Monday, September 29, 2014

Russ' Updates #005: Approaching the End

Hello, Darlings!

So I managed to survive the ACET. Sadly, I didn't feel so great today and missed out on a lot of things for school. And then there was the disaster that was English, but...yeah I'm not going to talk about that. *nervous laughter + prays that I don't actually fail* Based on what I heard from my classmates, I think this week's going to be for studying the second unit plus finishing up on some PTs that have to be finished.

Next week, I'm going to be taking my second quarter finals as well as the DLSUCET/DCAT! Although DLSU isn't my dream school, I'm still hoping that I'd pass in the instance that, well...I wouldn't get into Ateneo or UP. *knocks on wood* What sucks, though, is that I won't have a weekend - at all.

Finals start next Wednesday and end on Saturday, with the DCAT happening Sunday afternoon. Due to that, I don't think I'll be able to post at all - even if I won't have school next Monday. D: Expect a small hiatus around that time.

I'll be updating the Upcoming/Featured Character tab this Wednesday Tuesday night! I'm actually looking forward to this one, since he (yup - it's a guy) has a really interesting background I want to work on. So look out for that~

Upcoming Posts: 

 [x] Russie Writes: An U/FC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A TSP HC Short 
 [x] Russie Photoshops: An U/FC Graphic

Oath: A Shoujo Parallels OTP Graphic

"She isn't just my assignment, my task, my mission - she is worth more than that."
(Happy Birthday, Miles!)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Amaryllis: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Alpha Belt
Silvas Estate, England

It had been a few years since Mary moved into the Silvas residence in England. Then younger, the dark-haired girl was now of eleven years, sporting hair that reached a little below her shoulders and sporting a crimson red dress.


The girl blinked at the voice. “…Gabriel?”

On another hand, Gabriel Silvas, thirteen years of age, was taller and sporting a wicked grin on his face. The male, who towered over Mary, had burst into her room with a bang.

“Mary! I know it – I finally know it!” he exclaimed, proudly striking a pose in the middle of her room. The scarlet-eyed child regarded him with a blank stare.

“Know what?”

“Your name!” he told her excitedly. The once confused look on her face turned a little…smug. “Remember when mother and father told me that I’d find out when I turned thirteen? They told me just now!” Gabriel’s face fell, however, and this made Mary frown as well.

“So what’s the deal about it?”

Gabriel mumbled something under his breath.


“Bloody – what is it with you French lot?” he asked exasperatedly, sitting next to her on the bed. Mary scooted away a little, but Gabriel didn’t notice at all. “I can pronounce your surname right. Coquelicot.” He said, Mary shaking her head (internally) at how badly he said it. But she didn’t say a word. “But your actual name…”

“Mary,” she replied. “Just call me Mary.” No need to mess up my birth name, she thought exasperatedly, wishing to tell him but not quite having the heart to do so.

“I’m going to call you by your real name,” he told her seriously. “Or I’ll die trying.”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Identities: A Miles Gabriel Graphic

"Stop lying to yourself. Don't you know who you are anymore?"
"That man is dead and gone. A fragment that I've longed to forget."

Monday, September 22, 2014

Russ' Updates #004: Actual Midterms and PT Week

Good evening, darlings! So remember my post last week saying that the midterms would be over by this week (sort of)? 

Yeah. That was a lie. Basically, #MarioPH hit hard last Friday, thus cancelling out the day. Friday was supposed to hold my English, Physics and Economics midterms, but alas. As if that wasn't bad enough, the ACET was postponed. I have no freaking idea when it's going to be. And it's really irritating - I just wanted to be over and done with half of the midterms + the ACET, but...this happened. Another freaking typhoon just had to really mess up everything. *angry fist-shaking*

UPDATE: ACET is now this weekend. *creys*

I don't get how people celebrated over it huhu I mean it just messed up your schedule bigtime.

Anyway, I wasn't exactly able to post Noriko's Backstory II because I had to work on a few projects during the weekend. I'll do my best to get it up by Friday, along with another short.

