Sunday, January 8, 2017

Russ' Updates #118: LysTher Week

Hi, everybody! 

Judging by the layout, I think you can tell who’s up this week! We’re going to be taking a further look into the relationship of Lysette Cross and Aether Maxwell; if you’ve been here since the DNAU days, then you might recognize that Lysette is pretty much a revamped version of Linda St. Matthews. Just a little fun fact there hehe. 

"A little hard to believe, but that was me."
There isn’t much to say except to expect pretty much the same content that you’ve seen the past week! I hope you guys enjoyed #PeTher week and got to know more about the two and their relationship with one another. :’D Who knows--maybe this time around we'll get to see their interactions in a certain orphanage~

That's all! Check out the prior posts if you'd like, and I'll see you all again tomorrow. 💚

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