Friday, August 31, 2012

A Connecting String

"Julchen, it's cold out." 

She only smiles, shaking her head in reply. Francesca always liked to dote on her. Well, maybe less than Felicia and Mana, but still. Francesca had a kind soul - something Julchen wanted for herself. Not the tanned woman, mind you, but...a heart. She wanted to feel all those feelings the others had. For some reason, she didn't feel a single thing. 

No feeling was ever real to her. Majority were fake. 

"Did you hear me, Julchen...?" 

Dim were the plains because of the dark sky, only lit by the ever-gleaming moonlight. She shifted a little in her spot, only reaching out and grabbing something that seemed nonexistent. Francesca sighed, sitting beside her. Julchen didn't look at her but only kept her gaze on the closed fist, and she opened. Part of her expected something, but it was only air that soon mixed with the other particles that surrounded them. 

"Amalia, Felicia, and Mana are asleep."

"That's good." 


Silence that was still, silence that wasn't awkward or full of tension. It was a good silence, meant to be shared between two good friends. Julchen adored Francesca. Her awesome buddy, she dubbed the long-haired beauty. She just had some doubts. Where did she really stand? 

After all, Francine was just on the other side of Hetar. 

Planning with the Laldei. 

Her gaze turned frustrated. Francesca could sense that. 

"My friend, calm down."

Slowly, she did. 

"You know Amalia can also-"

"I know that well, there is no need to bring it up." Julchen snapped. Francesca blinked, surprised at the harsh tone in her voice, but understood nonetheless. The silver-haired girl sighed. "I'm sorry. I lost my temper again." Francesca could only smile slightly. 

"There is nothing to worry about, Julchen." 

"How's Felicia?" she tried changing the subject. Francesca, unable to read the atmosphere, did not take notice. At all.

"She was worried about you, but Amalia told her to stay back a bit. After a week ago," she threw Julchen a look, "I'd be staying back to."

"I didn't mean to, you know that."

"Yes, yes."

Another moment of silence. 

"Xais and Laldei have to stop." 

"That's impossible."

"Julchen, think of the possibilities-"

Julchen stood. 

"I did nothing wrong." she spoke slowly, surely. "It's their fault, and you know it."

"But you have to look at it from both sides-"

"Both sides nothing. I was betrayed, remember?" 

Francesca looked at her friend sadly. 

"I do."

"That string that once bound us is no more."

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I refuse. 

I refuse to believe. 


She can still hear the events of the night before. She can remember the breathlessness, the euphoria, the fairy-tale like feeling of eternal bliss. The woman is now alone, on her knees, shaking and clutching at a paper that only bore a few words. Green eyes were misty with tears, and she crumpled up the item she held so tightly in her hand. 

Ich liebe dich, mein liebe. 

If he loved her, then why did he have to leave her? She just didn't understand it. All she could comprehend was her harsh breathing, the endless stream of tears that trickled down her pale face. The woman stood but fell on the bed, and she banged her fists onto the mattress, starting to sob even more. Tears stained the white bed cover and she rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling with a broken expression on her face. 

"I just don't understand," she whispered to herself, wrapping her arms around her slim figure. "God, what did I do wrong?" 

Was this how it felt like to be broken down once more? 

I love you, my dear.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The  Alcoholic.

The Womanizer.

The Ice Queen.

The Vigilante.

I decided to follow this nifty tutorial for minimalistic poster making. xD Arianne and Samuel are my characters, Jean belongs to Ate Toni, a friend of mine, and Mail is someone from the Death Note universe. c:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cross Dimensions


Silver hair whipped to the side as scarlet eyes met green. A wild smile crossed her lips and she dusted off dirt from her clothes, cocking her hip and running a hand through her long hair. A scar ran across her pale cheek, tongue licking her lips as she met the gaze of Elizabeth Kirkland. 


The blonde other frowned, feeling her own long hair sway in the wind. The light honey locks weren't in their usual pigtails this time. The nation incarnate adjusted her rectangular-framed glasses, keeping her calm persona. On the inside, though, she was furious. 

"I ain't telling you shit." a cruel, cold laugh left Julchen's lips. Her hand dug into her coat pocket. "Why are you even here, anyway? This is Axis territory, wretch." 