So, wish me luck! I'm aiming for hella high grades for the midterms (trigo why) and as much as possible, I'm doing my best to keep up and pretty much remain positive for the remaining months. *nervous laughter here* I'm just keeping my eyes on the semestral break, really.

That's all for today - I need to study for Economics and Physics - see you all this Friday!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: Noriko's Backstory Short II
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Prompt

Friday, September 19, 2014

Five Minutes: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

Alpha Belt
Point of Convergence

“I’m only here because Giselle asked me to do it.” Amy told him bluntly, her scarlet eyes piercing into his. Miles kept his gaze cool, mouth set into a flat line. “And since your assignment knows mine.”

“How long can you resist the urge to kill me, Coquelicot?” the Original asked. Amy sent him an icy look, but Miles’ expression didn’t falter at all. “I just wanted five minutes of your time. Five minutes. And then you can go back to watching Giselle. I’m taking nothing else.”

“Five minutes. Five minutes to fuck it up–”

“I didn’t do it.”

Amy stopped, her expression turning from irritated to shocked. She was so shocked that she couldn’t say anything else. Taking advantage of her silence, Miles continued.

“That night? That event? None of my doing. If I could take you back to that night, I’d do it in a heartbeat just to prove my innocence.” Miles looked away. “I know it’s unbelievable to you. After years of being in pain. I know. I know that–”

The brunette suddenly staggered back, clutching his cheek. Wide-eyed, he looked at Amy, whose scarlet eyes were burning with rage. Her hand was in front of her and she was almost shaking. 

 “You don’t know anything, Gabriel,” she hissed, but Miles cut her off.

“But I do.” he cringed as he touched the sore area on his cheek and set his hand down eventually, Amy spotting a reddening mark. She felt pleased – internally – at the sight. “I know. Living with pain? It eats you on the inside. It almost reduces you to nothing but an angry shell.” She sent him daggers but he ignored her and went on, “Same with guilt. It’s been eating me up. I can’t take lying anymore, Mary!” he yelled, unable to hold back.

Amy stopped at the usage of that name.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Milestone 1.0

Thank you for making another seemingly impossible dream come true!
Couldn't have done with without you guys. I love you all.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Russ' Updates #003: Midterms and Entrance Exams

Hello, darlings!

A little bit of storytelling before I start - there were no classes today because of the typhoon. There wasn't actually rain today, but the governor decided to suspend classes last night because the rain was hella strong. Seriously. It was still raining when I finally slept around 1AM. Tbh, I was supposed to take the day seriously and review for the ACET, but I ended up lazing around. #smh

Anyway, I might be busy for the next two weeks - I've got a few midterms coming around this week, the ACET this Saturday, and most likely, more midterms next week. In addition to that, the influx of Performance Tasks are coming soon, and I might be majorly swamped. 

*nervous laughter*

And as I keep saying, please, please keep me in your thoughts as I go for the Ateneo College Entrance Exam this Saturday! To be honest, I don't feel so prepared. (I also got the same feels during the UPCAT huhu) But I really hope to do my best since Ateneo is my freaking dream school and I'd do anything to be accepted. 

This week's posts to expect won't be much since I'm bracing that massive load of work that's going to be imposed soon. That's all for now! <3

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: Noriko's Background Short II
[x] Russie Photoshops: Color Palettes -- Macmillan Thomas

Color Palettes: Noriko Inoue

"It's not just black or white. There will always be an in-between."

Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Impressions: A First Meeting Short

Matsumoto Manor
Tokyo, Japan

From: Mail Jeevas
To: Kenichi Matsumoto

            I’m on my way there with her. Don’t screw this up for me.

From: Kenichi Matsumoto
To: Mail Jeevas

            Calm down, hotshot. I won’t do anything…yet. ;)

The Japanese snickered as he slid his phone back into his pocket, turning to the extravaganza that was his party. Around him, people danced and drank, others socializing with their glasses in the air. Kenichi himself had his own glass and took a sip, feeling the golden drink flow down his throat. Behind him, his guards quietly spoke into the mouthpieces and squinted their eyes, looking out for any kind of trouble that would potentially happen.

