Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Russ' Updates #103: Closing

Hi guys! Apologies for the late RussDate huhu. 

I think this week is a bit lighter than the previous ones? I'm not that sure, really. I'm just basing that off the fact that I don't really have anything major to submit this week. *smiling sweatdrop emoji* Anyway, how have you guys been so far? 

October's coming this Saturday! With that, Peters' time here as Featured Character is coming to an end. I'll be posting his short before Saturday! And when October rolls in, get ready to see yet another familiar face. (Hint: he was a part of the FC/UC segment from two years ago!) 

That's all for this week - enjoy! 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short 
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Onwards: A Transcendence Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City
United States of America
September 21xx

When Ansel wakes up that morning, the first thing his senses register is the scent of pancake batter all the way from the kitchen. 

He sits up slowly, blinks, and rubs at his eyes. The bedroom was still dimly lit; upon squinting around, he realizes it’s because the blinds haven’t been drawn. They remain closed, preventing the sunlight from flooding inside the room. It’s almost enough to encourage him to lie back down and try to grab another half hour’s worth of sleep; after all, he didn’t have to work on that day. 

Ansel tries to get back to sleep, but his curiosity wins over and he ends up sitting up, groaning as he stretches. Parts of his back make popping noises. The brunet grunts quietly as he rotates his neck, attempting to stretch out the sleepiness that had been left behind. 

When he feels ready, he gets up and approaches the bedroom door to creak it ooen, take a peek outside. Ansel isn’t sure why he feels nervous all of a sudden—after all, it was only Elena who would be in the kitchen. 

So he opens the door. The scent of breakfast comes stronger, and before he knows it, he’s approaching the apartment’s kitchen area. 

Ansel sees Elena. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Russ' Updates #102: Aloha 'Oe

Good evening, everyone!

First of all, holy shit have you guys watched Train to Busan? It showed here in the Philippines around two weeks ago and I was only able to watch it now. Admittedly I only watched to watch because a certain FC starred in it, but. Shit. My heart and my feelings and my tears are all over the place. I don't remember the last time I cried this much over a movie.

"Please don't cry, Russie."
(If it isn't obvious, Tadashi's FC [Gong Yoo] stars in it!)

Anyway, short update today since I've still got some other things to work on. You guys can expect three things this week: a Russ Features graphic, a Coalesce or Transcendence short, and finally, my feelings on Train to Busan! I might cram them all during the weekend once again, but if I'm lucky, you guys might expect them a bit earlier. Who knows. :'D

That's all! Enjoy the week. I'll just try to collect myself and my tears.

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Fatures Graphic
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short
[ ] Russie Reviews: Train to Busan

Deserving: A Russie Features Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
October 2016

“You two are disgusting,” Peters sighs.

Aether merely flashes him a middle finger as she cuddles against Mathieu, the other grinning and holding her a little bit tighter than he already was. “Don’t aim your bitterness at us,” she snipped back. “We didn’t even do anything to you.”

Peters gives Tadashi a look. “Look at them, Tad. Gross.” But Tadashi shakes his head and smiles at the couple, watching as Aether presses a kiss onto the redhead’s jaw.

“Not my fault you’re single.” Aether mutters. Mathieu bites his lip and snorts into her hair; she feels the trembles from where she is and can’t help but smile even more herself. “Again: no need to be bitter.”

Peters is about to retort when Tadashi interrupts smoothly. “Let them be, Peters. We all need some happiness tonight, anyway.” Aether shot him a thankful look before leaning in and kissing Mathieu lightly, the other kissing back just as happily. “They’re cute. And this is one of the rare times wherein we see A not as uptight or as stressed as she usually is.”

“I get stressed with reason,” she murmurs against Mathieu’s lips. They pull away eventually, with her leaning her head on his shoulder and he gently running his fingers through her hair. Peters watches them. He finds himself agreeing internally; it was indeed one of the times wherein Aether was more relaxed, assured. His banter and teasing was merely just for fun.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Good Together: An RRC Short

Merlot Park
September 25xx
10:46 AM

“You know what I’ve noticed recently, Lu?”

