Sunday, January 29, 2017

Russ' Updates #120: TadTher Week

Hey, everybody! 

So I probably owe you guys an explanation on why I suddenly stopped posting for a couple of days. To put it simply, my laptop gave up on me on January 17. It really refused to work; for whatever reason, it just wouldn't boot. I was able to keep up at least by posting the shorts (which explains the different-looking headers, if you've noticed) and managing to do the gifset on another computer. 

...however, I couldn't post starting from the [date-th] because all the graphics I needed for the fourth week were in my laptop. 😅 I know, it's irresponsible of me to not back up my files to my external drive every so often, and I'll do my best to keep that in mind. 

Thankfully, though, my dad was able to somehow fix my laptop and get my files out! To avoid explaining really complicated shit, the hard drive is broken and I need to get it fixed asap. So hopefully I'll be able to get it fixed immediately; schoolwork is really staring to kick in and I need my baby back. 😭

"You'll make it, Russ."
All of that aside, though, I'm back! Agape Week starts today and will last until next Saturday as usual. Despite the delay, I hope you guys still stick around. 💛 We'll be getting to look at Tadashi and Aether's relationship for the next couple of days, and that's something I've been wanting to share for a long time! 

Have a great week, everyone 💫

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