“Boys, boys. Relax,” Kenichi laughed. The two guards tensed a little less. “Do me a favor, though. If you see Matt and his date, do tell me.”

“Understood, sir.” The two stalked off and he sighed quietly in relief, quickly plastering a charismatic smile on his face once a pair approached him.

He didn’t know how long he had engaged in conversation – it seemed like he talked to everyone. There was a politician who asked for his support, a banker who discussed stocks and another businessman who talked sports instead of marketing like they usually would. It was like he passed by everyone, talked with everyone, laughed with everyone.

All except for two.

Kenichi took another sip from his next drink, some scotch to soothe his nerves and pick him back up. All the talking must have dried his throat. As couples danced and music played, an endless assortment of food being served away, he glanced shortly at the doors where everyone would enter and eventually exit. A frown lit his lips.

“Where the mighty hell is that bastard,” he muttered, nearly about to refill his glass when a guard suddenly came from behind.

“He’s here, sir. Just came. Told Kuro that he had gotten into some mild traffic on the way.”

“Is that so? Thank you, Mori.” The taller bowed and Kenichi easily swept across the room, straightening his tie and running a hand through his hair. The people around him made away and he flashed smiles at them all, finally seeing Matt there with a lady on his arm.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ari Babbles: 40 Questions for Fic Writers

Hello, darlings!

Today, I'll be answering the Forty Questions for Fic Writers meme.  I snagged the questions from here. I came across it while searching for memes to answer, and thought, why the hell not. Slight warning, though - this is going to be one hell of a long post.

As usual, the Read More link is right there if you wish to continue. ^_^ 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Alone Together: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

Alpha Belt
Venura Residence
September 2014

Miles was asleep.

Arianne watched him from her bed. He had insisted on merely sitting on the chair and they had argued about his comfort, so she ended up leaving and bringing in a comfier chair than the office one she used when at her desk.

Her eyes glanced away and she sighed, wrapping herself in the blue TARDIS blanket and curling up. She didn’t know why Miles did that. She didn’t know why Miles always did that. “I don’t get you,” she muttered to herself, shutting her eyes at the thought.

He mumbled something in his sleep. She cringed slightly and managed to relax, trying to not think of anything else but the dark-haired man who sat only a few feet away from her. When she found herself needing him – craving for someone to rant to than the norm – he would always appear minutes later, green eyes scanning her from head to toe.

Arianne didn’t want to admit that she needed him – not to him, at least. She still wanted to maintain distance from the strange creature who claimed to be there to protect her.


She just wanted to protect herself.

It seemed that every time they were going to attack, he would be there to combat them away. And she wasn’t sure if she should be grateful or not.

Miles gave another mumble. She heard him shift in the seat and tried not to look at him again. She didn’t want him to find out that she just faked falling asleep for the sake of making him worry less.
Before she knew it, the tears were coming again.

Mood Boards: Samuel Peters

Monday, September 8, 2014

Russ' Updates #002: Chill Week

Hello, darlings!

This is going to be a pretty much chill week since my school is celebrating its Ruby Jubilee this Thursday. And since that's happening, Thursday was given as a halfday while Friday was given as a holiday. So, yup - no school this Friday = more time to work on application forms writings. 

aw yes this feeling = good
Just a sidestory, I was given my report card for the first quarter last Saturday. And to my surprise, my grades were actually decent - like, I computed them and all and was able to get a 90.55 average, even rounding off to 91. *insert happy tears emoji here* Plus, I was able to reach a milestone - nothing lower than 85. 

