Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Russ' Updates #094: Final Preps

Hi guys, good afternoon!

Sorry for not being able to post the RussDate last night -- I was super exhausted since I had gotten home from covering the State of the Nation Address with a few of my schoolmates. The entire experience was amazing as well as eyeopening, really! However, I was too tired to post a decent RussDate and instead opted to do it today instead. *sweatdrop emoji* 

"She was able to rest."
For this week, expect me to close this month's Russie Features, as well as two more teaser graphics for August's blogsary! :D I don't want to do anything too wild this week since I really need to finish my graphics. 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Fatures Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Blogsary 2016 Graphic

That's all for this week! Please do enjoy and keep an eye out for more teasers. ;D 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Teaser #02: Blogsary '16

truth | change | meaning | sacrifice

One Last Time: A Russie Features Short

Winchester, England
United Kingdom
July 2002

Lysette remembered meeting her. The finer details were fuzzy, like the weather and what she was wearing, but the general concept was there: Aether was brought in during autumn, and Lysette immediately thought that she was the shyest girl she had ever come across.

Their room in the orphanage changed throughout the years, but things like the creamy walls and the dark, wooden floor remained. Lysette had drawings carefully framed in crayon, others in pencil, her bed sheets stained with watercolor while the other one across hers was neat, untouched.

When Aether was brought in, Lysette wasn’t sure if she had ever seen anyone as sad or as exhausted she did. The words said to her were a blur; all she remembered was it being said that this new girl with tired eyes would be her new roommate.

After the door closed, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind—

“I, uh, I’m sorry for the messy room.”

“It’s okay.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Star Gazing: A Blogsary Graphic

"show me the stars
i'll reach out, align them-
draw the constellations
leading me to you."

 happy fourth blogsary, rothie
quote: x 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Russ' Updates #093: Sneak Peeks

Good evening, guys! Hope all of you are still alive and breathing after what transpired today. (If you're an avid Twitter person who lives for celebrity-drama, I feel you. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then please disregard that last part WHOOPS.)

"So much shit went down."
Not much going on this week except for more and more preparations! Aside from that, I'll be pumping out another Lysette-themed short for this week's Russis Features as well as something for the RRC verse. :D 

I'm very happy to say that I'll finally be uploading the first (out of two or three) previews for August's celebration! *confetti explosion* Please do look forward to that! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[ ] Russie Writes: An RRC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Blogsary 2016 Graphic

Assignments: A Russie Features Short

Cross-Ramsay Apartment
London, England
United Kingdom
May 2017

“How excited are you for this gig?” Eugene Ramsay questioned. Both of them had just arrived from work; he had already made his way to the kitchen to reheat some of the previous night’s leftovers. “Could have sworn that you were jumping when you came out of the conference a while ago.”

“I’m extremely excited, Gene. You don’t understand,” Lysette Cross insisted. In the process of sliding off her heels, she nearly ended up bumping into the table. Eugene was surprised to not hear a yelp and a swearword, “I’m going to America, the most shit happens over there. And this is a big, big story. I can’t not be excited, that’s bullshit.”

The male frowned slightly as he slid the large container into the microwave, “You’ve gotta be careful, though. You said it yourself: the most shit happens to their branch. I know that you’ve been aching for a story like this, but at least put yourself first.”

“You worry too much about me.”

“Can’t exactly help it, can I?” Lysette smirked in return, tying her red hair up in it usual, messy bun. “I’ve been on more assignments like these. I know how they usually go—why do you think journalists get so much shit?”

“Center of danger and all,” she waved a hand carelessly, “But we do it for the story. We do all of this for the story, and hell yes I’m part of it too, even though I’m not part of the writing cluster.” Her green eyes shone, “I’m finally being given a chance to embark on one of these things. Cut me some slack.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Embrace: A Transcendence Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City
United States of America
July 21xx

“You don’t have to do this.”

They remained in bed; Elena comfortably sitting while Ansel lay in her lap. She ran her fingers through the curls of his hair, gently tugging and wrapping her fingers around them. It was what Ansel liked; he liked having her play with his hair. If anything, it was soothing. Almost too soothing—he almost forgot to respond to what she had just said.

“I know. I know I don’t have to. But I want you to know.” His eyes met hers and the corner of his mouth lifted in an attempt to smile. “You deserve to know, Lena. I don’t want to hide from you anymore.” She pursed her lips.

“Only if you’re sure,” she eventually agreed. Ansel moved, adjusting himself into a position more comfortable for both of them. His head rested against her stomach and her other hand lightly stroked his side in comfort. “Where do you want to start?”

“With how it feels. How it feels for me, at least. It affects everyone differently.” She nodded, “…have you ever gone swimming by the ocean?”

“I have, with my family and Amelia. It was a long time ago,” Elena frowned slightly, “but I can still remember.”

“How strong were the waves?”

Monday, July 11, 2016

Russ' Updates #092: Glimpses

Hello there, Darlings! Hope you guys are having a good July! 

