Monday, June 22, 2015

Russ' Updates #038: Closing June

Hello, Darlings! <3 

(Edit: Holy shit, thank you for 16,000 views! <3)
June is soon coming to an end - I mean there's roughly a week left until June ends and July comes to take its place. Plus holy shit, the blogsary is coming up and I am incredibly excited for that. :D

"She already has a lot done when it comes to the preparations."
Speaking of July, Rothie is going to celebrate her third blogsary soon! Make sure to support her for the whole month of July as she also has a lot planned. ;) Additionally, she has officially opened her Instagram shop, where she'll be selling her books as well as an assortment of other items. Check it out here! (Note: this shop is only open to those within the Philippines.)

For this week, nothing much is happening, as usual. I'll still be posting my usual shorts and graphics, while at the same time, preparing for my blogsary this coming August. From this point on, the Aesthetic posts might be a one-per-week kind of thing, as I need to get to know the Transcendence characters a little bit more. 

Crea's time is slowly coming to and end! I'll do my best to post a graphic and a short for her to officially close June next Tuesday. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Gong Jae-Hwang

"Have a wonderful week."

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