Thursday, December 31, 2015

Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2015]

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Darlings! Welcome to the last day of the year! If it’s still the 30th over there, then…welcome to the second to the last day of the year…?

"We're off to a great start..."
Just like what I did exactly 365 days ago, I’ll be doing a Year in Review. Basically, I’ll just be talking about what’s been going on this year blog-wise and writing-wise. I might also insert some personal stuff there if I feel like it. Finally, I’ll be closing the post with ideas and events I’ve planned out for 2016. 

It’s going to be quite the experience, so strap yourselves in and get something to eat — let's get started, yeah?

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Come Together: A Coalesce Teaser

Tokyo, Japan
December 2017

Inhale, exhale. You can do this. You can most definitely do this, Lysette.

“It’s been too long,” she murmured before straightening her posture, clearing her throat, and then training her eyes forward before walking inside the building. Her ID was pinned neatly to her blazer, and another in her hand just in case it was needed. It felt like eons until she was finally cleared to go inside, and she gave a huff as she quickly attempted at rearranging the contents inside her bag. “The security’s so goddamn tight here,” she muttered, then resisted the urge to knock her head on a wall. 

Of course it is, moron. This is one of the biggest organizations in the world. 

“HQ,” she muttered under her breath before approaching the reception. A male in a sleek suit sat, attending to something on a computer. iMacs? Jesus, the people here are ridiculously high-tech… 

Before she was able to say anything, the male caught her eye and blinked twice before sending a quick smile. “Ms. Cross?” 

“That’s me,” she affirmed. “I’m here for one of the employees, you might know her?”

“I’ve been informed about the appointment, actually. Please hold for a moment,” and she nodded, watching as the Japanese man typed something onto the keyboard. I suppose knowing a decent amount of English is required, she thought, noting in the background how people of different nationalities passed. Majority of the crowd was Japanese, but even she could spot a number of Koreans, Chinese, and whatnot. Lysette could have sworn that she had heard an English accent flutter by. “Ah — I’m quite sorry, Ms. Cross, but it seems that she has gone out per request,” the receptionist apologized. 


Monday, December 28, 2015

Russ' Updates #065: Closing 2015

Good evening, Darlings! It's the last RussDate for 2015!

"You know what that was? Hella fast."
Like what Kyong said, 2015 was a ridiculously fast year (for me). So much happened writing-wise, blog-wise, and even in real life. But I'll save the ~nostalgia~ for my end-of-the-year post, which will definitely be coming this Thursday!

Moving on, I'm incredibly excited for 2016 and what it's going to bring. One of those things is what I'll be talking about on Thursday Friday as well, so keep an eye out for that! Additionally, expect the last teaser to be posted before the year ends. :>

As early as now, I want to thank you guys for sticking around for yet another year, whether you're a one-time-big-time visitor or someone who checks multiple times a week. I promise that 2016 is going to be big, and that all of you will get to know a character or two...or nine. *nudgenudge*


Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2015]
[ ] Russ Launches: The CLS Launch 
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Teaser

Friday, December 25, 2015

Before He Leaves: A Coalesce Short

Maxwell Residence
Tokyo, Japan
December 2015

“Coffee, Jin-ho?”

“You’re a sweetheart,” the Korean commented. He lifted his mug and Aether poured coffee into it, passing the creamer and sugar after. The male mixed a few teaspoons’ worth and smiled at her, “Contrary to due belief, Mathieu is the lucky one. He can barely take care of himself,” he laughed, and Aether laughed as well while sitting down. By the stove, Mathieu rolled his eyes.

“I can beat both of you in cooking.” Jin-ho mouthed the words he’s just bitter to Aether and the Englishwoman bit her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud.

It was Christmas morning. Aether had received some texts from her Squad mates, including a message from Peters that he had arrived safely in New York. The American had flown back to spend Christmas and New Years’ with his family, and would fly back first week of January just in time for work. The rest of them would be spending time in the country; Tadashi had arranged to meet with his sisters while Mack vowed to sleep in for the first time in weeks.

At the moment, Aether and Mathieu were entertaining Kang Jin-ho, a close friend of Mathieu’s who he worked with. “I can’t stay for long, unfortunately. I’ll be meeting with my mother in an hour and will have breakfast with her,” the male explained.

“No eggs for you.”

“I’ll take the toast,” Jin-ho answered primly, plucking a piece from the breadbasket they had set earlier. Aether herself nibbled lightly on one lathered with butter and jam. “I take it you two are celebrating together?”

“We are,” she replied. “Nothing special. We’ll just stay in today and get some rest for once.” Jin-ho nodded in understanding and hummed lightly.

“Private time with the sweetheart, eh?” he winked. Aether turned a light shade of red and Mathieu gave a short laugh before making his way to the table and placing a plate in front of the dark-haired lady.

“Have fun alone.”

Monday, December 21, 2015

Russ' Updates #064: Holiday Season

Hi guys! An advanced Merry Christmas to you all!

"Advanced happy holidays to you, R!"
I hope you enjoyed the second teaser! :) I apologize for (once again) not posting everything on last week's list; lately I've been prepping the graphics and such for the launch this January. If you notice, there's a 'teaser poster' to the left side of the blog. It's something I added pretty recently as a way to hype things up. 

