Saturday, January 7, 2017

Wavelength: A TLFC Short

Peters’ Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
January 2017

“I suppose that Tadashi was right,” Aether admitted. Peters glanced at her. Both of them were in his apartment, casually drinking while waiting for the other two members of Squad A to arrive. “About both of us. That we have a lot more in common than we initially thought. Or than others tend to see.”

“Because we bicker a lot?”

“Because we bicker a lot,” Aether agreed. She raised her beer bottle and gently bumped it against Peters’, which was half-empty. “To be honest, though? I never quite expected us to be better friends than before, considering all the arguing we got into that time. Or considering that we almost fought it out in the middle of the hall.” 

“I had high hopes.” She cast him a look, to which he lifted his hands. “Not joking, Aether. I really did have high hopes for us, even though I thought that you were really far up your ass and thought that you were better than everyone else.” He expect her to scoff and defend herself at that point, but to his surprise she just snorted into her drink and nodded calmly, most likely remembering how she was that time. “You could have been nicer.”

“I know. But you could have been less cocky,” she pointed out. Peters responded with a sheepish smirk. “We both got on each other’s nerves, not going to lie about that. If I had to be honest, though, one of the reasons why I disliked you so much back then is actually something stupid. Really stupid, come to think of it now.”

“Try me.” 

She hummed and took a drink from her beer before responding. “If anything, it was envy or jealousy. Something between the two.” Peters raised a brow but said nothing, and Aether went on. “You know me, Peters. I wanted—still want—to prove myself. But at the same time, I couldn’t really muster up the courage or the initiative to do that myself. Combine that with the fact that I saw lots of people, including you, as threats? It didn’t really encourage me to be nice. If anything, it just encouraged me to be more of a bitch,” she admitted. 

“Me, a threat? You’ve got to be kidding me,” he laughed. But Aether nodded her head, set the beer bottle down on the table and leaned back against the couch in thought. “No way. You saw me as a threat?”

“You have to consider that how I was raised played a part.” She shrugged, “We were raised to constantly strive for the best. Be the best. Shit like that. So of course, when I realized that you were a threat…I had to make myself appear pretty great as well. Capable. Like I could be relied on.” Aether laughed, “It’s a long story. Lots of sad childhood things and constantly feeling like I had to prove myself.”

“Huh.” They went quiet for a moment before Peters spoke, “That’s how I felt with Jake too. You know the story.” She nodded, “But overall, I felt like I had to compete even though no one was asking me to compete. Even though no one was doing the comparing. It was just me.”

“Right? God, and then it gets to you.” Aether sighed, shaking her head. “You’re lucky that you were able to get past it.” 

“That’s because I realized that no one was asking me to be better than him.” Peters told her, drinking from his beer before going on. He glanced at her, “I have no idea how you were raised and what kind of bull they made you think when you were younger, but you have to realize that literally no one is asking you to do all of that shit. It’s all in your head, Aether. All of that pressure’s in your head. If I had to be honest, I’m surprised and pretty damn happy that you haven’t cracked yet,” he muttered.

“I’m pretty strong, Pete.”

“I know. But it’s still something if you think of it.” She nodded at his words. He made sense there. “But mush aside. Don’t get caught up in your thoughts too much, Aether. More often than not, it doesn’t really end well for people.” He was about to say more when a knock came to the door; Peters excused himself and left to open it, greeting Mack and Tadashi who came bearing food and more drinks. “Finally,” he joked, “Aether and I were going deep for a moment.” She rolled her eyes. 

“Not too deep, come on. We were having a civil discussion for once.”

“You two being civil? I honestly feel like I’ve stepped into an alternate dimension,” Mack snarked, shrugging his coat off and hanging it before sinking onto the other couch and releasing a relieved exhale. “Argue or something. It feels weird that both of you were being nice while waiting for us to arrive.” 

“Thomas,” Tadashi chided. He sat next to Aether and the latter warmed immediately, leaning her head on his shoulder. “It’s good that the two of them were actually engaging in conversation instead of fighting. What were you two talking about?” Peters, who had just come back with two more beers, exchanged a glance with Aether before shrugging. 

“It was something about this one show we wanted to watch. Ever heard of ‘Westworld’, Mack?” Mack responded immediately to that and started to talk about what he heard, Aether sending him a mildly grateful look. Peters just smirked and listened to Mack, with Tadashi raising a brow at the exchange. 

He murmured at Aether after opening his beer, “Did I miss something? Did the two of you actually have a proper conversation?” 

“We might have.”

“Personal?” She nodded and he managed a short laugh before drinking from his beer. “Interesting…but it’s good that both of you managed to land on the right foot.”

“Why is it so shocking that he and I are able to behave civilly? It’s not like we fight as much compared to before,” she told him. Tadashi made a “hmm” sound for a moment before standing up and leading her to the kitchen; the other two barely noticed as Mack continued talking about certain shows that were on his watch list, with Peters providing suggestions here and there. When they reached his kitchen, Aether leaned against the countertop as Tadashi reasoned out. 

“To be fair to the rest of the office, they only get to see you two interact in a workplace setting. And when it comes to work, at least, both of you aren’t quite on the same page as often,” he explained. “The way I understand it, Peters is more of someone who enjoy risks. You’re someone who likes to stay on plan. That, alongside other things, makes your relationship quite volatile.” 

“You make it sound like we’re out to kill each other,” she complained. 

“But you have to admit that you want to at times.”

“Wanted,” she corrected. “Wanted. And yeah, Pete and I tend to clash a lot, but…it’s not as bad anymore compared to before.” He listened, “You’re right, you know? Both of us are much more similar than appearances let on. And we understood that as time passed. We just never really acknowledged it in front of you and Mack. Hell,” she glanced at Peters from her position, “Peters and I get along more when we talk one-on-one. When we talk outside of work. Hell, even during work.” 

Aether thought back to their prior talks, prior conversations. Little to no arguments at all. “If anything, he’s sort of like a sibling. Well. At least our relationship reminds me of a siblings,” she told him. “We bicker a lot, yeah…but it tends to blow over quicker than you think. And we challenge each other. He challenges me whenever I get too stiff, I challenge him when he gets too impulsive. There’s balance.”

Tadashi eyed her before nodding. “I understand.”

She gave a small grin. “Just unbelievable?”

“Mildly. Let’s get back.” They went back after and Mack greeted them, immediately asking if they wanted to watch the first episode of this ‘Westworld’ he and Peters had been talking about. She agreed and Tadashi asked what it was about; while Mack explained, she and Peters exchanged looks. 

He raised a brow as if asking if everything was okay, and Aether nodded. Peters keep his eyes on her for a moment before smiling and turning his attention to the conversation, but not before flashing a small thumb up that she spotted. 

She couldn’t help but smile as well, snapping back to focus when Mack asked if she was into science fiction. 

Did Peters hear? Most likely.

(Was she bothered? Definitely not.)

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