“What?” Lucian cast Choi a weary look. Humming, the other merely shrugged his shoulders and took a drink from his bottled water before answering him. “You and Am haven’t really been hanging out as of late. Did something happen?”

“Oh. No, actually,” he admitted. The two of them had just taken a break from their run; they were only a kilometer or two away from finishing. “Nothing happened between us. Both of just have just been really busy lately. When I’ve got missions, Am’s home. When she’s got missions, I’m home. It’s almost a little hard to meet halfway.” Choi cocked a brow at him and Lucian sighed, running a hand through his messy blond hair. “Conflicts and all.”

“Then why not, you know—take missions together or take missions that don’t interfere with your free times?”

“It’s not that easy.” Lucian stretched and Choi visibly flinched at the sound of joints popping. “Most of the time, they’re assigned so we can’t exactly back out. That’s a downside to becoming full-time, unlike you and Az.”

“Though you can’t blame Az, she’s got her family’s company. And I’m still waiting for the reapplication for full-time employees.” The other merely gave a hum at that. “Seriously? So you two can’t even get some quality time together?”

“Not as often as we want.”

Monday, September 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #101: Stay Alive

Hi guys! 

(The title may or may not be a Hamilton reference.)

I'm still alive, thankfully -- academics are really not messing around huhu. I'm sorry for updating the two posts pretty late; things really got hectic over here so I only got time to do them once Saturday rolled in. As much as I want to assure you guys that things like that won't happen, they unfortunately will until things lessen a bit. D: But do keep in mind that I'm aiming to make sure that I manage to complete the Russ Features requirements! 

"Don't abandon me, Russ."
Hope you're all doing okay; things have been a little bit sucky but that's part of life. *insert shrug here* I plan to drop another Russ Features short as well as one for RRC! It's very likely that they'll be posted this weekend, so please be patient and keep an eye out for that. :) 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Fatures Short
[ ] Russie Writes: A RRC Short

Mood Boards: Samuel Peters

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Strained: A Russie Features Short

New York City, NY
United States of America
March 2015

It was Aether who had to break the silence.

“I don’t want to make this awkward,” she started, “but I noticed something weird going on between you and your dad a while ago. Are you two okay?”

“It’s nothing,” Peters replied shortly. Aether and Tadashi exchanged a glance but didn’t pry. Peters merely continued unpacking his clothes, taking out an outfit that he was to wear the following day. “It’s just been a while since I’ve last seen my old man. Or any member of the family.”

“We can always take him up on his offer.” She fixed her hair into a bun before continuing, “When we finish up here. I think your parents would like it, and so would your brother—”

He interrupted her. “We’ll see.” Before she could protest, Peters got up and excused himself to go to the bathroom, leaving behind a befuddled Aether and Tadashi, the latter’s face appearing blank for only a moment. They heard the door shut and Aether huffed, folding her arms over her chest.

“I don’t understand,” she muttered.

“Don’t understand what?”

Monday, September 5, 2016

Russ' Updates #100: Academics

Hello and happy September, everybody! 

First things first, I suppose: happy hundred RussDates! I know that it's a fairly small thing to celebrate on the blog, but I guess I wanted to ~commemorate~ it somehow with a new header. The title font may change for the next couple of RussDates, as I'll be experimenting -- there should be something more permanent, though, by the end of the month! 

Secondly, thank you once again for your support during the Fourth Blogsary! I really did enjoy myself throughout the month, and hope that you all did, too! 

With August and the Blogsary now over, I think it's safe to say that the blog will be returning to its usual format. Peters is September's Russie Features, and I think I want to focus on that for now. Things are getting a little more hectic in terms of academics, but I still want to make sure the blog is at least active twice or thrice a week. :) I hope you guys understand! 

"Studies first, everyone."

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Fatures Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic