere accident that he was unable to control.

Sacha Adrienne del Riano found out a bit of information about Operation Verdandi. 

Someone had carelessly left papers and such in the Main Library, where she liked to stay during days where everyone seemed too much. Zachary only found out when the guards rushed towards the area, hearing the words smoke and flame thrown around.

That was when he rushed as well, going from faux-Human to full-pledged Watcher. She was there, in the middle of the room with the paper flaming in her fingers. Sun, he thought. An overly uncontrolled Sun. Outside the del Riano residence, a storm was already going on, with rains and lightning all over. 

“Adri,” he called. “Calm down – just calm down, can you hear me?”

She didn’t reply, the paper burning more and more until it crumbled to ashes. The woman stared at it in horror, then looked at him, her eyes wide. 

They were orange. A burning orange.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Combustion: A Jian Lee Short

Midori Warehouse
Tokyo, Japan

“Jesus fucking Christ. You might as well be an arsonist or something.”

The man smiled grimly as the warehouse was doused, his hands tucked nicely into the pockets of his pants. “When I was told to destroy, I wasn’t exactly instructed how to do so.”

“So you decided to use the most destructive means–”

“Be thankful it wasn’t a bomb I used.”

“Oh yes, a bomb.” His companion snorted. “What, you have contacts for that too?”

Jian Lee shrugged. “I have eyes and ears.” He pulled open his bottle and took a quick swig, his companion eyeing the drink enviously. “Want a sip?”

“I’m trying to remain sober, fuckface.”

“Right, right. Calm your horses.” Jian watched as the men continued spreading alcohol, his hand twitching in his pocket as he rolled around a discreetly-hidden object. “I was simply tasked to do this, see. And be paid quite a generous amount. At least I won’t overtime at Keiji anymore,” he went on, and the man rolled his eyes.

“The bar down the road?”

“Mhm. I love the place to bits. But having to shove out drunken college students gets old fast.” He took yet another sip, “And this is more exciting.”

“So you like breaking the law,” the other deadpanned.

“It’s not breaking if you aren’t caught, my friend.” 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Russ' Updates #008: Viva Seniors

Hi there, guys. Miles here. Aria - Russie isn't feeling so great at the moment, so I'm just going to tell you guys what's up for this week, and I'll be out. Before she kills me for mucking this up.

"Yeah...I'm a little frightened. Just a little."
This week, Russie - and her schoolmates - will be celebrating their annual Intramurals celebration. Basically, they play sports and compete for first place as well as overall champions. Russie isn't actually a player, but a First Aider. For tomorrow and Wednesday, she'll be recovering from exhaustion. *chuckles*

She'll do her best to post as much as she can starting Wednesday night. Hey - her Semester break's coming up really fast, and I know that she's got a lot planned. So expect some posts to flow in by then.
Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short 
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Headcanon Short

"Now, excuse me...I need to check up on her."

Saturday, October 18, 2014

This Is: Date Night -- An OTP Prompt

5:34 PM
September 2014
Reiji Park

“Are you really suggesting that we drink this early?”

“I don’t think ‘early’ is in your dictionary, babe.” Matt roars in laughter as A smacks his shoulder, rolling her eyes. “But really – we can have a drink or two for tonight. You deserve it. You’ve been keeping off for six months,” he reminds her with a small smile on his lips. 

“Doesn’t mean it gets any easier,” she replied, hugging her knees. “If I touch anything tonight, I’ll end up craving the next morning. And it’ll kill me for the next six months. God.” A rubbed her eyes, “You can drink. I’ll just have a coffee.” 

Sighing, Matt nodded and bit into a sandwich he had prepared for the both of them. It was a surprise, really. He picked her up half an hour ago and drove them to the park, telling her that he had the whole night prepared. Honestly, he missed his girl – both of them had been excruciatingly busy for the past two weeks. A had busied herself with work and he had his own duties with Kenichi and the company.

Matt found himself craving her – her mere presence.

