Thursday, June 11, 2015

Accidental: A Transcendence Short

New York City
The United States of America
October 2117

“Why did you call me at five in the goddamn morning, Hwang?” Ansel groaned. The Korean sitting across Ansel shushed him, taking a large drink from his first cup of coffee. “This is on my only rest day. Fucking be happy I decided to blow my morning on you,” the brunet complained. Shushing him yet again, Jae Hwang pressed a finger across the other’s lips and gave a glare.

“Shut up, asshole. Where the hell is Marion?”

“Either she’s on her way or she doesn’t give a shit.” The other answered dryly. “Which I shouldn’t have done.”

“Keep complaining and I’ll stop paying for your coffee,” Jae snapped. Ansel merely raised his brow and stood up, taking the dollar bills which poked out of the other’s wallet. “Go order me another latte.”

“Sure, Prince.” Ansel slinked off to the front of the counter and proceeded to order, Jae tapping his foot on the floor over and over. Ansel soon came back with two large coffees and a tray of lot of pastries, he slumping back into the chair and proceeding to shovel food into his mouth.

“You eat like a pig.”

“I’m starving. Sue me.” Ansel took a drink from his coffee after eating, leaning back into his seat and watching as Jae ran a hand through his blonde hair in frustration. “Keep doing that and you’re going to ruin your hair.”

“I don’t care.” This made the spectacled male blink, giving the other a weird look. “Something’s going to happen today and the anticipation is going to kill me.”

“You make no sense,” Ansel grumbled. His phone gave a ring and he glanced at the screen, seeing a text from Marion. “Marion will arrive soon. Kyle didn’t wake her up for the fifth time this week.” That resulted to a snort from Jae, who still had his suspicions about his friend’s Soul Mate.

Soul Mate.

That was the reason why Jae chose to call Ansel Free and Marion Salazar to the local Starbucks on that morning.

He had felt the strange tinkling on his skin – it suddenly struck him around three in the morning while he was catching up with the primetime Korean Dramas. One moment he was reacting madly to the series finale, and then the next he wanted to claw his neck out.

A weird burning sensation had overcome him in that moment, wrapping around his neck. Jae did everything he could to remove the feeling, from wrapping a cold towel around to even applying ice.

But Gong Jae-Hwang wasn’t stupid. He knew what was happening.

He had heard the stories since he was younger. He heard how his mother had been able to find her father, how his friends around town managed to find their significant other without a single heartbreak. One of the common signs, he was told, was the strange burning feeling where that same tattoo was located.

For Jae, it was a heart that crawled to the front of his neck.

Knowing that his friends were most likely asleep (especially Ansel, who treasured his sleep very much), Jae instead plugged in his earphones, blasted his music and proceeded to research more about the concept of Soul Mates for the rest of the night.

Finally, five in the morning struck and the burn turned into an itch that had to be scratched. He called the first person on his list – Ansel Free – demanding that the director-to-be meet him in their favorite Starbucks at exactly eight in the morning.

To his surprise, Ansel was already there with a cup of coffee and exhausted-looking eyes.

“Don’t shit me. So you’re telling me that you expect to meet your ideal lady by the end of the morning,” the other repeated after Jae explained it all to him. The blonde nodded and Ansel gave him a dubious look. I swear to every deity out there, if you dragged me out for nothing there will be hell to pay.”

“I’m already paying for your fucking drinks, Free.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Ansel shut his eyes and took another drink, Jae huffing angrily at the lack of support from the other male.

“You suck, I didn’t even sleep.”

“And whose fault was that?” Jae was nearly about to launch back when a curly-haired female entered the shop, bearing sunglasses and wearing a knee-length cream-colored trench coat. “Marion’s here. Make her order more coffee,” Asnel moaned into the table.

Marion stopped by the table and glanced at the figure of the sleep-deprived Ansel and the irritable Jae. “…do you need more coffee?”

Ansel gave a guttural groan from his end of the table, Marion immediately ordering as soon as she sped off to the counter. When she came back, Jae banged his fists on the table and gave a frustrated growl.