Since this week's going to be hella chill (sort of preparing us for the midterms next week, I guess), I'm going to make the most out of it and really work on things that I want to post. Additionally, I have to fulfill certain club duties - but since the work is nearly done, I won't be that stressed. ^_^

Also, I'm taking the ACET (Ateneo College Entrance Exam) in fifteen days! Please do keep me in your thoughts-slash-prayers, Ateneo is seriously my dream school and I'd do anything to get in. Truth be told, I don't think I'm ready yet - God help me - but I'm doing my best. So, yes - keep me and everyone else who'll be taking it in your thoughts. I seriously appreciate that kind of stuff. <3

Until next Monday! See you all by then~

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Shoujo Parallels Short
[x] Russie Writes: Matsumoto and A
[x] Russie Photoshops: Mood Boards - Samuel Peters

[x] Russie Talks: 40 Questions for Fic Writers

Tensions: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

The Otherworld
Beta Belt

“You never shoot, Eri,” Andi Schnee said as she watched the Lightning Parallel aim at a target. “At least…I’ve never seen you shoot. Or even come here in the first place.”

Eri said nothing. Andi sighed silently and merely watched, the Parallel not missing a single target. It was simple, really – there were targets aligned twenty, maybe even thirty feet away. All she had to do was shoot. The targets would automatically retract upon impact and would be replaced by new ones. The process would go on until the person who was practicing stopped the session.

Knowing Eri, Andi thought to herself, it would be a very long one.

As Eri reloaded, Andi took the opportunity to at least gauge her into speaking.

“I know you asked me to come to you for a reason.” she said, twisting her long hair into an effortless bun. Her grey eyes watched the female, “Or else you’d be perfectly content by yourself. What’s wrong?” Eri merely shot at a target and finally put the gun down, putting it back into safety mode before turning to Andi.

“Sorry. I usually talk to Mathias about these things.” Her gaze cut away awkwardly, “He’s the one who just…knows a lot about these kinds of things.”

“I don’t need to know a lot about it,” the other offered. Eri let herself smile at that. “What’s eating you up, Spinnen Kumpel?”

“…it’s her.”

Andi’s brows furrowed. “Amaya?”

“No, not Amaya. You know,” Eri allowed herself a moment’s worth of hesitation, “Arzen.” Andi’s eyes widened and she nodded quickly, Eri pulling herself out of her own personal thoughts for a moment. “I told you, remember? We have this thing that connects us to each other.”

“Right, right…so…what about her?”

Eri felt like clamming up again.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Susurrus: Ventus

"Of all the gods, Ammon was the enigma. The most concealed.
They say that he loved his siblings so much, he dedicated himself to protecting them.
He wanted to save them from all horrible things.
...including himself."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ari Reviews: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Good evening, darlings!

As planned, tonight, I’ll be reviewing Rainbow Rowell’s book entitled Attachments. It’s the third book by her which I’ve read. Having been used to her write characters of my age (aka teenagers and eventual young adults); it’ll be interesting to see how she now tackles actual adults with stable jobs, new families and the like.

As usual, I may discuss certain plot points that may bring about spoilers. I’ll be doing my best to not let any slip, but if you haven’t read the book, do take caution as well.

Summary: Lincoln O’Neill reads other peoples’ email. But what can he say – it’s part of the job description. As the new office’s “internet security officer”, Lincoln monitors the email of others even if it goes against his own personal code. However, when he finds himself reading through pages and pages of email between Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder, he can’t seem to draw back…

When he finds himself falling for Beth, it’s too late to do anything else.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Corrupted Detachments: An Equilibriai Short

The Nexus
Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Ammon was not among them on that day.

Demetria pursed her lips and glanced away. The yellow seat which stood next to her own was empty. With that, Ethon and Narissa exchanged quick glances.

“I guess that means one thing,” she said softly. “Ammon really was serious about sticking to the plan.” Even if he was against it, the brunette continued in her head. Ethon merely sighed and folded his arms over his chest. As a contrast, Narissa was smiling.

“I’m proud of our eldest brother. Aren’t you?”

“We forced him into this, Nar,” Ethon refuted angrily. “You know he never liked the idea of giving his Armor. He hated to give that part of himself away. He hates feeling incomplete. Don’t you know?” he gave his sister a withering look, “Or are you too drowned in yourself to notice?”

