Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Touch: A TFLC Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
February 2017

“So I don’t mean to offend you two by saying this—”

“Because that makes it less offensive,” Mack deadpanned. 

Peters merely flipped him off and continued, “But do both of you know how many people from work as me if you’re a couple?” He looked directly at Tadashi and Aether upon finishing the question; in response, the former blinked while the latter’s cheeks turned a very, very mild red. “I’m not kidding. I think a couple of the interns were gossiping about it at the coffee machine?”

Tadashi’s brow furrowed. “And what exactly were they saying?”

“It was nothing bad, believe me.” Peters shrugged and took a long drink from his beer, “It was more on them commenting how cute the both of you looked when you were talking together last night. One of them probably spotted you guys as you were leaving last night.” Aether was about to respond, but Mack made a small ‘hmm’ noise and tapped his temples before eyeing the two. 

“Come to think of it,” he started slowly, “Both of you tend to look an awful lot like a legitimate couple. I mean, both of you right now give off that impression.” Peters nodded in agreement as Tadashi and Aether looked at each other, both of them surprised at Mack’s comment. “Don’t give me that look.” 


“This is normal for us,” Aether said carefully. She looked up at Tadashi, the latter nodding. “How we act and what we do with one another? We’ve practically been like this for the longest time, probably since I started working at HQ.” 

“And besides,” the other pointed out, “nothing is going on between Aether and I. She’s dating someone else and I’m not really looking for a relationship at the moment. We’ve always been this close.” To put emphasis on his point, Tadashi kept resting his arm around her shoulder, and Aether leaned into his touch. 

For outsiders, it would seem completely non-platonic; after all, such an action would be reserved for lovers or the like. Upon looking closer at the two, though, Peters and Mack understood it from their teammates’ perspective a little bit more. 

There really was nothing between Tadashi and Aether but genuine friendship. It was obvious in how they interacted with each other, obvious in how Aether was comfortable touching him and how Tadashi gave off the vibe that it wasn’t awkward at all. Aether rested her head on Tadashi’s shoulder, and the other let her. 

Cutting the silence, Aether mumbled: “You’re more than ten years my senior, Tad. No offense, but you’re old enough to be my father at this point.” 

Peters snorted; Mack gave a laugh at her words and Aether couldn’t help but flash him a sheepish smile as the Korean pouted at her. “You didn’t have to bring up my age.” 

“Sure, dad.” The two other males laughed louder at that, Peters almost snorting his drink and Mack unable to keep a grin from forming on his face. Despite his embarrassment, Tadashi couldn’t help but let a small smile come to his face as well. Aether meant it in good fun and not to make fun of him; if anything, it was a common joke between them.

If anything, however, Aether mentioning that their being physically touchy was normal made him think. He pondered on it while having his arm comfortably nestled around her shoulder and having her head lean on his in turn. He understood where others came from, at least. However, at the same time, he couldn’t really picture why others thought that he and Aether—a friend he considered as a younger sister at that point—were a couple. 

“Tad.” He snapped out of his thoughts at that; Aether raised a brow at him. “You okay? You kind of zoomed out there for a moment.” 

“Just thinking.” She nodded and kept herself leaning against him, to which he accepted wholeheartedly. 

The rest of the night went on from there; before they knew it, they were bidding Peters and Mack goodbye as the two hailed an Uber separate from theirs. Once the two left, Aether stretched and Tadashi kept his eyes on the road, waiting for theirs to arrive. “…can I ask you something, Tad?”

“Go ahead—what is it?”

“You don’t find it weird, right?” 

He didn’t have to ask what she meant. Instead of replying, Tadashi merely pulled Aether close and secured his arm around her just as he always did. The action was enough; he felt her relax and heard the younger woman give a calm, almost relieved sigh. “I don’t,” he told her after a minute. “I really don’t, Aether.” 

“Okay.” She closed her eyes for a moment and Tadashi held onto her a bit tighter, “I got worried for a moment there.” 

“Why would I? We’ve been physically affectionate for years, Aether. Pretty much since your college years,” he pointed out. And that was true—Tadashi and Aether had been by each other’s side since the latter started to attend university in the States. What had started out as a simple assignment ended up as a deeper friendship; one that was constantly mistaken for something akin to an actual, non-platonic relationship. “…unless you’re bothered about it?”

“No.” Their Uber came and Tadashi opened the door for her, following after she went inside. After confirming the address, she continued in a quiet voice, “I’m not bothered, Tad. I guess it’s just weird for others to start thinking again that we’re actually a thing?” He listened, “I don’t really like when others misinterpret or misunderstand. It makes it a lot harder.” 

“I understand.” Aether sighed quietly and leaned against him, Tadashi taking her hand and twining their fingers togehter. She squeezed. “Don’t think about it too much,” he advised with a small smile on his lips. “The more you do, the more stressed out you’ll get. And to think that you’re the type to overthink.”

“Don’t remind me.” He chuckled at that and they stayed quiet for the next couple of minutes, Aether closing her eyes again and Tadashi looking out the window. 

It wasn’t awkward, wasn’t forced. If anything, it was comforting. The two of them merely kept holding hands and leaning against each other in the taxi, Aether with her breaths slowly evening out and Tadashi doing nothing but watching the city fly past. It reminded him of the times they spent together in his apartment; Aether had a tendency to stay with him if she felt lonely on a particular night. The two would end up watching whatever they could on Netflix, the two of them cuddled together on the couch. She fell asleep often, but he didn’t mind—if anything, he’d much rather she get some kind of proper sleep than stay up night after night. 

(Aether would then wake up to a blanket on her and a pillow under her head.) 

He thought that she fell asleep and was going to awaken her, but she eventually mumbled something again under her breath. 


“We’re almost home,” he promised. Less than ten minutes and they’d be there; he already saw the familiar establishments that would lead to their apartment—

But Aether shook her head, mumbled something again before clearing her throat. “…I’m glad that it’s you. That you’re the closest friend I’ve got here, and that you were the one who was assigned to me when I first came here. I…I honestly think that there’s no one who could do a better job.” She exhaled, “I know it’s cheesy—”

In response to that, he could only pull her tighter to him. Tadashi let out a small huff of laughter and she couldn’t help but give a small smile. “You have no idea how grateful I am to have you too, Aether. Incredibly grateful.” 

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