Friday, January 18, 2013

Day Twenty-Five: Gazing

Day Twenty-Five: Friday
Twenty-Fifth Challenge: Gazing Into Each Other’s Eyes

You are my everything.

She can remember those words that left her lips and travelled to her lover’s ears. She can remember the way he smiled, how he grinned joyfully and lifted her up into the air. A small sigh of contentment leaves her lips, and her eyes sting. She blinks once, and then twice. So full of emotion, she feels. It was like everything she wanted and needed was right there in front of her, ready to be run into.

The feels naked under his intense gaze, the way those burning blue eyes bore into her own green ones. A red flush lights her cheeks and a smile of his own graces his lips, and she knows that she would be able to kiss them soon enough. It was time to be patient. It was time to slow down and think, to relax and merely look into his eyes.

So much love.

“I love you,” she mouths to him. The man’s smile turns brighter, if possible.

“I love you, too.”

Memories cross her euphoria-laced subconscious. Memories of them fill her up, leaving her with an exhilarated sense of bliss, of seventh-heaven. So many of those memories, tangible and enough to leave a sweet taste in her mouth. Her lips tremble, but not in fear or hesitation. It takes a lot of determination for her to not scream loudly and yell out how she felt for the man, for the beautiful, flawless man she had in her life.

And she knew he felt the same about her.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

I love you.

She lists a mental memo of everything she enjoyed about him. She enjoyed that smile, that half-smirk that made her shiver unknowingly whenever he flashed it. Her heart melted when he laughed, when he winked, when she was taken into his strong arms and held to his firm, sculpt chest. She lets out a shaky breath. His scent, his voice, and his accent that made her go crazy for him with every word he spoke.

How his lips moved, tongue rolled whenever he said her name. Whenever he would recall an amusing memory that involved him as a child. How he would comfort her if she woke up in the middle of the night with tears cascading down her ashen face. The way he teased her endlessly, and his amusement at the sight of her tolerating it.

How his eyes lit up with vivid senses and emotions.

The bluest of blue.

She sees his hand twitch and sends him a teasing grin. Matt gives a roll of his eyes and waggles his eyebrows, as if asking her to hurry. The grin shifts into a coy smirk and she merely continues, wanting him to stay there and bloody well wait if he had to. They waited for years. Couldn’t he wait for minutes, seconds even? The impatient look on his face was adorable to her. A soft laugh leaves her lips and he hears, and the man pouts. She pouts back.

She could almost hear his thoughts.

You look so beautiful, his eyes tell her.

You are, too.

This is about you.

Gather up some humility. Another smirk crosses her lips. It’s about you, too.

Stop twisting my words around, love. She spots his tongue sweep over his upper lip. I might have to twist you around once we get some privacy.

It takes all her self restraint to not snort and blush madly.

I’m not complaining.

You better not.

But of course, all these words that came from him were orchestrated in her own mind. Ari sighs and gives her head a light shake, her mental self a small slap, telling herself not to be silly. She could feel it, though, the feeling of his eyes stuck on her, watching her every movement, each breath she took and each blink she made.

I really do love you.

She did.

Ari moved and took his hand.

Matt’s eyes were too beautiful, too enchanting – just blocked by damned veil.

He spotted her irritated look and gave a laugh, his hands moving to slowly lift it up.

The lace that separated their gazes was gone.

Brilliant green gazed into a burning blue.

His hand gently ran down her back, admiring how the dress fit her perfectly. She blinded him, but in a good way. The white she wore only made him want her to belong to him even more.

“You’re beautiful,” she murmured.

“So are you.” His hands took hers. “Shall we begin?”

She smiled, and nodded.

At once, another voice came.

But neither of them were afraid for what was to come.

This was what they wanted.

“Mail and Arianne – today you enter as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife.”

It began. 

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