Monday, February 29, 2016

Russ' Updates #073: Opening March

Good evening, Darlings!

It's the rare (not really) 29th of February today. *nods* With that comes March tomorrow, and with March comes an entirely new Russie Feautres character. I'm actually hella excited to have her for this month, because she's very dear and close to my heart.

Aether's back! She's going to be here for the month of March, and will be popping up constantly through the various shorts and graphics I have planned for her. ^_^ Considering the fact that I've changed it up with her (with the whole Coalesce revamp) quite a lot, I'm pretty excited to show you guys what exactly those changes are.

Anyway, expect your usual Russie Features posts this week, and maybe a book review if I mange to finish what I'm currently reading. In addition, I might just be posting yet another RRC thing if I get the inspiration and/or drive to. ;w;

That's all for this week! Enjoy the first week of March <3 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russ Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russ Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic

Machinery: A Transcendence Short

Perihelion Studios
New York City
United States of America
January 2121

“You have a really shitty dedication to work,” Marion noted. Ansel said nothing and kept working at his computer, typing at lightning speed while muttering some incomprehensible words under his breath. Marion assumed that they were very technical, video-oriented jargon. “When’s that even due?”

“It’s his long-term project,” Jae-hwang mused from beside Ansel. The Korean, whose hair was now dyed a brilliant shade of teal, watched as the spectacled male kept typing and typing as the seconds passed. “You should have seen him yesterday, M. He was nearly in tears when the fucking program gave him the rainbow wheel of death.”

(At the word death, Ansel gave a small, pathetic noise.)

“The program almost died?”

“Yup. Ansel was going to to start yelling if it weren’t for the program then choosing to spare him.” Jae-hwang paused, “I swear to God he backed up nearly all his files into the first two external drives he grabbed from his bag.” Despite the joking tone in his voice, Marion couldn’t help but give Ansel a worried expression.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Russie Reviews: A Thousand Pieces of You [Claudia Grey]

Marguerite Caine's mission is simple. 

Join Theo Beck. Use her mother's invention, the Firebird, to jump into another dimension. Hunt down Paul Markov and kill him for killing her father. Return to her family and grieve. 

But it isn't that easy. Not at all. 

Throughout jumping into different dimensions and meeting different versions of Paul, Marguerite finds herself doubting whether he had really killed her father in the first place, as well as questioning her own feelings for him.

Good evening, Darlings! Tonight, I'll be reviewing Claudia Gray's A Thousand Pieces of You (ATPOY). Feel free to continue reading if you're interested! However, if you haven't read the book yet, be wary of potential spoilers. As always, however, I shall try to lessen them as much as I can.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Russ' Updates #072: New Ideas

Good evening, Darlings! I hope it's not blazing hot wherever you are right now. We're sort of close to the end of February, but the sun pretty much decided to roast everyone already. :--(

Anyway, I'm a little proud of myself for managing to post all the things I said I'd post last week. *throws confetti* Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same for this week, seeing as the 25th (this Thursday) is a national holiday! Expect a small something to be posted, yeah? :) 

"I can't wait for my arc. *squee*"
February is ending pretty soon, and that means saying goodbye to the month's Russie Features character for now. Don't fret, though - Kyong will continue to make appearances, and we'll eventually get to know more about her own individual story as well. ;D 

Anyway, if you follow Roth's blog (which you should), you may notice in her latest RWU that she mentioned both of us working on an entirely new project together. I'm very happy to confirm that yes, we're working on something hella new and hella special! I wouldn't want to say much because we only started around two weeks ago, but I can already tell that it's going to be fantastic.

That's all for this week!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russ Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russ Writes: A Transcendence Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RRC 2016 Graphic

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Faces: A Russie Features Graphic

Assistance: A Russie Features Short

Jin-kyong’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2016


Jin-kyong barely lifted her head. The sound of footsteps filled the apartment and Song Hae-jin peeked at the form on the couch, a paper bag of takeout food in her arms. “Hae-won and Eun-seok are coming in a bit,” she continued despite the lack of answer from the other girl. “Eun-seok told me that you needed help getting your apartment back in top shape.”

“I don’t need help.” Despite that, Hae-jin set the paper bag down on the coffee table and searched for the cleaning supplies. “Hae-jin…”

“Don’t worry about it, Kyongsies.” She paused to look at the other and flashed a small, genuine smile. “I’ll get it done. You can stay there and rest all you want while we wait for the other two to arrive. Okay?”

The darker-haired model’s expression didn’t change. She merely gave a brief nod and turned on her side, curling up on the couch and pulling the blankets over her head. The smile on her face disappearing, Hae-jin sighed and resumed looking for the necessary tools needed in order to tidy up the other’s apartment.

In the span of an hour, Hae-jin had managed to make the place a little more decent. She had done a quick sweep of the floor and wiped off the counters, humming softly as she picked up whatever trash she could find and throwing it away. In the bathroom, she had wiped whatever she could, spraying a can of air freshener wherever she could.

Hae-jin wondered if cleaning up Jin-kyong’s bedroom was a good idea and for the moment, decided against it. She was left staring at the white door. “She isn’t staying in her own room for some reason,” she muttered, then took a chance and decided to come in.

From the couch, Jin-kyong barely stirred.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Philia: A Coalece Short

Sole Mio
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
February 2016

“I can’t believe the waitress thought we were on a date.”