"Such foul words." Elizabeth snapped back, reaching into her sheathe. "Don't try to anger me, Kraut." the Englishwoman was pleased upon seeing the albino's eye twitch a bit at the term. "I want nothing to do with you, so I shall make this quick." 

"I don't think so." the Prussian sneered. "Say auf wiedersehen, Insel Affen." 

* * * * * * * * * *


A mess of black and brown hair stumbled to the floor, a brunette on top of a black-haired person. Blue eyes met green and the one named Rianne harshly tugged at the other's hair, hissing. The brunette yelled out and screamed obscenities, roughly aiming punches at the girl below her. From behind, students gathered, cheering and videoing the fight with cameras and phones. 

"Damn it Elly, just let her go already!" 

A tall, black haired girl pulled Elly back, the girl squirming in her arms. 

"Let me go! She attacked me first-"

A much taller brunette helped Rianne up, glaring at the girls across. "You okay, Rianne?" the other merely scowled, not resisting the fair-skinned girl's movement. "Let's go. Reese is going to kill us later, and Meggy might yank my head off. Ria's just going to dote on you."

"Running away, scum?" one of the girls from the other side taunted. Rianne growled. 

"I'd rather you run, you need it, you fatass!" 

"Rianne," the other urged. The black-haired girl glared and left with her friend, holding her head high despite the bruises that decorated her fair skin. The one who held Elly back let her go and sighed, watching as the twosome departed the scene. 

"It's war all over again." 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Run Away.

"Let's run away." 

She looked at him, dubiousness in her eyes. The man's lips were pressed against her neck, a shiver ran down her spine as he trailed them down to her shoulder. "What do you say, love? Are you up for leaving busy Tokyo for a little, have a road trip with me and so elsewhere for a single week?" she sighed, closing her eyes. He pulled away and pushed her gently onto the bed, climbing on top of her and watching as she pondered over the choices he gave. "You're too stressed, and you know it." 

"I can't," she murmured. "You know how busy I am, love." 

"Yes, yes," the ginger brushed that off, "but all of this isn't healthy for you. I don't even know if you're eating three times a day, baby." she tried to speak up, but he ran a finger down her ribs, frowning to himself. "You've lost weight." 

She shifted uneasily. 

"I know..." 

"Give me your phone." she blinked. The order was sudden. 

"W-Why not use yours?" 

"Low battery." she did so and handed him the slim iPhone, and Matt scanned over the contacts, going over to the Ms. "Pardon me for a moment, beautiful," he murmured, pressing on one of the names and calling someone. "Touta?" 

She froze. 

"Matt, why - ?"

"What is it, Matt? Did something happen?"

"A is sick," he said in a serious tone, winking at his girlfriend. "She's been skipping on her meals again." An exasperated noise came from the other line, and he waggled a finger at her, silently tsking. His girlfriend flushed, covering her face with her hands. 

"I've been telling her to eat, dear is she?"

"I'm making her stay in bed and will make her eat until she regains proper metabolism and proper weight for her size." he sent her a look, as if saying he really would do that. "How long can she take sick leave?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Matt. I'll have to ask." 

"A week."

"A-A week?"

"She's sick." he said firmly. "As well as her alcohol intake, I think this could end up more complicated."

"Well...I'm not a Medical graduate, but something tells me you're right. Okay. I'll be negotiating to get A at least a week off from work." Touta sighed. "Do tell her to get some rest, alright? We've lost Miss Jinx to sick leave as well, and Olsen's trying to keep up, as well as Peters." 

"Got it, thanks!" he hung up and handed her phone back. She frowned. 

"You lied to him."

"Partly. I am going to make you eat a lot on this trip, you know." Matt grinned wolfishly. "Pack your bags, beautiful. We leave tomorrow." 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Everybody Loves Me.

Samuel Peters, portrayed by Justin Timberlake.
Graphic made and manipulated by yours truly. c:

Oh my, feels just like I don't try
Look so good I might die

All I know is everybody loves me
Head down, swaying to my own sound
Flashes in my face now

All I know is everybody loves me

A narcissist. If anyone were to look in the dictionary for the description of that word, the first thing they would see is a picture of a grinning man, brown hair scruffy and blue eyes piercing. This man's name is Samuel Paul Peters. Born and raised in Bronx, New York, he was surrounded by a life of glamour and popularity in his teenage years. 

