Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Something's Bubbling.

So, a good morning/afternoon/evening to all my readers! Arianne Maxine here, and I'll be posting plans for things I'll most likely be posting within this month to February that are completely not related to my usual posts of lit, fanfics, and such. Watch out for the following posts! 

  • A Review on Les Miserables: Oh dear Lord I definitely plan to do this. ver since I've watched it last night, I've been itching to do at least a small review on what I thought of, from the casting to the soundtrack itself. This will be my main priority. EDIT: Completed! 
  •  A Rant on the High School Caste System: Something that's been bubbling up in my mind ever since the start of the year. This will be purely opinion and experience based, so if your views don't match it mine, keep in mind that this is seen from my own point of view, alright? EDIT: Completed!
  •  Recommended Movies and Such: Still tentative, as I'll have to be listing down movies I've already watched. I'll most likely be putting down five to ten movies, with short summaries, why you should watch it, and who would definitely enjoy it (like, the action-lover, etc). 
  •  Recommended Artists and/or Bands: Self-explanatory! This will be coming from my iTunes, mind you. There are possibilities that bands/groups from the 80's and/or 90's would appear. Again, this is a tentative plan. 

That's all! I'm hoping to get the Les Miserables review by this weekend, so watch out for that.

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