Monday, June 29, 2015

Russ' Updates #039: Opening July

Hello, Darlings! It's nearly July! 

"It almost is. And speaking of July-"

No spoilers yet, sweetie. ;D

Anyway, it's definitely almost July and do you know what that means? Aside from a new Featured Character for this month (hint: it's still someone from the Equiverse), July means Rothie's Blogsary Celebration! They actually start today, and if you wanna check out what's going on over at Carmine, you can go over here and see it for yourselves. Please do support her for the entire month of July as she celebrates her third year of blogging~

Also, yesterday was a certain someone's birthday...and I almost forgot...


I'M SORRY PETERS HUHU FORGIVE ME. I'll post something to make up for it huhu 

With July around the corner, expect the start of blogsary teasers from my side~ I'm really excited for the blogsary! I'm like...60% done with the graphic challenges (since I'll be doing the writing challenges on the day itself hehe) and I'm going to start doing the countdown this week. 

Postwise, the Aesthetic series is still ongoing! Here are this week's planned posts~

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Marion Salazar

"Have a delightful beginning of July."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Moving: An OTP Short

New York City
United States of America
June 2119

After a certain amount of time, numerous overtime shifts, and a lot of persevering, Ansel and Elena were finally able to purchase their own apartment in the less shady side of New York.

The process of choosing an apartment itself took a long time – there were many things to consider. Ansel wanted a lot of storage space, Elena didn’t want a lot of noise from the outside, Ansel wanted nice heating, and Elena wanted to be sure that the kitchen could hold Ansel’s cooking appliances and Elena’s baking ones.

Eventually, the search came to an end. It was their eighth hunt and at that point, Ansel was frustrated. Searching took so long that he wanted to ask Elena to move in with him; despite how convenient that sounded, he knew deep down that it would pose a lot of problems starting from space alone.

They had no choice – the search had to go on.

However, Mother Fate had mercy on the young couple and granted them the apartment on their eighth trip out.

“This is the eighth apartment,” Ansel groaned. Elena patted him as they walked up the stairs, soon pinching his cheek after. “If this one has shitty ventilation, I’m out and asking Marion if we can move in above her floor. It’s the closest thing to something decent.”

“That would mean hearing Marion and Kyle’s late night conversations,” Elena reminded, and Ansel paled. He swore quietly under his breath much after.

Eventually, the two met the person in charge and proceeded to let them inside. He switched on the lights. Elena waited for Ansel’s disappointed sigh. When none came, she looked up at him only to see the male furrowing his brows.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Root: A FC/UC Short

Creation Era
xxxx, X.X.

Morana refused to look away from the piercing eyes of Vito. “She asked me to do it. I was just following orders,” she answered coldly. “And it was what she wanted. Are you trying to tell me that she actually hated the idea?”

“I’m trying to tell you that it was wrong!” Vito exploded. His eyes gave a glint, “It was a stupid idea in the first place! What kind of – who would want to do that to themselves, anyway? Where’s the joy in living if you’re just…if you’re not even there at all?”

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” Morana lifted a hand and the doors began to close. “Please get out.” Yet Vito stood his ground and the Messenger of Death inhaled sharply at her sibling’s hardheadedness. “Vito. I’m asking you to get out,” she hissed. “You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know what kind of danger you’re in!”

“What happened to her?!” Vito demanded. He took another step inside and Morana cursed, proceeding to mutter something under her breath while pointing at Vito. Immediately did the male stop and his golden eyes widened; the Messenger of Life attempted to move yet found himself unable to. Morana approached him with dark eyes, her hands glowing and pulsing with a dark color. “Morana, please–”

“Please get out, brother,” Morana whispered. With a wave of her hand, she sent her Twin flying out of the room. Vito sent her a shocked look and he attempted to race back inside, but the doors closed.

And only Morana would be able to open them. Vito stood by the black door dejectedly, his hand meeting the cold surface.

He didn’t understand.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Crea: A FC/UC Graphic

Russ' Updates #038: Closing June

Hello, Darlings! <3 

(Edit: Holy shit, thank you for 16,000 views! <3)
June is soon coming to an end - I mean there's roughly a week left until June ends and July comes to take its place. Plus holy shit, the blogsary is coming up and I am incredibly excited for that. :D

"She already has a lot done when it comes to the preparations."
Speaking of July, Rothie is going to celebrate her third blogsary soon! Make sure to support her for the whole month of July as she also has a lot planned. ;) Additionally, she has officially opened her Instagram shop, where she'll be selling her books as well as an assortment of other items. Check it out here! (Note: this shop is only open to those within the Philippines.)

For this week, nothing much is happening, as usual. I'll still be posting my usual shorts and graphics, while at the same time, preparing for my blogsary this coming August. From this point on, the Aesthetic posts might be a one-per-week kind of thing, as I need to get to know the Transcendence characters a little bit more. 