I remember only coming up with Peters in the year 2011, when I thought of coming up with a companion or friend for A. The earliest draft of Peters was originally a tall, scrawny man with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes, socially awkward and working as an agent in Tokyo Headquarters. He and A got along pretty well, and he was her junior that time. 

As time passed, though, I wrote more and desperately needed someone else to keep her company. Peters was undeveloped that time, and then I started writing him without even drafting out his personality. As I wrote, I began realizing that I've made a completely different person, compared to A. Don't get me wrong, I love writing about varied characters. But with Peters, he's...someone I've struggled quite the bit with.

Samuel Paul Peters was born on the 26th of June in Bronx, New York. He led a simple but proud life, managing to become quarterback of the football team in his high school years. Though he seemed perfectly alright (despite his cocky and flirtatious ways) he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jacob "Jake" Peters. Jake was smart, Jake was a hit with the ladies, Jake was kind. Jake took up Medical Science and soon became a successful doctor, moving away to New York City to pursue his job. He got married and worked, while Peters struggled back in Bronx, desperately trying to get out of Jake's looming shadow.

Finally, he decided to move out and step into Tokyo, heading into the Police Agency as his father had suggested. And so he did. Moving from the United States to Japan was a large shift, the transfer from the West to East quite challenging. But he was able to buy an apartment and signed up for the Tokyo Central Headquarters post, taking up the position of agent.

During his transition, he didn't contact his family for the following reasons:

  1. Peters was busy working.
  2. Peters was trying to adjust to the changes. 
  3. Peters didn't want to. 
Secretly, Peters wanted to stay away from his family for a while. The man wanted to suddenly come and surprise them when he was successful, wanting to amaze them and wanting to hear praise. To another topic, he continued his flirtatious attitude in Tokyo, hooking up with women he found attractive. It would usually start with a conversation, and then persuasion. 

Mornings would usually start with him waking up with a woman beside him, both of them unclothed. Evenings would usually end with him taking her back to his place. 

During work, he was placed under the guidance of Matsuda Touta, a man in his thirties guiding agents on the road to becoming a great detective. He and Touta became friends, the former teasing the latter on his being single. Touta merely smiled, saying there'd be time for relationships and such in the latter part of his life. Peters refused to believe that. 

Things changed when Arianne Maxwell stepped in. Seventeen and young, she was a loner and did her work by herself. Peters remarked that the woman was 'cold' and 'lonesome', but Touta merely told him that she needed time to adjust. At eighteen, they were once teamed together. This didn't go smoothly. Peters was fire, and Arianne was ice. They contrasted each other greatly instead of balancing, and they grew to be enemies for quite a while. 

Stopping here for a while, you can gather that Peters is quite the outgoing man. He loves to smoke as well and drinks the occasional vodka, but sticks to beer instead. Though perceived as an irritating man by most, he does have a good side to him. 

He doesn't like showing it, but he does care for those close to him. He has a sense of morality and justice, even risking his life once for a child during a robbery shootout. Samuel Peters isn't the type of person to be open with affections and such, but would to anything to protect someone he loves, his family most especially. 

He has quite a hard time when it comes to maintaining relationships, however, when he really loves someone, he's willing to do his best to keep it. He does have a heart, and though not obvious, he can get hurt from time to time when it comes to love. 

With him being someone new to me, I don't know him as much as I know A. We have a hard time communicating at times, but I have a soft side for him, don't get me wrong. I love this cocky little goblin. I'll update this when I have more info about him! <3 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two Halves of a Whole

Do you know her? Nah, I don't think you do. However, I think that close friends of mine would. Just to put a general description, this young lady is of German and English descent, the former not that obvious with her dark black hair and green eyes. A struggling alcoholic currently working in the ever-busy Tokyo, Ms. Arianne Maxwell is quite the confused woman. 

I remember creating version .01 of A in the months of 2009. She was mainly created for the Harry Potter verse for the sake of having a character to role play as on Twitter. If I'm right, then she had much shorter hair that was brown and the same eye color she has now. She was a painfully shy Ravenclaw who was in the same batch as the Golden Trio, and was best friends with Lisa Turpin, fellow Ravenclaw. 

