Friday, June 5, 2015

The Gifting: A FC/UC Short

Creation Era
xxxx, X.X.

The effects of delegating Noctis and Lumen affected Crea greatly. 

Weakness hit her hard; Crea shut her eyes and counted to ten, waiting for the dizzy feeling to stop. Upon opening her rouge-colored eyes, a presence hovered around her and tapped her shoulder lightly. “Crea,” a female whispered. “Crea. Get yourself together, Crea.”

The female half of the Nuntius twins, Morana, regarded Crea with a calming expression. “Are you feeling better or should we bother you later? You look out of it,” the Messenger observed. Giving the shorthaired lady a tight smile, Crea crossed to the nearest chair and sat down, Morana following immediately after.

“Morana, where’s your brother?” Crea asked tiredly. Morana’s black eyes glanced behind them, she spotting a flash of gold light, which made her scowl.

“He’s here.”

At once, Vito appeared at Crea’s feet, eyes blazing with happiness. “Prima!” the Life Messenger said excitedly, clambering to his feet, “I have news – news about Ncotis and Lumen,” the light-haired male told her. Blinking, Crea looked at Morana, who was giving a grimace of her own.

“He’s not lying. I can feel it.”

The First felt her heart flutter in her chest. “So it’s happened, then?”

Vito took Crea’s hands and beamed. “It’s true. There are four new ones now.”

* * * * *

Vito felt it in his bones once the last newcomer made her appearance.

For the past days or weeks, Vito had felt on and off. The Life Messenger felt surges of energy followed by a dormant period, then suddenly twice the surge of the first. Low energies followed until the last came – gentle warmth and a feeling of completeness that had been missing since the first surge of energy.

When he retreated to his room, both Morana and Crea had known what was happening.

All they needed left was confirmation for their suspicions.

When Vito awoke from his slumber, he couldn’t wait and teleported straight to Crea. It took him nearly all his self-control to not fly out and immediately seek out the four newcomers, and instead told Crea first what he had discovered.

Immediately Crea asked to see them, and he happily agreed. She asked Morana if she wanted to join, and the raven-haired Messenger of Death shook her head in response.

“Please enjoy yourselves. I’m not too comfortable with new play things,” she answered drily, and Vito tsked at her before folding his arms over his chest. Crea eyed the other curiously and Morana merely smiled. “I’ll come if one of them suddenly falls into the unfortunate fate of death.”

That was when Vito decided to pull Crea away.

The visit was quick and effortless. Vito had taken it upon himself to take both of them there, and in a flash, Crea found herself in a hallway. The male winked, tugged at her hand, and pulled her into the first room, Crea stumbling and attempting not to fall.

Inside the first room was the youngest girl, dark-skinned and peaceful as she slept. Crea’s heart jumped and she came closer, soon falling on her knees and stroking the girl’s cheek. “She’s beautiful,” she whispered. Vito gave a smile, lifting a hand and the tips of his fingers glowing. “What are you doing?”

“It’s customary for me to give blessings,” he said amusedly. “Well. It’s the first time I’m even doing this. Let’s hope I don’t screw this up.” Shaking her head, Crea pulled away and let Vito do his thing, her eyes watching as he took the young girl’s hand into his.

She watched as he snapped a twig off the nearest potted plant, holding it between his fingers. Quickly did the branch grow leaves and small blossoms, twisting into a circle. Tapping it quickly after, Vito watched the bracelet give a faint glow, sliding it onto her wrist after.

Crea said nothing.

Before she knew it, they were out of the bedroom and Vito did the same to the other three children who slept in other rooms.

Vito placed his fingers on a longhaired girl’s throat, wiping away the tears from her eyes before so. Upon touching, a pendant appeared in shape of a teardrop and the scent of the sea filled the room. On the bed across the room, Vito robbed his palms together and then pressed then against the boy’s forehead. He twitched a little and stirred, but soon fell into a deeper sleep.

Crea smelled the sea and felt the sun’s rays on her skin.

Sending her a wink, Vito opened the door and slid out. She followed only after gazing wistfully at the two children, soon leaving as well.

“You seem to know what you’re giving them,” Crea said carefully. Flashing her a grin, Vito gave a shrug and continued as they made their way to the next room.

“I don’t quite know what you’re talking about,” he replied. “And this is the last room. Well. I saved the eldest for the last.”

Turning the golden doorknob, the twosome slowly entered the room of the eldest child. Immediately did Crea feel a different kind of stillness in this room – a familiar kind of calm which made her turn her attention to the last child.

Taking a deep breath, Vito brought his palms close together and closed his golden eyes. Watching in curiosity, Crea watched as he launched into a series of both simple and complicated hand gestures, palms glowing ardently as he completed his actions.

To end, the Messenger placed a hand on top of the eldest male’s chest.

A gentle breeze blew inside the room and Crea kept her eyes on the two of them, unable to say anything more. Vito took a step back and looked at Crea, chuckling amusedly at the expression on her face.

“You look like it’s the first time you’ve seen magic,” Vito remarked. Smiling, Crea merely took a step back and glanced away, memories dancing in her head. “Are you amazed at what I can do?”

“Don’t get too full of yourself,” she chided. Grinning, Vito extended his hand and Crea took it without any further hesitation. “We should go back now. Before the children wake up and spot us here.”

“Not leaving anymore gifts, Vito?”

The male shook his head. “I’ve given them enough. It’s up to them to decide how they’ll use what I’ve given.” Saying nothing more, Crea kept her eyes on the young boy and listened as Vito whispered the incantation to bring them back.

On the way back, the Messenger squeezed Crea’s hand.

“Maybe you should give them something as well.”

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