Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flipside: Three Hearts Gone

Good evening, dear readers! This will be a short Behind the Scenes post regarding my latest post, entitled "Three Hearts Gone". It was actually an OTP challenge given to me by Giselle Elaine, and the challenge was to use the following word as a prompt or whatever: doomsday.
The first thing that came to my mind was the Doomsday episode portrayed in the 2005 revival of the Doctor Who series. I had originally planned to make just two shorts regarding the theme given, but I thought, why not kill my feelings and make it three? The third one is currently being written, but I don't think I'll be posting Doomsday II and III here on this blog.
So what happened in Doomsday I?
It was basically my OTP recreating the famous and heart-wrenching scene in Doomsday, featuring Matt as the Doctor and Arianne as Rose Tyler. Instead of Rose's family back in the Parallel Earth, I made it Peters, Jean, and other characters - characters who were instead, apparently employees at Torchwood. I'd like to think that Samuel posed as the Mickey to Arianne's Rose, except without them being exes.
So, the whole thing was a Doctor Who x Death Note x OC short. And all of it was very painful. No major changes were made, if you were to look at it. And I left out the famous beach scene at the end of the episode, which had the Tenth Doctor's (apparent) famous last words to Ms. Tyler. And that was another scene that tore my heart out. Who knows, I might make a follow up to it soon enough~ (that is, if I can actually take it.)
Just a tidbit, here's the reason why I made the title "Three Hearts Gone".
The Doctor has two hearts, right?
Two hearts of the Doctor + One heart of the female companion = three hearts.
I think you'd understand the "gone" part, yes?
ALSO. Originally, I intended for it to be an Author x Character short, but changed it at the end. Hence her mannerism towards the Doctor being quite...out of character. Hah.

Well, that's it - I'll go try and fix my feels now.

Three Hearts Gone

“After pulling it, hold on to the bar and don’t let go – you hear me, Arianne?” she nodded grimly and they both walked to the levers, one on the right side and the other on the left. “Once we pull it, it should open up the breach and pull them in – both the Daleks and the Cybermen. So,” he paused, glancing at her. “Are you ready?” a pained smile came to her face as well as a nod, and he counted: “One. Two. THREE!”

Pulls occurred at the exact same moment, and they raced to the magnetic clamps on the walls. Quickly holding on, she shut her eyes as the breach opened, and immediately what they had planned happened. As it opened, it sucked everything into it, from Dalek to Cyberman to the desk in the front and the water bottle left on the floor. The Doctor grinned with glee as everything was sucked in.

Opening her eyes, Arianne felt victorious.

That is, until her eyes spotted the lever threatening to return to its original position. Her mind did the math. If that thing went back to original position, the breach would close and the aliens would close upon them. Their mission would fail and it would mean an end to her and to her the Doctor by her side. His promise loomed in her mind, that everyone would live. Everybody would be saved.

She had never forgotten.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I'm planning! ...somehow.

Good afternoon, guys! Here's a non-lit slash announcement post from me, regarding this blog's upcoming anniversary. To be honest, I'm really not sure on what to do for my blog's anniversary, except for a few things here and there. By the way, the date is on August 25, 2013. So what do I have planned? Two things as of now.

Chace is laughing at my lack of planning. Thanks, mate.

1. Layout Changing: Yes, I'm going to change the layout and whatnot of this blog. It's actually going to be harder than changing my blog over at tumblr, and I'm wondering what I'm supposed to pick, what color schemes I'm going to apply, so on and so forth. One thing is certain, though: it's not going to be pink anymore. Aside from the layout, the banner on top is going to be changed as well! So in a few months, we'll be saying goodbye to the blonde Zooey Deschanel and hello to a possibly new banner with my "blog mascots" featured on it.
If anyone's wondering, my mascots are the darling Zooey Deschanel, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, and Chace Crawford. The faces are a little inside joke with another friend and I. c: They aren't heavily featured, but you may notice them whenever I post a GIF here or there whenever I post.
2. URL Changing: Yes, just like the layout - 4ri-anne will no longer be used when the anniversary comes. But to avoid confusion with the new blog name, I'll be using a spare blog to redirect readers who accidentally stumble across 4ri-anne to the new blog. That, or I can post in advance the URL I'll be using. Whichever floats my boat.
Yes, I only have those two planned. Forgive me.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm even going to do a giveaway. First because I don't know what to give, and second because I don't want to have a winner and have the gifts lost in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. Third because... (looks at followers list) Yep. Haha!
So if any of you guys have suggestions for what I can do for the anniversary, comment your suggestions. I'll look through them and hopefully, I can make some arrangements. Oh yes, and the Royal Flush blog's anniversary is on October 28! I don't think I'll be changing some major things, just a few tweaks here and there. I like the banner + layout a lot.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Of Lonely Hearts

"I envy you."

