Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day Eight: Shopping

Day Eight: Thursday
Eighth Challenge: Shopping

Matt’s POV

“How does this look?” I look up, setting the magazine down on the black leather couch and look at her. Immediately, a blush crawls up my neck and I blink, hastily looking at her face instead and focusing on her bashful and mildly unsure face. Unsurprisingly, I can’t bring myself to speak, utterly rendered speechless by how beautiful she looked. “S-Should I change?”

“No,” I reply hastily. “No. I like this one. I – I think you should buy it wait no, undress and give me the clothes and I’ll pay for it.” All of this exited my mouth in one breath, because of how flustered I was at her appearance. She blinked yet smiled, nodding as if understanding what I just said and slid back into the dressing room. I could hear her unzip the dress and I groaned softly, hiding my face.

I must have a fever.

She has never made me this flustered. Ever.

In fact, she was the one who blushed more; even at slight contact that she felt was intimate. Now, however, it was like she was laying her cards down without knowing what it could do to me. Jesus Christ, she was perfection to my eyes and that dress was only icing on the cake.

A very delicious cake.

She stepped out, handing over the dark blue polka-dotted dress with the somewhat matching floral purse. I ignored the price as I paid and could only pay attention to that image in my mind, and as we left the shop, her green eyes spotted yet another.

Not that I minded spending my cash on her.

Not that I minded carrying three bags of clothes (that I offered to carry).

The Lord must be challenging me. Who knows what clothes she would have to model in front of me with that adorable face of hers? As she dragged me to the next shop, I prayed to my lucky stars that if anything, we would be there for only a short time. Ari apologized for doing so much shopping, but only a disoriented “take your time” left my lips.

* * * * *

It wasn’t so bad.

It wasn’t like there were lingerie plastered on the walls or tight cat-suits for God knows why. It was like your regular girly shop. Pastel-colored with blouses and skirts everywhere, along with a small corner reserved for accessories. This was slightly smaller than the last shop, but in terms of comfort, offered much more. As Ari headed off to the dressing room, I sat down, took a nearby leaflet, and fanned myself, trying to calm down.

A female clerk looked at me and smiled. She was probably in her thirties.

“Girlfriend?” I could only nod.

“She’s a lucky woman. A man who doesn’t mind shopping with her is a man well-found. If my husband were like you, I’m sure I’d be shopping here instead of working here.” I chuckled at that, and Ari called from inside her room –

“Do you have a smaller size, miss?”

The clerk peeked in and nodded, rushing off to get a smaller size. I heard her mutter to herself, “Definitely on her way to small, with her frame…” I frown. Most of her clothes at home had tags exclaiming her medium size. She came back and handed Ari her clothes, then walked off, leaving me with no one else to talk to – at least, until she came out.


“Yes lovely?” I turn to her, and yet again, my jaw drops and my eyes widen.

Sleeveless white top.

Black and white polka-dotted skirt that nearly reached her knees, along with a ribbon and a small bag hanging off her arm.

Black heels.

And the perfect expression of innocence.

“Matt, babe, are you alright? You’re all red and you look like you need to lie down – babe? Matt, stop staring and – babe, babe your nose is BLEEDING!

Needless to say, she had to drive us home while I stayed in the back with a bloody nose, trying to get that endearing image out of my mind. 

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