Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day Ten: Animal Ears

Day Ten: Thursday
Tenth Challenge: Wearing Animal Ears. 

Author's Note: It took me a while to think of a reason on why they had to wear it.
At least, until I remembered an event that happened in school around November.
It might be pretty short, but I hope it has just as much sweetness as the others. :)

“Matt, look!” Ari pointed excitedly, tugging at her boyfriend’s arm. “A photo booth that actually doesn’t have people lining up for it – can we go, please?” the older man grinned and nodded, finding her enthusiasm adorably contagious. She brought him there (though dragged would have been a better term for it) and he found himself looking at the widely-decorated booth, covered in pink and having a poster of two young girls posing pasted on the side. A curtain (also pink) separated the inside of the both from the outside.

“Come on, before anyone else gets here…”

The two were soon inside the somewhat cramped booth, and she frowned. “It looked much bigger from the outside…” Ari’s green eyes scanned the screen and buttons, only to be filled with confusion. “Er…Matt, can you read Japanese?”

“A lady staying in Japan with no knowledge of the language…” chortled Matt, and she merely gave him a glower. “Alright, calm down. All it says is to press that red button when we’re ready. There are ten seconds in between each photo taken. Four pictures will be taken. There are props,” her eyes glanced down at the box in front of them “for us to wear if we want.”

“We better decide now which props we’ll wear,” she said to herself, bending down and inspecting the contents of the pink box. Hats, large glasses, a fake mustache…and then she stumbled across a pair of cutesy looking accessories. She quickly swiped and hid them in her coat, not wanting Matt to find out what she took.

She had no intention of stealing them, though.

The Briton looked at her and she smiled innocently, pressing the red button and wrapping her arms around him. “Smile for the camera,” she urged, and Matt could only smirk, pressing his lips against hers and feeling her cheeks heat up – the photo was taken and she pulled away, redder than ever. “I – I wasn’t expecting that!”

“Hush,” he chuckled and swept her into his arms. Matt winked and she smiled, the camera snapping the picture. Out of the blue, she quickly pulled out the pair of animal ears she hid and slid them onto his head, sliding a pair of kitten ones onto herself next. Matt was momentarily taken back at the feel of lion ears on him and was about to speak, but she put a finger on his lips and kissed him just like he kissed her –

And the picture was taken.

“You sure do take me by surprise,” he said once he pulled away. She laughed, but stopped in confusion at his mischievous look.

“Matt, what - !”

There were no words as the man pounced on her with the ears on.

The picture was taken.

When the twosome stumbled out, red and panting, the next couple stared at them, the man looking affronted and the woman shell-shocked. Ari attempted to apologize and convince them that they didn’t do what they thought they did, but Matt could only laugh and whisk her away with two copies of their photos.

The next couple could only notice the absence of a pair of kitten ears and lion ears… 

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