Monday, June 1, 2015

Russ' Updates #035: Sunny June

Hello, Darlings! <3 Good morning and welcome to yet another RussDates post where I update you guys on what's gonna happen for this week.

"It's nice to finally make a formal appearance."
Please welcome the lovely Crea, our Featured Character for June 2015. :) Marguerite Russet's time has come to an end, and now it's time to formally introduce the so-called First Being of the Equilibriai universe. Crea's FC is the ever-beautiful Fan Bingbing, and despite the limited amount of gif resources, I'll do my best to make a gifset for her like I have for Skylar and Marguerite. 

This time last year, I was panicking because shit, it's June, school is going to start soon. None of that for me until August, so fortunately or not, you'll have me ever-so-active until August 7. ^_^

For this week, I'll start up with a short and a graphic for Crea, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Aside from Crea's posts, I'll be redoing Matt and A's Aesthetic graphics so watch out for that as well. 

Blogsary preparations are well on the way! I've already arranged what I'll be posting per week, who the focus character is per week, etc etc. All I need to do is to get started on the graphics probably come the middle or end of June. Hopefully I'll be done by the end of July so that I won't have to cram graphics...which I really need to stop doing, haha. 

"You're almost in college. It's time for a new life."

Please don't bully me, Crea.

Still no blogsary hints because I'd like to keep it a surprise. ;D

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short

[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Mail Jeevas [REMAKE]
[ ] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Arianne Maxwell [REMAKE]

Have a fantastic week, Darlings! <3 

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