Sunday, June 28, 2015

Moving: An OTP Short

New York City
United States of America
June 2119

After a certain amount of time, numerous overtime shifts, and a lot of persevering, Ansel and Elena were finally able to purchase their own apartment in the less shady side of New York.

The process of choosing an apartment itself took a long time – there were many things to consider. Ansel wanted a lot of storage space, Elena didn’t want a lot of noise from the outside, Ansel wanted nice heating, and Elena wanted to be sure that the kitchen could hold Ansel’s cooking appliances and Elena’s baking ones.

Eventually, the search came to an end. It was their eighth hunt and at that point, Ansel was frustrated. Searching took so long that he wanted to ask Elena to move in with him; despite how convenient that sounded, he knew deep down that it would pose a lot of problems starting from space alone.

They had no choice – the search had to go on.

However, Mother Fate had mercy on the young couple and granted them the apartment on their eighth trip out.

“This is the eighth apartment,” Ansel groaned. Elena patted him as they walked up the stairs, soon pinching his cheek after. “If this one has shitty ventilation, I’m out and asking Marion if we can move in above her floor. It’s the closest thing to something decent.”

“That would mean hearing Marion and Kyle’s late night conversations,” Elena reminded, and Ansel paled. He swore quietly under his breath much after.

Eventually, the two met the person in charge and proceeded to let them inside. He switched on the lights. Elena waited for Ansel’s disappointed sigh. When none came, she looked up at him only to see the male furrowing his brows.

“Lucky for both of you, the couple who previously stayed here chose to move out for undisclosed reasons just a few days ago.” The man told them, smiling wearily. “They took their furniture, but left all the necessities. You can simply have your things moved in here.” Ansel excused himself to look around and the man nodded, leaving Elena to explore.

It was better than hers – needless to say, Elena’s was smaller. Ansel’s was a bit better, but living on a budget didn’t help much.

She found herself wandering to the kitchen area. The area was spotless – it looked like the stove and such were barely used. She easily located where the washing machine could be put, mentally arranged the cabinets and such, and found herself settling in much easier than she expected.

But then again, Ansel had to like it too.

By the time the male came out, Elena felt relief at the smile on his face. He was talking with the man, and by the looks of it, Ansel liked the place very much.

“Did the previous occupants have any complaints?”

“Not at all. They liked it – they made the place theirs before moving out. Water was good, electricity was good – they liked especially the view they would get. The man in particular was said to have spent a great deal outside, painting the view when he could.” He nodded towards the door leading outside and Elena’s ears perked. Ansel’s eyes caught hers and she gave a thumbs up.

“My soul mate seems to like it a lot as well,” Ansel replied. Elena came forward and glanced around, quietly noting that the empty spaces could easily be filled up with their own belongings and furniture.

“No defects or anything?” Elena asked. The man shook his head and the couple shot each other a knowing smile.

“We’ll take it.”

* * * * *

You have one (1) new message from Ansel Free.

            Ansel Free: Elena, where are you? I already bought the kitchen supplies.
            Elena Jones: whyyyy
            Elena Jones: this is so fucking unfair
            Elena Jones: i hate this
            Ansel Free: El? What’s wrong?
            Elena Jones: look I know you’re really stingy and all that shit but can you please buy this comforter set for me please please please
            Elena Jones: I will pay you back in coffee and banoffee pie
            Elena Jones: please
            Elena Jones: don’t be such a bourgeofree
            Ansel Free: …give me five minutes to look for you.

Elena was pouting and holding onto the comforter set tightly, waiting (im)patiently for Ansel to come. When he did, she immediately shoved the package into his arms and started pushing him to the cashier. “W-Wait, is this all you’re getting? What about the pillows? What about the bedroom furniture?” he stammered. Elena shook her head firmly.

“That’s all I need, bourgeofree. I just need the fucking comforter set.

“Just this,” he repeated. Elena gave a firm nod and Ansel sighed, stopping in his tracks. He passed Elena the other shopping bags and held on to the comforter set tightly. “Alright, then…at least let me buy my own things before I buy this for you,” the brunet said with a wry smile, Elena proceeding to cheer before planting a kiss on his cheek.

“I’ll give you an extra shot in your coffee for the next two weeks,” she promised.

“You better.” Elena kept grinning and Ansel shook his head, letting his happy soul mate gush over the patterns and such over the comforter set he had agreed to get for her. (She told him it was on sale; this made him relax slightly.)

By the end of the day, Ansel quietly told himself that all the nights spent over timing and working was worth it. It was especially worth it when Elena ripped off the set’s packaging and proceeded to cover the entire queen-sized bed with the warm red comforters and such, then flopping onto the bed after with a happy sigh leaving her lips.

“I love you for buying me this.”

“Of course you do,” he murmured, leaning to kiss her forehead before getting up. Elena rolled onto her back and looked up at him.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to get some editing done,” the male yawned. “And then I can organize the cabinets and shit. Then maybe start on our closet. Yours is the right side?” Before Elena could even reply, Ansel had lost himself in a multitude of plans. “And perhaps hang up the nice pictures we got in the living room–”

“You need to chill out,” Elena interrupted. Ansel blinked and looked at Elena, who was shaking her head in dismay at him. “It’s Saturday night, it’s a long weekend and I saw you yawn.” Ansel turned a light shade of red and she rolled her eyes, getting off the bed to pull her soul mate closer.  “Seriously. You’ve been driving all day and lugging those stupid things around. Relax.”

“You know that ‘relax’ barely exists for me,” he complained. Elena tsked and forced him down on the bed. “El…”

“Relax your overworked ass for once. You’ll be thankful you bought this thing for me.” He made a face and proceeded to pull Elena closer, to which the girl gladly accepted. She nestled herself into Ansel’s arms and the male sighed, resting his chin on top of her head. “Better?”

“This feels nice,” he mumbled thickly. Elena gave a pleased smile and started to relax herself, both of them breathing in sync.

Ansel’s eyes felt heavy and he managed to throw out a few coherent sentences. “Elena?”


“I think we should change first, lovely.

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