Crea's time is slowly coming to and end! I'll do my best to post a graphic and a short for her to officially close June next Tuesday. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Gong Jae-Hwang

"Have a wonderful week."

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Impulse: A Relationship Short

Tokyo, Japan
June 2015
(Matsumoto, Kenichi)

“You are such a fucking idiot.”

“You’re welcome,” Matt croaked. Kenichi rolled his eyes at him and folded his arms over his chest. “Ow, shit – did they get him? I hope they got him,” the ginger managed as his nerves began to cooperate again. “And that you didn’t get yourself get banged up like the first time.”

“Yes, well – we’ve clearly changed positions this time,” Kenichi grumbled. It took Matt a number of seconds to focus on Kenichi’s face. The businessman had a few scratches and a healing bruise, nothing too bad. He briefly remembered pushing him away before the big, searing pain in his chest. “Don’t be so reckless next time. You know we swore to clean up our act.”

“Can’t exactly clean it up if you’re dead, can you?” he gave Matt a hard look and the ginger glanced away. “Instinct, asshole. I’ve been doing this for a few years and you expect me to get used to not being that guy who guards your ass all day?”

“Yes, I do expect that!” the other snapped, “I’m not the only one you’re guarding, Matt. You’re my right hand, not my shot or my conman. We’re better than that. You’re better than that. Don’t argue,” Kenichi added with a glare. “We agreed, remember? No more shady deals in the underground or using you as a meat shield. Those times are over.” He stood up and straightened his tie, proceeding to look away from him. “You’re getting time off.”

“The company–”

“The company can live without you for the next few weeks or month.” At the other’s offended look, Kenichi rolled his eyes. “Get over it. I’m not having you bleed all over your table and the carpet. I just got it cleaned.”

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Next Generation: A FC/UC Short

The Nexus
Gods’ Land
Creation Era

“Is this what we’re doing? Passing it down?”

“We’re pulling off a Crea,” Noctis chuckled. With him, Lumen gave a smile of her own. That didn’t stop the worried expression on her face, however, and Noctis caught sight of it easily. After thousands of years ruling with his wife by his side, Noctis knew how to tell one expression from another.

After all, Lumen was never really the type to hide her feelings away. And if she did, she was never able to keep it down so easily, like how Noctis would whenever he needed to put his mind first than his emotions. She glanced away from him and folded her arms over her chest, not quite saying anything more and this time waiting for him to speak. Noctis took a breath.

“These are our children. Of course they’re ready,” the male began. His hand found Lumen’s and he took it, squeezing. “They know what they can do at this point. Ventus is there to guide them throughout the whole thing.” Lumen’s apprehension didn’t quite go away and he sighed, squeezing her hand once more and tugging them to their chambers. Lumen followed blankly.

“It’s just…they’re still children, Noctis.” He listened. “The Twins barely get along, Ventus is still learning and Amina is just a girl. They’re still so young and for us to throw something like this at them is just…” she trailed off and pulled away from Noctis, sitting on their bed and refusing to look at him.

The dark-haired God ran over each of their children in his head.

Ventus, Unda, Calor and Amina. Each of them was gifted in their own way, with diverse personalities and a wide array of abilities. Each of the children were powerful and individual, but Noctis knew if that they were put together, they would create an unbeatable force – a new kind of era for everything in the universe.

He had faith in his children. Never did they fail him.

“I have faith in them, Lumen,” he said quietly. The golden-haired Goddess looked up at him. Noctis had a faraway look in his eyes. “I believe in them like how Crea believed in us.”

Monday, June 15, 2015

Russ' Updates #037: Revisions

Good morning, Darlings! 
(Technically, 1AM does count as morning)

"Thank you for missing out on my short." Crea mentioned, I wasn't exactly able to post her assigned short for this week. *sweatdrop emoji* Long story made short, I decided to revise some aspects about her character before throwing out more shorts focused on her. *bows head in shame* Forgive me, Crea.

Anyway, I formally closed the Death Note Aesthetics last week! This week, I'll be continuing the Aesthetics of the Transcendence universe. If you guys noticed, I posted Elena Jones' Aesthetic last week as well as a small Transcendence short focusing on another couple. For some reason, I felt that more than Crea for this week. *facepalms*

For this week, expect a short focused on Crea as well as the continuation of the Aesthetic series! Keep your eyes peeled for any other thing that I may not include in this week's to expect list.

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Ansel Free
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Flynn Delaney

"Please keep enjoying the rest of the month."

Friday, June 12, 2015

Reconciled: An Equilibriai Short

Viridia Residence
Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

 “What else could have I done?” Margaux asked angrily. Althea said nothing and watched the brunette girl pace back and forth in the living room of the Viridia’s home. “Did you think I could have introduced myself on the first day out of the blue while she was still adjusting? I had to give her time, Althea,” she defended.