“Hey.” He swallowed and inched closer to her, seeing her put down her own sandwich, “If it’s going to send you back, then let’s not. Okay? We can have anything you want. Non-alcoholic drinks. Coffee. Maybe champagne. Just as long as it doesn’t trigger your withdrawals.” 

She closed her eyes. “Sorry,” she finally said. Matt frowned. “We’re supposed to be having a lovely night – something you planned for us – and I’m just mucking it up with my stupid withdrawals. God.” A picked up her sandwich and bit into it a little harder than she usually would, looking down so he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. 


Allure: A Featured Character Graphic

 "People tell me everything. Not because I make them, no.
But because they feel compelled to do so."

Friday, October 17, 2014

Emmanuelle: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Gamma Belt
Mortal Realm

“Try to make some new friends.”

Sacha Adrienne del Riano didn’t quite grasp the concept of ‘friends’. She huffed as she uneasily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. If she didn’t transfer, then she might have been resting comfortably in her seat while the new students stuttered their way through introductions. 

In this case, she was the new student. 

Her sharp grey eyes scanned the room of students as the teacher explained her situation. But she knew they weren’t listening at all. All they cared about was the fact that a del Riano had transferred to their school – and was assigned to their class.


“Which school did you come from, Adrienne?”

“Adri,” she threw in quickly. “And I moved from St. Augustine.” she fidgeted slightly and the teacher nodded, gesturing an empty seat beside another girl by the window. Picking up her bag, she moved to the said seat and sat down, trying to keep looking forward as the others stared. She just looked straight ahead, listening to whatever their teacher-in-charge was saying. 

Ten minutes passed. They were writing down their respective information – father’s name, mother’s name, house number – on a sheet of pink paper to be passed. Just as she had closed the cap of her pen, a light prod in the side made her blink.

“Hey,” the voice to her left whispered. “Hey.”

Adri looked at the girl, whose hair was neatly cut short. A pencil was tucked on her ear, and though she wasn’t looking at Adri, the latter somehow felt that she did look – a lot – moments back. Right before her attention was called.

“Don’t you hate it?” the girl continued. “How they stare.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ari Reviews: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Lola Nolan doesn't think that it could get any worse - after all, her creativity goes beyond the roof, she has a set of loving (although fiercely protective) parents, a stable part-time job and a rocking boyfriend who calls her Lolita. (Not that the actual book Lolita should be romanticized BECAUSE IT SHOULDN'T.) However, when the Bell twins waltz back next door, it tears open deep-rooted insecurities and hurt that she had worked hard to move on from. 

When Cricket finally emerges from his twin's shadow and steps back into Lola's life, can she find the courage to face him once more - and finally decide who her heart longs for once and for all?

Good evening, Darlings! I'll be reviewing Stephanie Perkins' Lola and the Boy Next Door for today, and I'm really looking forward to it. As usual, I'll keep my review as spoiler free as I can. Click on the read more if you want to venture deeper!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Russ' Updates #007: The Need for Sleep

Hello, Darlings!

I sincerely apologize for the hella late update - after the disaster that was QT week + DCAT weekend, I find myself feeling horribly under the weather. I think it's finally taken its toll on me, since I pretty much don't really feel great at the moment. ;_;

"In what way, Aria? Physically, emotionally, mentally-"

shh miles 

What's happening this week?

Well, yesterday until Thursday would mark the completion of the Performance Tasks. Luckily, I've only got two more to finish! When that's done, all I have to do is to do some stuff for the Investigatory Project and work on a PowerPoint for my English class...which I can (hopefully) balance. Friday's going to be reserved for a full day of Intramurals practice - and guess what I'm going to do?


Since Friday would signify the start of "freedom", expect posts to slowly trickle in by then!

Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Reviews: Lola and the Boy Next Door
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Prompt
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic II  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Never His: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

The Veil
Beta Belt

Arzen felt a numb stab of pain as she opened her eyes, moaning quietly as it resonated from her chest to her arm to her legs. It felt like the kind of pain a day after dancing, a day after swimming or participating in strenuous activity – except for the looming asthma attack she’d have.

The sight that greeted her bewildered her. Managing to sit up, she saw mirrors all around her, her own figure greeting her. Arzen knotted her brows, pushing the hair out of her eyes.

She was wearing the same thing that she had worn on the bus, on the way north. Her green sweater hid away the soft white graphic shirt underneath. Her Oxfords remained clean, and so did the dark jeans. She looked perfectly okay – a little pale, a little shaken.

She remembered falling asleep after the first rest station, curling and facing away from the rest of them who were laughing and chatting. The coffee she had chugged hours before had begun to chip away. Before she woke up, she was in the bus on the way to their retreat. Now, she was in an unknown room full of mirrors.

She tried not to feel afraid. It had already happened before, twice. The first, she was in the Peace Garden and ended up in the middle of Technika’s Crossroads. The second, she was in her room, and then pulled away into nothing –

“Mathias?” she whispered. He had to be there. He was always there. “…Mathias?” No one replied. Stifling a small whimper, she tried calling his name yet again, but no reply came. Lifting her head, she looked into the mirror.

Her coffee-brown eyes widened as she saw the male in his Technikan suit, the lines and such glowing a very bright powder blue. Elated, she said his name again – Mathias – and looked behind her eagerly…yet he wasn’t there.

Irritation seeping into her, Arzen rubbed her eyes and stared at the mirror. He was there – still there – still smiling. The ice-blue eyes found hers and she stared at him, upset and angry, and he began to walk forward. His mouth opened and he said a name she strained to hear.

“Painful, isn’t it?” 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Russ' Updates #006: Finals and DLSUCET

Hi there, Darlings!

So another week is about to begin - and this time, I'm going to have to go on a week-long hiatus. *insert groaning here* What's pretty much going to happen are my second quarterly finals (which is from Wednesday to Saturday), followed by the DCAT which takes place a day after. 

hello tears, hello pain, hello eternal damnation suffering
So for the entirety of the week, I'm just going to be doing nothing but studying and eating + crying while trying to accomplish Performance Tasks on time. As much as possible, I really want to relax on Sunday - but alas, there isn't really time for that. The DCAT will be from 2PM until 7PM, and I might be really exhausted by the time I get back home.

So don't expect anything posted - unless I end up procrastinating and all that. *nervous laughter*

Anyway, please keep me in your thoughts-slash-prayers as I tackle on the end of first semester! It's a really weird thing to think, now that I'm nearly done (1701% done lol) with my first half of being a Senior...I'm just going to sit down and ponder on my life choices for a moment...

That's all for now! See you all next week, Darlings! <3

Mr. Bartender: A Featured Character Short

 Keji Bar
Tokyo, Japan
October 2014

Jian Lee polished a shot glass and pushed another down the counter.

It was 8PM, peak hour quickly approaching. Friday nights at the Keji weren’t usually left untouched – Jian might have seen it all. There were groups of older men walking in and staggering out, young ladies who were crying and reapplying their lipstick in the somewhat cramped bathroom. A college student drifted in for beer and peanuts, scribbling what seemed to be a thesis. 

That night was no different. Mentally preparing himself for the wave of orders that were to come, Jian quickly arranged the glasses behind him and polished the bottles to make them shine. As he took out the beers, the chimes on the door gave a ring and he looked up. 

Inside came four people – the eldest, a Japanese, guided the remaining three to a semi-secluded portion by the counter. He heard the brief mumbling of a man and a woman’s voice quickly took over, laughter quickly taking over. Jian let himself smile. Happy customers were usually the better ones, compared to the sobbing messes who caused their tissue expenses to rocket. 

“You know what to get us, Mack.”

“Shall we start off small?”

The female started yet again. “Please. I don’t want us to end up like last time.”

The first male snorted, “Let’s not. I’d hate to hear A’s drunk dial.” Once more, laughter came and soon enough, a man approached the bar. Jian immediately turned on his charisma.

