Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Next Generation: A FC/UC Short

The Nexus
Gods’ Land
Creation Era

“Is this what we’re doing? Passing it down?”

“We’re pulling off a Crea,” Noctis chuckled. With him, Lumen gave a smile of her own. That didn’t stop the worried expression on her face, however, and Noctis caught sight of it easily. After thousands of years ruling with his wife by his side, Noctis knew how to tell one expression from another.

After all, Lumen was never really the type to hide her feelings away. And if she did, she was never able to keep it down so easily, like how Noctis would whenever he needed to put his mind first than his emotions. She glanced away from him and folded her arms over her chest, not quite saying anything more and this time waiting for him to speak. Noctis took a breath.

“These are our children. Of course they’re ready,” the male began. His hand found Lumen’s and he took it, squeezing. “They know what they can do at this point. Ventus is there to guide them throughout the whole thing.” Lumen’s apprehension didn’t quite go away and he sighed, squeezing her hand once more and tugging them to their chambers. Lumen followed blankly.

“It’s just…they’re still children, Noctis.” He listened. “The Twins barely get along, Ventus is still learning and Amina is just a girl. They’re still so young and for us to throw something like this at them is just…” she trailed off and pulled away from Noctis, sitting on their bed and refusing to look at him.

The dark-haired God ran over each of their children in his head.

Ventus, Unda, Calor and Amina. Each of them was gifted in their own way, with diverse personalities and a wide array of abilities. Each of the children were powerful and individual, but Noctis knew if that they were put together, they would create an unbeatable force – a new kind of era for everything in the universe.

He had faith in his children. Never did they fail him.

“I have faith in them, Lumen,” he said quietly. The golden-haired Goddess looked up at him. Noctis had a faraway look in his eyes. “I believe in them like how Crea believed in us.”

Lumen said nothing after that, snapping her fingers. The lights dimmed and he heard her move under the covers, saying nothing more to Noctis. The male sighed and moved to her side of the bed, leaning down and planting a chaste kiss on the woman’s forehead.

In the dark, he saw her smile.

Turning away, Noctis walked out of the room and headed straight to where his children stayed. As he drew closer, his ears caught the sound of familiar laughter. He could hear the laughs from Amina and the quiet arguing of the Twins. Knowing Ventus, he was just watching and would interfere when things got considerably worse.

Upon reaching the white door, Noctis gave a quiet knock. It creaked open and he spotted Amina peeking from inside, her lips stretching to a smile when she saw that it was him. “Hi Papa,” she whispered, and Noctis gave a smile of his own back.

“Hello, sweetheart. Was I interrupting something?” Amina shook her head quickly and opened the door wider, letting Noctis glance into the room and see what exactly was going on.

On Ammon’s bed sat Unda, a crown of blue flowers adoring her head. Trying to avoid being caught by her, Calor quietly lit each of the flowers on fire and tried to get them to glow without hurting his Twin too much. Hovering above them was Ventus, watching them calmly with his silver eyes and regarding them with a mildly amused expression.

Once those eyes crossed with Noctis’, he blinked and flew down immediately. Unda and Calor stopped their bickering, the flames on the flowers immediately going out. Amin tugged Noctis inside and he closed the door, each of his children looking at him with different expressions on their faces.

Unda’s bore a questioning look, Calor looked eager, Amina was smiling and Ventus remained calm as he always did. “Not resting yet?”

“Amina wanted us all together for some reason,” Unda answered. Amina’s cheeks stained pink. “I think she missed us.”

“Who wouldn’t?” Calor reached over and ruffled his sister’s hair, Amina beaming at him right after. “I could use some family time.” Unda nodded at that. “But where’s Lumen? We’re not a complete family without her.”

The thought of a resting Lumen flashed in Noctis’ head. “She’s already resting. Both of us had much to do on this day, and she’s worn herself out.” Amina looked worried at the thought and he planted a hand on her shoulder. “She’s alright. She just needs her rest.”

Ventus took the chance to speak. “If you’re also tired, Papa, then you can rest with her. I’ve got an eye on the rest of them.” He regarded his siblings with a firm yet caring look, “I always have.”

“I know you can, Ventus, but…” Noctis struggled to find the words to speak. He pulled a nearby chair and sat, the four of his children regarding him carefully. “Tonight, I want to tell you something about this place. About this universe.”

Amina positioned herself by Noctis’ feet and Ventus sat next to her. Calor comfortably made his place next to Unda, who was studying her father with a curious look on her face. “Have you heard of Crea?” the green eyes of Amina widened and she nodded quickly.

“I – I’ve heard of her. Mama told me about her when I was younger,” she answered. She looked down at her hands and closed them slowly, “…she told me you knew her. And that she meant a lot to you.”

“She did.”

Without Crea, we definitely wouldn’t be where we are right now. Noctis closed his eyes momentarily and thought back. Memories flashed in his head.

Memories of his creation.

Memories of seeing Crea’s elated eyes.

Memories of Crea bringing him and Lumen together.

Memories of Crea bidding them goodbye.


Ventus’ hand on his shoulder made Noctis open his eyes again. For a moment, he couldn’t speak and the four children regarded him silently. The Twins exchanged a look while Amina clutched her older brother’s hand in silence.

Lumen’s words rang in his head once more. They’re still children.

They’re still children, he agreed silently. They are our children, Lumen.

His eyes flickered from one to another. He saw Unda’s necklace, Amina’s bracelet, the marking on Calor’s collarbones and finally, the tattoos gracing the arms of Ventus.

“You have been blessed,” Noctis said quietly. “And so were we, when Crea brought your mother and I up from light and dark. Long ago, she left us in charge.”

And now, we’re about to do the same to you.

Ventus looked at his father, silver eyes shining under the light. And Noctis knew that his eldest knew.

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