Another beer rushed down his throat. The American gulped it down and put the bottle back on the counter, half of it remaining and still remaining cold. As blue eyes scanned the area around him, he decided that perhaps another half hour would do. The people inside the bar had decreased by a significant amount; there were only a few men here and there left, drinking their scotch and whiskey silently to themselves. Peters, on the other hand, just needed a quick fix after the day. Some beer to go and perhaps a shot or two, and he’d be fine. This was no night for picking a lady up, nor was it a night for staying overtime at headquarters and working his ass off ‘til dawn. This was a night for himself.

Or so he initially thought. He heard the bartender chuckle understandingly, speaking in rather strained English as he comforted some poor soul who sat in front of him. Peters didn’t spare a glance and merely grabbed hold of the green beer bottle once more, preparing to take another drink and order another. With a roll of his eyes, he tried to ignore that all of this would kill his wallet. Payday would come within the week, so why not blow all his remaining cash? Mentally, though, he reminded himself to spare a reasonable amount. He needed to pay apartment rent somehow.

So begrudgingly, the man took out his wallet and tucked a few hundred yen in the pocket containing his ID. That would go to the jar in the corner of his bedroom, reserved for whatever the hell he needed that he found important. Finally finishing off the bottle, he pushed it back, called the bartender, and yet ordered another. The older man nodded and went off.

A light ding alerted him that once more, the population within the bar decreased by one.

So he’d be staying until closing time, perhaps?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ari Rants: The Ninth Doctor

Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!
- The Ninth Doctor, The Doctor Dances
This is going to be a rant and reflection and discussion in one. There's going to be no background checks, no structure or whatsoever, no holding back (except for swears, I'm going to limit those). Because I'm really in a ranting mood today, and I've been planning to talk about this lovely man for some time now. So get some chips and tea because this is going to be quite the post from me.

Spoilers? Of course! Don't read if you don't like being spoiled, especially if you're just going to start watching Doctor Who. Please take note that I am NOT hating on the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. One can say I'm being passionate. But please understand that I am not bashing them in any single form.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Muse of My Life: A Playlist

Hello and good evening, dear readers! I recently finished the album + tracklist covers of a playlist I've just completed, and I decided to post them for all to see, just like I do with all my playlists. Today's playlist is about an OTP of mine, Matt and A. However, instead of a playlist that deals with both characters' emotions and the relationship so far, I decided to take it one person at a time. Here is the playlist entitled Muse - a playlist centered on Matt's feelings towards A, from one stage of their relationship to another.

As usual, the read more button is there if you're interested in going on.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

2,000 page views??

The date is April 23, 2013.
As of 8:30PM (UTC + 8), my blog has reached...
Two thousand page views.
Are you all kidding me?!
Seriously, thank you all so much.
To those just passing by for a glance to those who regularly view my blog,
I would like to sincerely and happily thank every single one of you.
I wouldn't have made it to two thousand without all of you guys, and for that,
I am grateful and thankful to have such wonderful people reading, passing by.
So yes, a toast to all of you!
I really hope you guys enjoy what you're reading, no matter how random or serious.
I hope that you'll continue reading whatever I post. Wow. This is hard to take in. XD
So, once more, thank you so much.
I'll be posting much, much more soon.
*sends you all cyber-hugs and cyber-kisses and cyber-cookies*

Ari Reviews: The Catastrophic History of You and Me


Good evening readers and viewers alike! Tonight is another night for Ari's Reviews, and tonight, I review a book that has shattered and melted my heart at the same time. Sort of like chocolate, you're amazed at its' taste and then stare in horror at the empty wrapper once you finish it. Anyway, today I'll be reviewing Jess Rothenberg's The Catastrophic History of You and Me. Recommended to me by a good friend named Giselle, I read it in a span of two hours. Yes, you heard that right. So get a cup of tea or juice or whatever and join me as we explore this book's interesting plot and set of characters that will slowly and surely smash your heart into smithereens.

As much as possible, I will try to avoid putting spoilers. Read on with caution if you haven't read the book yet, or are planning to. In case of spoilers, however, they shall be in small font so that they won't be easily read.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flipside: BtLS and LS

Flipside: BtLS and LS

Hi and good afternoon to you all! This is going to be a Behind the Scenes special about my two recently-posted Shorts, entitled Before the Lightning Strikes and its follow up, Last Resort. Long story made short, both of these were challenges given by Giselle Elaine, who usually gives me challenges to accomplish whenever I want to accomplish something. How vague. Last night, I asked for challenge, and these two were the result of it.

Basically, she asked me to write a prequel to The Shoujo Parallels: Eri. I decided that the events would occur after The Shoujo Parallels: Oddette. So with everything in the middle, I eventually decided to show what was going on in Arzen’s case, and even Eri’s. I thought that it would be good to see them portrayed in a positive light (especially Eri) since they were portrayed as villains in the first prequel (TSP: Celeste) and hardly appeared in the second (TSP: Oddette). Readers would wonder of course, what her story would be like, and Giselle gave me the chance to elaborate on that through writing, well, prequels.