“Given today’s date, I can’t blame her.” Peters replied. This made Aether glance at the others eating around them; surrounding the two were mostly couples laughing quietly and eating to themselves. “We might have picked the wrong date to go out.”

“Just to be clear, though, this isn’t a date.”

“Definitely not.” His blue eyes met her green ones, “That would be really fucking weird, A. The world would crumble to pieces before we could end up seriously dating each other.” She went back to looking at the other people around them; while she did, the waitress who had tended to them earlier came with their food. “You alright?”

“How can you not be bitter about today, Pete?” Aether gave her pasta a little stab, making him jump in his seat. “I mean…it’s Valentine’s.”

He took the time to fork a piece of beef into his mouth before responding, “I don’t focus on the fact that I have no Valentine. I don’t know, A. Maybe I like the fact that it’s a weekend and that I can actually rest.” He eyed her as he ate and noticed how she looked a little more downcast than usual. Peters continued on, “Valentine’s is just a commercialized and maybe capitalist holiday.” She gave a small snort, “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I bet you,” he dropped his voice, “Half of these couples won’t make it until May.”

That earned a mildly horrified look from her. “You’re horrible.”

Monday, February 15, 2016

Russ' Updates #071: Not Bitter

Hi Darlings! 

I hope you guys had a good week and an enjoyable Valentine's day, whether you're single or not. For this weekend, my date was (mostly) schoolwork and research, so...that's something. 

"Please don't mind the mildly bitter blogger."
Anyway, apologies for sort of being inactive from Friday to Sunday, ack. :< A couple of heavy academic stuff came up and I sort of ended up working on them across the weekend. To make up, I hope I can post two shorts this week instead of the usual just one. Who knows - maybe I can throw in a bonus short too, yes? And who knows - maybe one of them will feature other characters. 

As usual, it's academics until Thursday (or Friday) and posting starting Friday. I really hope that I can keep up with that kind of schedule! As much as I want to keep posting and keep being active, some academic matters just make me want to tear my hair out. *sweatdrop emoji*

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russ Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russ Writes: A RF Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RF Graphic

Enjoy the week, everyone! 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Russ' Updates #070: Still Alive

Hello, Darlings! 

I hope you guys are feeling hella okay, and that you're surviving month number two. :D Personally, I think I'm pretty okay so far. Academic duties are starting to get a little heavier, but I'm still alive and that's what matters. 

For this week, expect the same schedule as usual. I'll be active from Friday to Sunday, with Mondays saved for the RussDate specifically unless stated otherwise. ^_^ As much as possible, I want to focus more on this month's Russie Features because...well, I'm still trying to recover from the Launch which had happened last month. 

"Don't burn yourself out."

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russ Writes: A RF Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RF Graphic

Enjoy the week, lovelies! <3 

Premortem: A Russie Features Short

Club Stratum
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
October 2016

“This is the farthest from a posh model party,” Eun-seok groaned. Jin-kyong ignored him completely and went off to join Soo-yeon, who was busy getting drinks for the three of them. The blonde-haired lady turned once Jin-kyong tapped her on the shoulder, and a large grin came to the eldest one’s face.

“How are you finding it?” Soo-yeon had to yell. The music in the cramped area was increasing more and more as the seconds passed. Jin-kyong opened her mouth to reply but barely heard herself over the intense music that filled the area. Soo-yeon turned back for a moment to claim the three glasses and passed the pink one to Jin-kyong; she winked and motioned for her to follow her back to Eun-seok, who was most likely still in the same area with a dour look on his face.

In all honesty, Jin-kyong was sort of expecting a tamer party as well. Not one wherein she could take advantage of the open bar and end up dancing on the tabletops with a lucky guy or gal. Part of her agreed with the sullen-faced Eun-seok, but she didn’t dare tell Soo-yeon that.

To their amusement (and her pity), Eun-seok was indeed still standing there. Soo-yeon laughed and gave him the glass, and proceeded to comfort him. Jin-kyong caught bits and pieces of her words, the music jostling through them and the chatter of people around her disrupting the kinder, bubbly sounds that came from Soo-yeon’s glossy lips.

“I want to leave!” Eun-seok yelled.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Russ' Updates #069: Greeting February

I should really stop mentioning the months in the title...

Anyway - good evening, Darlings! I hope you're all doing well this fine first of February (holy shit, slight alliteration. I'm just gonna be proud of myself for a moment). The Coalesce Launch has just ended yesterday, but don't fret - we've got a familiar face on the banner!

"Miss me?"
Kyong's going to be the face of the blog until March as well as this month's featured character! Expect quite a number of posts reserved for Kyong until February 29. :D Also, speaking of: there are a few changes I've chosen to implement (and will hopefully stick to). 
  1. I'm going to change the banner every three months except for August, wherein I'll be celebrating my fourth blog anniversary. 
  2. FC/UC will no longer be going by as such and will be called (and tagged as) Russie Features (RF) starting this month. 
  3. In order to balance my studies and such, I'll be posting more from Friday to Sunday, with Mondays specially reserved for RussDates. 
Those are all the changes for now! I think those two are the really important ones as of now. Any other changes will be told to you guys through the RussDates or in a separate post if I feel the need to address them separately.

That's all for this time, see you this weekend! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russ Writes: A RF Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A RF Graphic