Soon, though, I grew out of the Harry Potter fandom and moved onto another, which I'm still very into at this point. Death Note, conceptualized by Tsugumi Ohba, is that fandom. It tells the tale of a young man named Yagami Light, who stumbles across a black notebook entitled the Death Note. Fueled by his drive for justice and thirst to become God of the New World, he uses the notebook to his advantage, eliminating criminals and more especially, those who get in his way. 

However, I didn't want A tangled in that plot just yet. I started to build her up more at that point, making her a young, but well-known detective with the alias A. In Tokyo, she was commonly known and recognized by that letter. In HQ, she was known as the Female L, occasionally taking over the Original L's paperwork and cases whenever he was too busy to attend to them. At this point, her appearance changed. She was now a young woman with longer black hair and cat-like green eyes, skin paler than usual. Her addiction was sweets, and was often seen sucking on a lollipop during work. 

I hadn't formulated a background for her yet, except for one vital point: She was a Wammy girl. 

On personality, she was more playful and flirty compared to the A now. She was eighteen (the base age I gave her) when I started focusing on this character, working my way up. She stood tall at 5'6 and 110 lbs, ruling over HQ with a tight grip whenever she could. Additionally, she was in a relationship and later married the Original L, having solved the Kira Case. 

At this point, I would like to add that the Death Note Universe A actively partakes in is the Alternate one. In this case, L did not die and captured Kira without the help of Near and Mello. This version of A had gone up to early 2011, where I scratched that version off and started working from scratch. I kept some physical attributes, but as for the rest, I had started all over again. 

During that time, I based A on the following: 

(Misora Naomi, Death Note.)
Misora Naomi, the heroine of the Los Angeles Beyond Birthday Case, who had assisted L on capturing the one and only killer with the Eyes, Beyond Birthday. In the anime, she was an ex-FBI agent who had suffered the effects of the Death Note. Up to present, she is still missing, her body never recovered at all. Misora had suffered the loss of her fiance, Raye Penber, and sought for revenge. She was able to deduce by herself that Kira was on the bus, the same one her late fiance was on. 

Notably, A and Misora have a couple of similarities, one being the hair length and color, the other a fondness for wearing leather. While Misora seems to be more cautious and suspicious, A is more on the oblivious and hesitant side of the spectrum. While watching the series, I loved Misora. She grew to be my favorite early in the series, and I was too disappointed at how she had left the show. I somewhat expected for the event to happen, but the initial anger and bitterness never really faded. 

Moving on, I made a background for A. To summarize it, she was a little girl raised in Winchester by her parents until they died in a fire. She transferred to Wammy's and had to move out at thirteen due to a car crash that temporarily jumbled up and took away her memories. At sixteen she came back, having recovered the lost memories. At seventeen, she moved out of England and into Japan, and started working for Tokyo Central Headquarters. 

From sweets, I changed her addiction to alcohol instead. The alcohol intake started when she started working, stressed with the trials of her job. The more she drank, the more she couldn't get out of it. 

Mainly, A is reserved. Quiet. Polite. She was taught well, after all, she was raised in England and in Wammy's as well. She keeps a calm persona on the outside, though on the inside, she's hurting and she's lost, trying to find an objective in her life. She can get terribly sarcastic and cynical unintentionally, and is quite the angry young woman when it comes to her work. Deep inside, though, she's insecure about herself and how she looks. If one were to look in her bathroom and vanity mirror, the person would come across numerous make up products, hair brushes, lotions, and perfumes. Also, she's a little unstable when it comes to her emotions. She's not used to the outside world, and even more, she's definitely not used to human contact and relationships. 

When it comes to relationships and such, A is clueless. She doesn't get body language and human nature, not really understanding herself as well. She tends to stammer a lot and blushes easily, reverting into a slight tsundere when it comes to confronting someone she likes. 

Mail Jeevas and Arianne Maxwell.
[Portrayed by Chace Crawford and Ashlee Simpson. This is
merely a manipulation and graphic made out of fun, so don't come
at me yelling where I got the picture... ^^;]
However, she's in love. 

She met Mail Jeevas and fell completely for him, unsure of her feelings. Luckily, he reciprocated those feelings and entered into a relationship, him eventually moving into her home in Tokyo as well. Mail was her first kiss, her first love, and she gave her virginity to him the first person she felt like she completely trusted. She felt as if he completed her, and never wanted to let him go. 