The following things will be happening:
  1. I'll officially start the countdown on December 23, 12AM, PHL time (GMT+8). 
  2. On December 31 (time TBA), I'll be talking about January's event and the project which circulates around it. This one I'm very much excited for! 
  3. On the same date, I will be posting another End of the Year kind of post. :3 
  4. On January 1 (time TBA), expect the layout of the blog to change. I won't be able to due it exactly during midnight due to New Years' Eve celebrations + Media Noche, but do expect it to change within the day! 
I won't be having a Christmas event this year since I need to keep making the graphics for January, but do expect for me to make up for my lack of activity next year! :D I'm incredibly excited for you all to see what I've planned and for what I have to present. Personally, I see it as a huge step for me to take and sharing it here would be amazeballs. 

See y'all next week! <3 

"Enjoy the rest of the year, everyone."

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Evening Out: A Transcendence Short

New York City
United States of America
December 2120

“Do you think we should postpone this?”

“Nah,” Ansel replied. He shifted the gear to neutral and leaned back, “We’re already on our way, Lena. And I don’t think the rain’s going to get any stronger.” At that moment, a flash of lightning hit the sky, making the twosome jump in the seats of Ansel’s car. The movement of it caused Ansel’s glasses to fall onto his lap.

“…you were saying?”

“It can’t get any worse,” Ansel repeated. “It can’t get any worse at all.” the stoplight flashed green and he shifted to drive, then continued on. 

It was Elena’s post-birthday dinner. She had invited a couple of their friends to go out, and currently, they were (still) on their way to a place Elena had personally picked. Initially, there was some trouble with reserving for the place, as Elena had experienced, but they were able to book a free slot. 

Elena’s phone rang in her hands, and she looked at her screen before answering. “Luke?” 

“Hey, we’re already here. And by we, I mean Rayne, Jae-Hwang, and I,” the blonde answered. Elena blinked. “Uh. The place looks full as shit, El. Are you sure we’ll be able to get a table for all of us?”

“I fucking hope so,” the brunette sighed. “Wait — you, Rayne, and Jae?” 

“Yeah, the three of us are just here and waiting.” 

Elena pursed her lips. “I was only able to book a slot…” she mumbled a quick ‘hold on’ and fished for the paper she had in her bag, “I was able to get the six o’clock slot for us. W31. Do you think you three can watch out just in case Ansel and I get late?”

“We’re not going to be late!” Ansel retorted, still driving. Elena gave a snort. 

Luke laughed. “Yeah, I think that’s possible. We’ll see you soon?”

“Definitely,” Elena agreed. “See you.”

Monday, December 14, 2015

Russ' Updates #063: More Teasers

Good evening, Darlings!

Christmas break is officially here (well, it's started since last Thursday for me tbh) and it feels really great to finally get some rest after one heavy semester. It's a little weird to adjust to not really doing much acad-wise, but hey - it's still a great feeling. 

Anyway, expect another Coalesce teaser for this week! Aside from that, there will also be two shorts. I'll try to make them as...festive as I can. Nothing angsty since hey, it's the season of Christmas and all so things have to be lighthearted. Maybe. >:D But yeah, expect a few more Coalesce shorts and all that stuff until the 31st of December. I decided that I'll be explaining things on that date. 

"I'm honestly excited for it."
That's all I'll let slip for now! I'm preparing for January's event, so forgive me if the posts aren't as much as initially expected... ^^;;

Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short 
[ ] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short / OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Coalesce Teaser #02

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Inconsolable: A Coalesce Short

Tadashi’s Apartment
Tokyo, Japan
January 2016
Sato, Tadashi

It’s been…a while since Aether discovered that Mathieu had left her.

The note she had discovered only had a few words on it; barely even reaching three sentences. It seemed like it had been scrawled in a rush judging by the handwriting. I had returned with her to her own apartment and looked at it myself. 

I love you I’m sorry I had no choice

She had managed to get through the first line before crumpling the paper in her hands and breaking down in tears once again. 

“We should get back,” I managed. She could only bolt out of the apartment after hearing me say that, leaving me alone in apartment with nothing much left. Once the heaviness of the situation set in, I found myself realizing why she wanted to spend time away from what had been her ‘home’ with Mathieu. 

We were the only ones who knew. Aether couldn’t contact Kenichi due to the latter being busy in the States, and he was the only one who had close ties to Mathieu. Aside from him, there was no one else we could ask help from. I had offered her the option of perhaps tracking him down and using HQ’s contacts, but she had declined and instead told me that she wanted to move on by herself. 

Aether ‘moved’ into my apartment a few days after the Incident. 

She arrived with a packed duffel bag or two, a blotchy face, and teary eyes. As soon as I opened the door, she had quietly asked if she could stay over with me for the next week for two. Aether didn’t really explain why even though I accepted the request. Before I knew it, she was already inside and seated on my couch, curling into a ball and starting to cry. 

And I didn’t know why. Not at all. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Russ' Updates #062: Merry December

Good evening, Darlings! 

"Guess who was able to survive finals?"
Exactly what Jian said...I was able to survive my first-ever college finals! I had my Literature and Math finals today. As much as I want to post the teaser for next month's event, I think it would be better if I did it tomorrow instead, really. Body needs to recover from the large amount of caffeine I've taken in today, haha. 

Anyway, speaking of events - you can go check out Rothie's Enchanted Eighteenth Celebration happening over at her blog! She's got an interesting set of characters set up for this month, including one I've been looking forward to ever since she told me about her. If you want to know who, then you might as well support her throughout the month, yeah? ;D

Also: since finals are over and my Christmas/semestral break is starting in just a day or two, I'm happy to announce that I'll (finally) start updating again! Look forward to your regular posts come tomorrow. I'll be sharing a thing or two about next month's celebration...

Happy December! <3 

Posts to Expect: 

[ ] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short 
[x] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Teaser