“I’ll just get out. Feels like shit in here,” the model grumbled, snatching his coat from the back of his chair and soon walking out with his coffee. Staring after him, Marion took the Korean’s chair and proceeded to prod Ansel’s shoulder. The latter glanced up at her tiredly.

“Is everyone with an incoming Soul Mate this cranky?” he grumbled. Marion gave a teasing smile of her own.

“Aww. Baby Ansel will grow up soon,” she teased, to which the male flashed the middle finger and resumed burying his face into the wooden table.

Outside, Jae paced around the area, drinking his coffee and unable to calm himself down. The more the minutes ticked by, the more his irritation grew and he felt like storming back home and cooping up in his room to obsess over his favorite bands and idols. It was if Ansel’s own irritation leaked onto him and stained every hopeful expectation he had for that morning.

He honestly couldn’t blame Ansel, the poor man barely got sleep in the first place, come to think of it.

In his own stewing thoughts, Jae didn’t mention as a girl came closer and closer, rushing amongst the crowd and shoving into him. The man let off an oof as his coffee tumbled, splashing all over his front and soaking deeply into his favorite grey shirt. Jae’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth in preparation to yell, but to his chagrin, the girl had rushed off.

“Fucking – this is my favorite shirt!” he ranted angrily, jerking hands into his pockets in order to find a tissue or a handkerchief to wipe off the worst of it. Just when Jae was about to lose hope and cover up with his coat, a pair of warm hands attacked his chest, wiping all over the brown spot. “The fuck–?”

“I am so, so sorry,” the girl in front of him apologized. “Shit, I keep telling Niella to watch where she’s going,” the girl started, moving to a rant about how careless and klutzy the other was.

Jae, however, was hearing none of it.

He felt his whole body engulfed in flame and he swallowed, trying to focus on the rest of the world and on the girl who was trying to clean up his mess. Holy shit. Holy shit thank the gods this isn’t a cliché because I would have wanted to murder the one who got this dirty –

“–are you okay? Shit, please don’t be mad,” the girl exhaled. Jae blinked and looked at her, finally registering the appearance of the girl who attempted to help him out.

Thick, medium-length hair tied into a ponytail couldn’t hide her face at all. Jae blinked and found himself looking into a pair of dark eyes which curved up in a way similar to his own.

“New York is looking strangely racially diverse this morning,” he muttered offhandedly. The girl blinked and Jae wanted to kick himself for the awkward first words. Fuck. “I mean, a black girl made me spill my coffee and now an Asian, such as myself, is helping me clean it up.” Said Asian girl gave an awkward laugh.

“Yeah, that’s me. Resident Asian. Even if you are, too,” she added hastily with a laugh of her own. Upon hearing it, he swore he felt his annoyance levels move lower and lower until it was just barely there.  “Uh…Rayne Ho. In case you wanted to know who the girl wiping at your chest is.”

“Oh. Sorry, rude of me.” Jae managed a small smile and extended his free hand. “Gong Jae-Hwang. But shit, call me Jae.”

They shook hands.

Jae immediately wanted to burst at the skin-to-skin contact, feeling his lungs constrict. His grip around her hand tightened and Rayne must have noticed, because they stopped mid-shake and ended up looking at each other with wide, shocked eyes.

It was Rayne who let go a full minute later, her cheeks dusted with pink.

“So that…that was a thing,” she managed to say. Jae gave a short laugh.

“Do you want to get some coffee with me inside? I have a few friends.”

“I was actually planning to apply as a barista,” Rayne explained. Jae’s eyes fell onto the manila folder which rested inside her bag. “But…when I’m done, maybe I can join?” she asked, sounding hopeful, definitely sincere.

Pleased, Jae buttoned up his coat. Rayne noticed and her face fell, “Crap – it’s on the collar of your coat too,” she groaned. Jae noticed a few drops of coffee stain, but decided to let it pass for the moment.

“Not important. Let’s get some drinks,” he said, saying nothing more as his hand took Rayne’s and held on tightly.

Neither of them said a word - and neither of them let go of the other.

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