Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day Twenty-Two: Battle

Day Twenty Two: Tuesday
Twenty-Second Challenge: Battling Side-By-Side

The black car zoomed across the Japanese roads at 1AM in the morning. The woman was at the wheel, driving as fast as she could, not caring less if she broke the speed limit – she was part of HQ, that didn’t quite matter at the moment. Beside her, a man spoke quickly into his phone, telling her where to go and where to turn, where to stop and where to stop the car if ever needed. She grit her teeth, sweat dripping down her face as she stomped on the brakes, hearing his voice telling her to stop at a certain building.

“I’m on my way there,” he muttered into his phone, “with her. We’re armed and ready. Just wait for our signal.” He turned his head to look at his girlfriend while the other person on the line spoke, the voice laced with much quickness and authority.

Her usually fixed hair was in a tight ponytail, a few strands of black hair in her face and clothes clinging to her skin. Her hand shook as it reached the black gun she kept in her cloak, checking if it was loaded and keeping her face empty as she looked at the man next to her. He gave her a deep kiss after taking out his own gun, soon telling her to get out and saying two last words:

“Keep calm.”

Keep calm, that was right, she groaned to herself as she turned off the car’s engine and soon stepping out. She heard him hiss at his phone and growled at him to keep quiet, which she did. She quietly walked to the warehouse, keeping her footsteps silent and holding the gun in her hands, ready to pull the trigger if ever she had to. The holder of her dagger shook slightly as she moved, it attached to her black belt.

From behind, Matt pursed his lips, also holding his gun and quietly walking after her. His sharp eyes scanned the area, making sure that no one was there to see them just yet. He couldn’t let her go alone – her coworkers were patrolled at different stations, and she was assigned to go in and take them out. Matt had asked if he could join, and despite Ari’s protests, was granted permission by the head, none other than Touta himself.

A low voice spoke from the inside, and he saw her stiffen. Her hand rested on the door and her hand trembled, and before she could slam it open, he laid his hand on hers and gave her a quick smile – a smile of reassurance.

She smiled back just as slightly and soon slammed the door open, yelling at whoever was inside to stop what they were doing and surrender immediately.

Immediately came an uproar, and Ari yelled into her transceiver to initiate the process. Instantly came in the other agents – Matt recognized Peters – and thus, it began. Everything flew by quickly. He could recall various gunshots as the area was raided, and he could remember seeing her grit her teeth as she narrowly dodged a bullet and shoot her own gun. He could hear Touta yelling at him to keep down, and he did, shooting as well and focusing on whoever needed to be brought down.

His days as a hitman certainly taught him well. Yells were heard from here and there, and he could hear Ari barking out orders as the men surrendered one by one, their weapons dropped and them on the floor, afraid for their lives. As the agents walked with cuffs in hand, from the corner of his eye…

…Matt saw one of the captives lift his gun to shoot at her.

The realization hit him a split second later, and without hesitation, he lifted his gun and shot. The man fell, bleeding from his side and the sound of the gun alerted the other agents, who spun around with weapons in hand. Her eyes met his and she gave him a furious stare, wherein he could only point at the one who was about to shoot and possibly kill her.

Her eyes widened as she absorbed what could have happened, and she turned back to the kneeling group, shakily taking out the cuffs and muttering for the agents to do whatever they did. Peters gave her a hard look but Touta let her get back to him, the Japanese merely nodding at Matt.

As she came to him, trembling from head to toe, he dropped his gun and swept her into a tight embrace. He felt her shake all over and pressed his lips on the top of her head, now aware of how hard she tried to survive.

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