Narissa’s ears turned pink. “How dare you,” she spat, but Demetria immediately stood up and stomped her foot on the ground. Immediately, a green shield popped up between the Twins and Demetria’s eyes blazed with a different emotion.

“Stop it. Ammon made his choice.” She looked at Ethon. “We know he doesn’t like it, but it’s for the good of everything. We gave ours away. And he’s the only one left.” Then to Narissa, “I wish you would have found another way. Ammon won’t forgive easily for making him do this.”

Narissa bowed her head and Demetria let the shield fade away. “Trust me, I would have wanted another solution…but this is the only solution we have.” She lifted her head to look at Ethon, who still regarded her with anger (though less than earlier). “We’ll be here for Ammon if that’s what he needs.”

And Demetria turned away, shivering to herself as the harsh winds blew harder in the area. Ethon noticed. The usually calm walls that surrounded them seemed colder and more unwelcoming. The flames on the red candles were dying and lighting up. Waves of a small pond down south only crashed against each other. Demetria noted that the flora weren’t as blooming.

And the winds continued.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Starting Anew: A Backstory Short

January 2013
Seiko Design Co.
Tokyo, Japan

“Are you crazy, Noriko?!”

“I resign.” The girl repeated in a flat tone. Her arms were folded over her chest. Her hair, which was usually glossy, thick and down, was thrown into a careless bun. Her lips were set into a flat line. “I’ve worked for three years. Seiko Design will do much better without me.”

Noriko Inoue had been in conflict over her decision for days. It was only when she had seen her face replacing Naomi’s did she finally snap and make a choice – the right choice.

The girl’s brown eyes stared at her superior’s own. No matter what the other said, what the other prompted and persuaded, from a higher pay to more freedom in her own schedule, Noriko wouldn’t budge at all. Finally, the superior stormed out without another word, Noriko smoothly leaving the office a few moments after. Saki, the secretary, looked at Noriko with a sad smile.

“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Nori.” Noriko merely shrugged.

“I’ll collect my things tomorrow morning and say my goodbyes.”

“Alright. Have a good day.” The young model – ex-model – turned on a heel and left. She could hear the supervisor angrily yelling and felt the gazes of the other models burn as she walked down the hall, her head held high, shoulders squared.

The girl threw withering looks to those who tried to stop her, and some others flinched away. A male model looked at her with a dull expression. She recognized him. Kishi.

“Good for you,” the male muttered. He escorted her out of the building and she looked at him, seeing his unusual paleness and the heavy bags under his eyes. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Don’t.” Noriko took his hands and looked him straight in the eyes, “If you can’t find another way. I can. I’m trying. You need to stay here.”

Monday, September 1, 2014

Russ' Updates #001: Blog Changes!

Hello, darlings! Welcome to something I've been planning for a bit: Russ' Updates!

Russ' Updates is a new "feature" wherein I post every Monday, starting today. I'll just be talking about whatever needs to be talked about. I'll also be putting in some bits and pieces about what's going on where I am now, so that when I suddenly don't post for a number of days, it's been discussed on that week's RussDate.

(that was a such a bad pun)

Upcoming Characters! You may have noticed the graphic by the sidebar, and yes, it's something else that's happening. For a month, I'll do my best to put up certain "teasers" regarding that upcoming character, whether it be a background short, graphic, or whatever. The purpose of that (for me) is to at least finalize on the main aspects of that character, from the basics to whatnot.

New Navigation Sytem! Another new aspect is the navigation system. If you check it out, you'll see that you can now search for shorts featuring a certain character. I plan to update it with more projects and characters this weekend, so look out for that.

New URL! Yes, it's finally happening. This Friday, 9PM Philippine time, I'll be changing the URL of this blog. Before that, however, I may post a graphic alerting you guys in advance about the new url. Fear not, however! I'll find a way to navigate you to the new URL if ever you use the old by accident.

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Reviews: Attachments
[x] Russie Writes: Noriko's Background Short
[x] Russie Writes: An Equilibriai Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Susurrus: Ventus