Althea merely tugged at a loose thread on her sweater. “I was trying to tell you to tell her sooner. Now look what happened. It came out while the fucking attack was happening,” the golden-eyed girl replied sharply.

There had been an attack on L’accademia, causing the school to immediately send back the lowerclassmen. Four hovercrafts had taken the students according to where they lived – Abluvion, Silvicultrix, Susurrus or Élan – while the willing upperclassmen stayed and fought along with the faculty.

“You have the shittiest timing,” Althea scoffed. “Now she’s worried about her family, who’s trying to be in contact with the school because Harlene stayed back to fight.” Margaux said nothing more and Althea exhaled, turning back. “I’m going to make the three of us something to drink.”

“And what about me–?”

The dark-haired girl didn’t miss a beat. “You go to her and apologize for nearly five years of no contact and fooling her with that…new identity of yours.”

Margaux said nothing more, only running a hand through her hair in a frustrated manner before heading towards the stairs.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Accidental: A Transcendence Short

New York City
The United States of America
October 2117

“Why did you call me at five in the goddamn morning, Hwang?” Ansel groaned. The Korean sitting across Ansel shushed him, taking a large drink from his first cup of coffee. “This is on my only rest day. Fucking be happy I decided to blow my morning on you,” the brunet complained. Shushing him yet again, Jae Hwang pressed a finger across the other’s lips and gave a glare.

“Shut up, asshole. Where the hell is Marion?”

“Either she’s on her way or she doesn’t give a shit.” The other answered dryly. “Which I shouldn’t have done.”

“Keep complaining and I’ll stop paying for your coffee,” Jae snapped. Ansel merely raised his brow and stood up, taking the dollar bills which poked out of the other’s wallet. “Go order me another latte.”

“Sure, Prince.” Ansel slinked off to the front of the counter and proceeded to order, Jae tapping his foot on the floor over and over. Ansel soon came back with two large coffees and a tray of lot of pastries, he slumping back into the chair and proceeding to shovel food into his mouth.

“You eat like a pig.”

“I’m starving. Sue me.” Ansel took a drink from his coffee after eating, leaning back into his seat and watching as Jae ran a hand through his blonde hair in frustration. “Keep doing that and you’re going to ruin your hair.”

“I don’t care.” This made the spectacled male blink, giving the other a weird look. “Something’s going to happen today and the anticipation is going to kill me.”

“You make no sense,” Ansel grumbled. His phone gave a ring and he glanced at the screen, seeing a text from Marion. “Marion will arrive soon. Kyle didn’t wake her up for the fifth time this week.” That resulted to a snort from Jae, who still had his suspicions about his friend’s Soul Mate.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Russ' Updates #036: Additions

Good evening, Darlings! 

How are you guys doing so far? :) I hope you're having a nice time, perhaps savouring your last month of summer if school starts this month for you. Summer's still going on for me - I'm not gonna be really busy until late July, and I'm sort of wishing August would already come (because blogsary, omfg and college).

"You're going to regret saying that."
I was able to post quite a lot for Crea last week and hope that I'll keep getting the inspiration to keep posting for her. ^_^ Veering away from Crea and the FC/UC, however, I hope to get some things in about the Equiverse as well.

Thanks to Rothie, I decided to make the Aesthetic Series something...consistent? (lol) I'll be finishing up the Death Note AU Aesthetics this week, then move on to another series. ;D Hopefully I'll be able to explore the side characters as well instead of just the main characters!

Additionally, I added a new page! Check out the Celebrations page here

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Arianne Maxwell [REMAKE]
[x] Russie Photoshops: Universe Aesthetics - Death Note AU
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short

"Have a nice week."

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Gifting: A FC/UC Short

Creation Era
xxxx, X.X.

The effects of delegating Noctis and Lumen affected Crea greatly. 

Weakness hit her hard; Crea shut her eyes and counted to ten, waiting for the dizzy feeling to stop. Upon opening her rouge-colored eyes, a presence hovered around her and tapped her shoulder lightly. “Crea,” a female whispered. “Crea. Get yourself together, Crea.”

The female half of the Nuntius twins, Morana, regarded Crea with a calming expression. “Are you feeling better or should we bother you later? You look out of it,” the Messenger observed. Giving the shorthaired lady a tight smile, Crea crossed to the nearest chair and sat down, Morana following immediately after.

“Morana, where’s your brother?” Crea asked tiredly. Morana’s black eyes glanced behind them, she spotting a flash of gold light, which made her scowl.

“He’s here.”

At once, Vito appeared at Crea’s feet, eyes blazing with happiness. “Prima!” the Life Messenger said excitedly, clambering to his feet, “I have news – news about Ncotis and Lumen,” the light-haired male told her. Blinking, Crea looked at Morana, who was giving a grimace of her own.

“He’s not lying. I can feel it.”

The First felt her heart flutter in her chest. “So it’s happened, then?”

Vito took Crea’s hands and beamed. “It’s true. There are four new ones now.”