Here’s some blogsary progress: I’m at least 75% done with one of the first graphics! I know that might not seem too amazing because what the hell @self you’re supposed to be 50% done with all of the graphics but trust me, when you see the graphics, you may understand why it’s taking me a longer time than usual to do them. ;w;

"She's slow."
Anyway, you can expect more posts for July’s Russie Features as well as a Transcendence short I’ve been writing the past weekend! I really hope that I’ll be able to come up with a sneak peek for the blogsary soon because I really want you guys to have a glimpse of what’s up for August. :D 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Noise and Haste: A Headcanon Short

Araceli Residence
July 25xx
9:12 AM

As they grew older, feelings of sibling-related affection eventually grew towards blooming into something else. Both of them felt it and felt awkward; Amaris was more aware of her affections and wanted to shut away more, while Arryn wasn’t quite sure what it was and how to deal with it. 

They developed when they were sixteen, seventeen. Touches lingered a little more, didn’t feel as playful as they did when they were kids. Amaris found her eyes moving his way when he would walk into the Araceli dining room in a light shirt and rumpled hair. Arryn’s mouth would dry slightly whenever Amaris would let her hair down. 

Even their attempted sparring was affected. When they were younger, they would teasingly go at each other the way their parents did whenever they had the chance to watch. However, as older teenagers, Arryn would try his best not to hit too hard or to bruise her too much. Amaris, in return, would avoid any lethal areas and aim more for his arms, maybe his shoulders if she felt brave.

And when they would finish up, they would exchange a ‘thank you for the spar’ and dart off to either parent for patching up. James found it concerning when Arryn and Amaris used to treat each other’s wounds all the time. Carina merely accepted it in stride, fussing over her children equally. 

But even with that, it still felt odd. 

It felt like there was a wall in the way, blocking them from getting to know each other even more as something beyond adopted siblings. Amaris knew what the wall was and edged around it, but Arryn remained clueless. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Intervention: A Coalesce Short

Aether’s Apartment
Atlanta, Georgia
United States of America
January 2016

“I know that shit hurts,” Peters told her, “But I can at least promise you that getting fucked up is going to be so worth it. Because in the morning, you’ll have a hangover worse than heartache.” Aether merely raised a middle finger in his direction, which Peters promptly ignored. He continued, “Jake and I used to get shitfaced about girls all the time. We can’t do it now because he’s a doctor and he has a wife, so.”

He expected her to give a snarky reaction, because that’s just what Aether did. She was snark mixed with smile; her words were supposed to hurt but they didn’t because they were laced with playful intention. That was how Peters knew that they were still good and that she was still okay.

But she didn’t say anything. She just stayed there, with her head leaned against the car window and her hands limp in her lap.

“…okay, I’ll try to drive faster.” He muttered. Stepping on the gas, Peters did his best to drive a little faster without risking being arrested by whoever was on patrol on that night.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Russ' Updates #091: Breaking July

Good evening, guys! 

So I am definitely not feeling that well considering that I was sick during the weekend. *sweatdrop emoji* I'm doing better, though, to the point that I have officially started working on the graphics aspect of August's blogsary. :D

On the topic of blogsaries, please go and check out Rothie's, which is currently happening and will last throughout July! Currently, she's on the first week and is currently covering Mirage. Please do support her throughout the entire month and send her all your love.

"Go do that. Go, go, go."
Meanwhile, you guys can start expecting sneak peeks and previews for August's celebration starting next week or within the next two weeks, I'm not too sure. I don't plan on doing a countdown like the last few years, but I'm definitely going to post previews here and there. :> 

This week, expect your usual Russ Features as well as your shorts here and there!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: A RRC Short

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Warmth: A Transcendence Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City
United States of America
July 2121

For the first few days after his breakdown, Ansel refused to come out of the bedroom. He stayed curled up in bed, not quite moving or making contact with anyone, including Elena. Ansel expected that Marion told her that his refusal to interact with the world was one of his ways to recover (despite how shitty it was); he was simply too tired to have to explain to anyone else why his defence mechanism was as effective as wrongly-assigned medicine.

During the next three days, he kept in bed, not really moving unless he had to go to the bathroom or unless Elena brought him something to eat. When he ate, he ate slowly in bed, feeding himself whatever the brunette had brought into the room. Whenever he was not eating, he tried to sleep as much as he could. When sleep was too much, he simply shifted in bed and stared at whatever his eyes landed on, mind too hazy to navigate through.

Part of him felt guilt for going off and neglecting Elena while staying under the sheets. The other part of him merely allowed itself to be dragged down even further.

Whenever she came in to gently put the tray of food on the nearby table, she would always sit nearby and stroke his hair for a couple of minutes. In those minutes, Ansel felt his mind clear a little bit; her touch and her presence pulled him away from the waters slightly to the point of him wanting to open his mouth and talk.

But instead, he only kept to himself, staying in bed and letting her touch his hair, his forehead. He would hear her sigh, feel her warm lips against his forehead. After, her presence would leave the room and it felt a little more colder than it was before she came in.