Friday, January 4, 2013

Day Eleven: Kigurumi

Day Eleven: Friday
Eleventh Challenge: Wearing Kigurumis. 

(Will be fairly short, as I have a party to attend to.)

"This is ridiculous." Ari huffed, crossing her arms. "Matt, I will not wear something like that, even if you paid or begged me! That is just childish and utterly, bloody well..." she stopped upon seeing Matt pull a pout, crossing his arms and giving her a look. 

"Come on love, I did the cosplay with you a few weeks ago - why can't we do something like this? It's not as if we're going to do this in public or something." she kept a stoic face on, lifting a brow at his reasoning. He was right, though, about the first part...she grit her teeth as he pulled the guilt card on her. She couldn't really resist him, especially with such a childish yet adorable look on his fair face. 

"We are not going outside in those...those..." she struggled to find a word for the outfit. "...animal jumpers." Matt snorted, amused. 

"Kigurumi, love. And they're not animal jumpers! They're like cosplay, only you have to dress like animals in these things," he explained cheerfully, lifting up the two articles of clothing in his hands. One was a soft pink, and the other was a dark blue. "We're not going out. I just want to see how you look in these kinds of things."

"What if I don't?" she grumbled. 

"Well, I can go back to the mall and tell on you for unknowingly stealing those animal ears?" she spluttered some words and eventually glared, pouting. 

"Gah - fine - give me the damn thing!" 

He smiled innocently and kissed her cheek. 

"Love you."

She scowled. "You better."

* * * * *

"Babe, you're so adorable!" Ari hissed and blushed at the same time, refusing to look at Matt, who was wearing a dark blue puppy kigurumi. Ari had on a pink kitten one.

"Shut. Up."

"Now for blackmail~"

"Y-You bastard! You never said anything - MATT, GET BACK HERE, DAMMIT!"

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