I shall end it here for now, and post a second part of this tomorrow. Hopefully, I'd be able to work on my other OC, though relatively more recent and not as developed as A is, who deserves the spotlight as much as lovely A does. He's a male, he's American, and he's a cocky womanizer. 

I hope you all enjoyed this! Goodnight, and see you all tomorrow. 



That's what it left her. 

She could still see the large orange flames that engulfed the house. She could still feel the dry smoke blow against her skin. She could still smell the terrible scent of the burning objects, she could feel the unwanted air rushing down her throat and into her lungs. The warmth on her skin was wrong, it didn't belong, she wanted it gone. 

A lump formed in her throat and she sank on her knees, her shoulders starting to quake. Her body started trembling, her eyes started blinking rapidly, and involuntarily, she started taking quick, sharp breaths to try to calm herself down. The oxygen rushed down her throat, unwanted. Denied. Not registering into her lungs. The woman spluttered and coughed, clutching at her throat and trying to breathe. 

She denied the air. 

Her body denied the air. 

It was as if she were drowning, drowning, drowning. It was like the pressure of the water was pushing her chest down, down, down into the dark depths of the ocean. The more she tried to breathe, the more the chances of suffocating, drowning, and choking would occur. She let out a strangled cry, trying to breathe, trying to swim out of the trauma the childhood event brought her. Her green eyes filled with tears, and her skin, usually fair, paled an unusual white that she never bore unless too sick to move and function. 

Images flashed before her eyes, and she shook even more. 

Running into the house was her mother, her hair falling out of the neat bun. Jonathan, she screamed, she screamed for the girl's father. The child squirmed out of the firefighter's arms with all her might but could only scream and kick, the older man refusing to let go. Other firefighters tried to chase Elizabeth Meyer in, but it was no use as the house finally collapsed, erupting into more flames, more disaster, more doom. 

She let go of her throat and crumpled on the ground, hugging her knees and continuing to shake. Every single memory of that event was rushing in and out, like bees in a busy hive. The air was coming in and out now, filling and expanding her lungs as they worked hard to keep her alive. 

Her father, black-haired and blue-eyed, ever worried. 

Her mother, blonde-haired and green-eyed, full of joy. 

They both flashed before their daughter's eyes, expressions fleeting. Happy, sad, shocked, worried, exasperated, every emotion A had ever seen them express, they appeared. Finally, peaceful. They appeared peaceful in front of her, walking off. Elizabeth's white dress fluttered in the seemingly nonexistent breeze, as well as the cape of Jonathan's cloak. 

Like the other people in her life, they couldn't wait to leave. 

Traumatized, she was. 

No regrets.

So a while back, my group mates and I did a video project for Health.

This is what occurred behind the scenes of video making...

...yes, that's me.

Forgive the bad quality. xD


Well, how on Earth do I explain these?
To put it simply, I'm a graphic maker/editor.
My main program is Adobe Photoshop CS5.

For short, Arianne loves editing, period.


Magandang hapon, guten tag, and good afternoon (or rather, evening) to all of you! This is going to be my very first post on here. Few of you reading at this moment would recognize me as the one who ran my old blog, reformatmymess. However, I wanted to start anew and created a new, cleaner, and simpler blog for your viewing pleasure.

I don't find Tumblr enough for my posts, actually. Yes, I post my writings there, but I figured, since a few friends of mine are actually using their blogspot accounts, why not? I also have a livejournal account but it's gone and is currently collecting dust. Yes, I need to update it when I can. Moving on, I suppose basic introductions are needed. 

Name: Arianne Maxine B. 
Age: Fourteen
Current Level: Sophomore 
Nationality: Filipina
Religion: Catholic 

That's just the basics! I'm a wannabe aspiring writer, and so far, I'm still carrying on with fanfictions and such. I try to let my characters stand on their own, but I really can't since I'm too attached with the fandom they derive from. More information on them shall be released much later, when I get used to the new structure and format that blogger has implemented...

I'm not this formal, really. I get much goofier the more the posts...

Yeah, that's how I look like in real life. Now get your eyes off my face and onto the text. 

More posts are coming soon! <3