Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day Twenty-Nine: Sweetness

Day Twenty-Nine: Tuesday
Twenty-Ninth Challenge: Doing Something Sweet

Author’s Note: I’m sorry if this isn’t my usual style.
I just watched Les Miserables and everything really hurts.
Let me just say that Eponine is the best ever I swear.

NOTE: I was able to write this on the assigned day, but not post. ^^

Arianne couldn’t believe Matt. She frowned and put her hands on her hips, tsking at the man in bed with a high fever. Her boyfriend smiled up at her weakly, a thermometer in his mouth and a wet cloth on his forehead. “I told you dancing in the rain wasn’t a good idea,” she scolded him. “And you were worried about me being the one getting sick…you’re ridiculous.” She pulled a chair and sat down by the bed, watching him groan softly in discomfort, the thermometer lolling about in his mouth.

“Why aren’t you sick, darling?” he managed, groaning a little more. “You danced with me yesterday…God, everything’s so cold and I’m under two layers of thick blankets. I’m sweating bullets.”

“Hush, you.” She took the thermometer out of his mouth and frowned. “You’re hitting forty…Christ, love. I’m not sick because I had an umbrella. And that’s your body’s way of fighting the fever.” She took away the cloth, wet it once more, and carefully put it back on his head. “I told you, you shouldn’t have danced…now look at you, sick in bed with a fever because of the bloody rain.” Her green eyes rebuked him, but the man knew that deep down, she was worried for him.

“Mm…” he chuckled weakly and smiled once more. “You’re adorable when you’re all maternal, baby. Maybe I should get sick more often.”

The disapproving look didn’t waver.

“Don’t you even try. Now don’t speak and rest up, I have much more work to do…” her gaze lingered on his sick form. “But I can’t do it now, obviously, because of your fever…goodness, love.” She sighed quietly and pecked the top of his head. “Rest up. I’ll make you a cup of tea, just how you like it. If you even try to sneak out of bed I will push you under the shower and make you have a cold one, I swear to God.” After giving him one last look, she stood up and walked out of their bedroom, to the kitchen to make the tea.

Back in bed, Matt merely chuckled and peeled off one of the blankets slowly. A strong gust of cold air hit him and his teeth chattered, and he pulled the blanket back on himself. It had been a while ever since he had been that sick…he shifted a little and found the right position, he sighing in relief. But it was true, though. Seeing her all worried and flustered all over him made the man smile.

In another room, Arianne prepared his tea as well as a light snack, a small sandwich. She could hear his groans from the room and she sighed, shaking her head. Matt was too reckless – not that she didn’t enjoy it – and his fever was his punishment for it. Picking up the small plate which had the cup and the food, she slowly made her way back to the room, where he was quietly waiting for her, still in bed and looking up at the ceiling. She smiled slightly at the sight.

“Matt? I have your tea,” she called softly, stepping into the room and setting the plate onto the table next to the bed. He grinned at the sight and attempted to sit up (which ended up with her scolding him and helping him sit up), leaning over to kiss her cheek.

“You’re amazing,” he told her with a wink, helping himself to the tea. She sat and watched as he slowly sipped its contents, a satisfied look appearing on his weary face. “You’d make a great mother, baby.”

Her face flushed scarlet.

“H-Hold on, I-I think that’s going a bit too far,” she stammered.

Matt laughed.

“Remember what you told me, love?” he looked at her with a catty smirk. “You told me you’d like to have my babies.”

“Y-You told me that wasn’t real – Matt, are you serious!?”

Her face was so red now, it was hilarious.

“Hey, I don’t mind.” He set the cup down and suddenly pulled her close, her lips nearing his. She could only gape at him with wide eyes and reddened cheeks. “You would make a great mother, lovely. I don’t even doubt that thought.” Seeing her hesitate, he kissed her fully on the lips, forgetting about his sickness momentarily. She protested for a moment before finally giving in, letting her hands run through his red hair and her lips lock with his own tea-stained ones for a few seconds before pulling away.

“If you get me sick, you’re taking care of me.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” He winked. “As long as it includes spending time with you.”

True enough, Arianne had caught a fever the next few days.

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