“Good evening,” he greeted. “Anything I can get you?”

“Three beers and a glass of red wine.” He replied. “We’ll be paying later.” 

“Right, right. Hold on a moment.” Swiping the cool beer bottles and putting them on the counter, Jian nimbly took a fresh bottle and poured into the glass. “I don’t think I’ve caught your name, sir.”

Recuperation: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Alpha Belt

Astra was disappointed when she woke up to the sound of beeping machinery and an IV pumping medicine into her veins. The hospital was the very last place where she wanted to be. The lady cursed Raphael’s existence as a nurse walked in, mildly surprised to see the newest patient already awake and cursing.

“Ms. Erimentha,” the nurse greeted. Astra’s green eyes flickered over to her butter-yellow ones. “Are you doing alright?”

“Eri,” she corrected. “And I just woke up. There’s an IV attached to me. And I feel something on my back,” the lady noted, groaning faintly as she tried to move around despite being confined to the bed. The nurse nodded sympathetically, reading Astra’s vitals and checking the information the machine sent over. 

“That’s nothing compared to your injuries, Ms. Eri. It’s a good thing Mr. Raphael brought you here before you suffered blood loss–”

“Blood loss?”

The nurse hummed lightly. “He got you out of Spirare and told us you were injured after battling a loose Daimon.”

“Where’s Raphael now?”

“He had to leave, update the office on your condition.” She pushed a button and Astra yelped as the bed reclined, the nurse pushing her down with a gentle kind of force. “Just rest, Ms. Eri. Mr. Raphael would relax more if he saw you comfortable.” Plastering a smile (albeit forced), Astra nodded and the nurse left eventually.

Sinking into the sheets, she sighed heavily and closed her eyes.

“Why did I chase after Caprice,” she muttered, cringing and moving a little, feeling the puncture marks throb at the slightest contact. Astra attempted to make the lights flicker or a small spark arise, but none came. Deflated, she came to a realization that the thing sucked out a significant amount of Quintessence.


“Knock, knock.”

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Periodic Elements: Squad A

"Chemically-engineered human beings designed to bring back justice."
inspiration: x

The Hunt: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

 Alpha Belt
Spirare Foris

“You have three unread messages.”

            “Astra, where the hell did you go? I thought we were supposed to hunt together. You fucking ditcher.”
            “Astra, what’s happening? Please reply.”
            “Astra, answer my calls.”
Astra rolled her eyes as Raphael’s voice rang throughout the area, she shoving her phone back into her back pocket as she hunted down a loose Daimon. “Why won’t he stop chasing,” she muttered, frustration bubbling up in her as she chased the being deeper into the dark. “I swear to Sceo I’m going to kill the idiot if he comes,” the girl spat. 

She leapt over a fallen log and kept running, following the footsteps that led her further. A Daimon had wreaked havoc in the town, escaping quickly as it moved to Spirare. It had caused uproar amongst the peoples, and Astra quickly took her weapon and chased after it – abandoning the seat where she waited for her companion.

Usually, the best thing to do was to call back up – in this case, Collette and Cissa – and the three of them would exterminate the Daimon to the best of their ability. However, the two weren’t with her and Raphael was slow, so she went herself. 

She found herself regretting that action very much. 

“Are you alone, little Worldly?”

Astra clutched her weapon tightly, turning to the source of the sound. She saw the Daimon there – a perfectly normal-looking person – save for the black tattoos crawling up his face and arms. The being sent her a slight smile and simply stood there, Astra knowing well that he hid weapons as well. 

“What’s it to you?” she asked coldly. The Daimon chuckled. 

“You poor little thing. You know that you should always have a partner with you when battling one of our kind.” She bit her lip and the Daimon raised its brow. “Or are you a new recruit?”

“I’ve been here a long time, Caprice. I just happened to come alone to give you some fair odds.” Cracking its knuckles, the Daimon grinned wickedly, eyes pitch black. 

“Wrong move, sweetie.”