Sunday, January 15, 2017

Russ' Updates #119: MaEther Week

Hello hello, everybody! 

Apologies for not posting yesterday--I had a late birthday celebration with my friends from high school, and it was pretty great! We pretty much drank and played card games for the entire night; it was pretty fun and I'm glad that I was able to see them again. 😁 Anyway, LysTher week ended! How did you find it? Admittedly, I had a bit of a hard time looking for writing prompts, but I was able to pull through somehow. I'm glad, though, that I was able to integrate a bit of the orphanage into one of the shorts. 

Now that it's the third week of January, we move on to our next relationship--something a little spicier and more on the romantic side of the spectrum. 😉 This week, #MaEther takes the spotlight! Arguably the main couple / OTP of Coalesce, and if you know me pretty well, then you'll know that they're my OG ship. Expect three shorts, two graphics, and one playlist as usual.

And to tease--there is a #MaEther short or two which I've been wanting to write for so long but never really found the opportune moment to. But now that this week is happening, we might finally be able to see what exactly those shorts are going to be about. 

"She's been excited for this week for a long time."
Also, I forgot to mention! I'm going back to school this Wednesday (January 18). Just a heads up; I'll still be posting once a day until the 31st so don't worry about that quite yet!

That's all for this week! ❤

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