The read more button is there if you’re interested.

Last Resort

The Mortal Realm

“Beatrice, come on! Have lunch with us,” Therese called. The other girl nodded and quickly grabbed chopsticks from the box, rushing to her friends with the bowl in her hand. Blinking, she noticed that one of her friends was asleep. With a frown, Beatrice Amor sat down and looked at the sleeping Arzen, who had no chance of waking up any time soon. “Don’t wake her, she didn’t sleep well...she shouldn’t have gone, she’d just miss a quiz in English that she could take when she’d come back.” Therese sighed, starting to eat. The wavy-haired Freshman eyed Arzen before starting to eat as well, eyes never leaving the sleeping girl who remained at her side, unmoving.

“She isn’t alright, is she,” she asked softly.

Therese shook her head.

Ari Babbles: Original Characters

Hello, and good evening/morning! It's been a while since I've done a Babbles post, and tonight just might be the night for another one. It's currently 12:08AM as I start writing this - and knowing me, my babbles tend to be structured around midnight. I'll be writing about something I love dearly, which are: Original Characters. So the read more is there if you're interested in my incoherent typing, click it if you want to read on.

Irrelevant gif is irrelevant, but I love them anyways.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Before the Lightning Strikes

Before the Lightning Strikes
Arzen Venura.

“Oh Arzen, that’s a pretty wallet. Mind if check it out?” Denise Watts flashes her smile at me and I merely nod, taking my leather wallet out and handing it over to her. Beside her, Mel Day peeks over and looks over my wallet as well, as if I had allowed her to do so. But whatever – it’s not like I minded. Looking back at the board, I merely close my Algebra book and lean back on the chair. There was no teacher as of now (and the start of the period), and we were only given a seatwork to accomplish by the end of the subject. Denise takes out a few pictures and whispers to Mel, then puts them back in the original spots. From the corner of my eye, I watch them.

The class around me grumbles, laughs, and sighs as they finish the seatwork, some tutoring and others not really seeming to give a damn. Beatrice was probably figuring it out with Celle.

“Hey Arzen, that’s Elaine, right?”

Monday, April 15, 2013


You wake up alone in a dark place.
Bruises scatter your skin, coloring them black and blue.
With tired eyes, you look around yourself and see nothing more.
The grass underneath you tickles your bare legs, and you shift slightly.
Heaving a sigh, you have no memory of where you are.
What day it is.
What lies inside your pocket.
Who you are.
Struggling, you manage to get up.
The skies are tinged grey with possibility of rain.
As you start walking, the grass is crushed beneath your footsteps.
You can only hope for some comfort.
But that, in reality, should be the least of your worries.
Comfort is far from what is expected when something hunts you down.
Slowly creeping with each step you take,
It blends within your surroundings.
Tired and hopeless, you resort to giving up.
As the thought flashes through your head, a rainbow shines.
And soft wings surround you, keeping you safe from harm.
You are the Heroine,
and They are the Angels.
All you need to do is stay away from the Darkness.

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Special Case

How could he honestly be so stupid?

Matt grimaced as he was taken out of the cafe, feeling Matsumoto watched amusedly, cackling to himself as he drank his coffee. From beside him, he could hear the woman rebuking him about running away and put all her threats in the air, but the words merely left through his other ear. How could she have known? Making a face, he guessed that it was simply pure coincidence. It didn’t look like she was on duty, and entered the coffee shop with an intention to drink up. But she saw him, her eyes flickered in remembrance and she had trudged up to him, greeting Matsumoto and showing her ID.

His superior faked a look of shock and let her take Matt away from the table. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Japanese hold in a laugh and resume reading the newspaper that was on the table. Blast it. He’d probably charm his way out of this one just like he did two weeks ago.

“So where exactly are you taking me?” he asked, stiffening slightly at the feeling of handcuffs around his wrists. Fuck. How to charm her if his hands were bound... “I reckon you’ll take me to the big house?”

“Don’t waste your breath,” she snapped, making him get into the back. Matt sighed, climbing into the black car and watching as she shut the door and got into the driver’s seat. “I’ve had enough dealing with the likes of you. Honestly, running away like that weeks ago? That just tells me you’ve got something under your sleeve.” The car came alive and before he knew it, they were on the road. “So what are you? Illegal immigrant or a smuggler? Or are you a drug dealer?”

Damn, she was nosy.

