Sunday, January 1, 2017

Russ' Updates #117: TFLC Launch

Good evening, Darlings! Welcome to 2017, and with that, I'd like to welcome you all to the first celebration of the year! ❤️

The Four Loves Celebration is one that's focused on Aether Maxwell and her relationships with four different people; namely Samuel Peters, Lysette Cross, Mathieu Silvestre, and Tadashi Sato. This celebration is going to last from January 1 to 31, and each week will tackle a particular relationship. For the first week, we'll be having Peters and Aether!

"We don't kill each other, I promise."
In regards to posting schedule, it pretty much follows the same schedule or format I've followed before. RussDates will be on Sundays until the end of the celebration, and from Monday to Saturday I'll be posting once a day. You can expect three shorts, two graphics, and a playlist to be posted per week. 😄 That's pretty much it for this one--I hioe you're all looking forward to it! This celebration is pretty much close to my heart and I've been loooking forward to it for weeks already.


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