“None of the above.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Impatient footsteps fill the silent room, the girl frowning with her arms crossed as she peeked at the unconscious form on the hospital bed. Beside her, a boy whacked said girl and she squeaked, turning to glare at him with an irritated look in her blue eyes. Sitting further away, an older man could only pinch his temples. He didn’t want all those blasted children (three of them, at least) with him as they waited for her to awake. He could have taken Linda and only Linda, but the other two insisted on going – friends of her, at least. About to protest, Roger Ruvie was only silenced as Wammy allowed the three to go.

As the three children began to argue, the older man glowered and raised his voice, rebuking them harshly. The boy and girl huffed, turning away, and the other boy could only sigh as he looked at the small figure in the hospital bed, not making any sign of movement. Once a few minutes had passed, he got up from his chair and spoke.

“When will H wake up?”

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Flipside: The Impossible Belt

Hello, and good evening to you all! As you may have seen, I recently posted an entry entitled The Impossible Belt, which spawned from a challenge given by Giselle. The challenge was simply this: to portray the 2p!Shoujo Parallels. Particuarly, the XDees. She let me choose only four to depict, but for some reason, I ended up choosing six. In this blog post, I'll be explaining those characters, what's happening and whatnot - so, click the read more for more information!

The Impossible Belt

The Impossible Belt

“Congratulations Ms. Adler, keep this up and you just might up getting Excellence this March.” Spoke the middle-aged teacher as he handed his student a test paper, unsurprised at her feat. “Some of you need to follow Ms. Adler’s example in my subject, no one wants to end up repeating their senior year.” As she sat back down, the students next to her peered at her paper, wondering how she was able to ace Physics, balancing her studies and her social life. Said student merely glanced down at her paper, not bothering to take note of where she went wrong.

“Now, we discuss the results…what is it, Ms. Gomez, do you have a question?”

From the corner of her eye, Arizona Adler spotted Chloe Vanto give her a thumbs up and a grin. The girl only nodded briefly, looking back at her paper and saying nothing more. Smirking, the curly-haired Chloe could only chuckle and lean back on her own chair, not caring about the 89 she had just received in the subject. If anything, Arizona had made wonders yet again – and despite all of that, she had no reaction.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Don't move."

“Don’t move.”

“This is the second time we’ve stumbled across them!” she growled, running with the Doctor as they were chased down – not an unusual occurring to them both. “Are you mad?! Where’s the TARDIS when we need it, get us out of here or I will cut you into half!” the Doctor grumbled to himself and stopped in front of a door, stumbling for his Sonic Screwdriver and using it to unlock the metal doors. They opened and yet they ran again, she cursing him for even bringing her to that place.

Her heart stormed in her chest at the sound of the Cyberman coming from behind, and she ran and ran, blindly following the man as he led them to a place where they could hopefully hide. It wasn’t like the time the Angels had cornered them or the time Ood were out to get them. This was different; it was the Cybermen – after witnessing what they could do and how they converted people into their own kind, all Arianne wanted was to get out of their safely. But the Doctor intended to save everyone on that planet – as usual, because of his noble trait that she admired and detested the same time.

Numerous times had he told her the following:

Everybody lives.

The Heart of the Universe

 “Take me to the heart of the universe.”

“So let me get this straight – you pull all those knobs and shit, and we go off into wherever the hell you lead us?” a black-haired young woman stated, narrowing her eyes. The man before her spun around and flashed a grin as the insides of the machine glowed an even brighter shade of light blue. “Time and space and history and time, take me to the Teutonic Order!” she urged, rushing to this strange man with a gleam in her eyes. “The time of the Teutonic Knights – no, no, I want to see the breaking down of the Wall of Berlin…” she paced around, walking around him in circles. .

The man watched her and blinked.

“Well, what is it?”

“No, no…” she stopped and laughed. “Take me to the heart of the universe, and then to the breaking of the Wall – and finally, to the Teutonic Order.” She flashed a smirk. “If you manage to do all of that, I might just believe you about your fancy little box.”

“Little?” he scoffed. “You call this little?”

“I’ve seen bigger. Now take me there, ginger-face.”

Monday, April 1, 2013

"Let the Sky fall."

The Shoujo Parallels: Eri
“Let the Sky fall.”

She took her pistols out, facing the other side of the battlefield. There stood a smirking Celeste and an irritated Alpha, but Eri wasn’t even paying attention to them. She had her green eyes on the one in the center, the one with a brandished sword that bore an orange hilt and dark gems. She gripped her weapons tighter as Amaya turned to look at her, her own eyes stoic and emotionless, warriors behind her. From her sides, she could feel Cissa and Lisa’s tension and in that moment the truth hit her.

They were in war, and it was lose-lose situation for them. If she would win with her comrades, there would be a possibility these past friends of hers would rot in jail or be buried in the soil. If they lost, then she would either be dead or kicked out with her family. She grit her teeth, maintaining her stare with Amaya. Silence filled the air and no one dared to move.

It was only Cissa’s deafening yell that initiated the battle.