Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day Twenty-Six: Marriage

Day Twenty-Six: Saturday
Twenty-Sixth Challenge: Wedding

The small group of people watched as the two held hands, some holding their breath in anticipation and some others were smirking amusedly at the sight. Ari bit her lip gently, gazing at him with a small smile on her oval-shaped face. Matt’s gaze turned teasing, and they gently pressed their foreheads together. The veil fluttered over their heads, shrouding both of them as they stayed in that position.

Touta Matsuda watched with a soft smile on his face, watching the couple in black and white. Having led Ari down the aisle, memories of both of them had sprung and flipped endlessly in his mind. The Japanese was proud of her, for what she had accomplished, and this was one of them. He remembered her starting out as a silent and cold employee, eventually growing into someone who could relax and have a laugh once in a while. He had Matt to thank.

“Who gives this woman to this man for marriage?”

“I do, in place of her father.” Spoke Matsuda. The minister looked at him with beady eyes and nodded, not bothering to ask. Of course not. The event was for joyful purpose, for coming together and leaving as one. He spotted her pulling away and looking at him, her smile faint and eyes a little teary.

Thank you.

Matt’s eyes glanced at him and he smiled as well, before turning back to her and murmuring some words under his breath that only she could hear. She blushed and her smile turned brighter, tears nearly leaking out of her eyes if it weren’t for him gently wiping them away and preventing them from falling and ruining her make up.

“Welcome and good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.” The minister gave a small nod to the audience. “Today, we are here to entwine to souls. Two beings shall become one, and though they come here as individuals, they shall leave this place as one unified soul, one unified spirit as well as heart.” He turned to Matt, who could only look at his soon-to-be wife. “Mail, this woman who you have chosen to be your wife has said yes to your request. Throughout the marriage, she will look to you for love, guidance, support, and understanding. You must protect her and support her in whatever she decides. Do not take advantage of her abilities, especially since she’s quite gifted in the physical ability department.” A light laugh rumbled from the watchers. “Always stand by her, whether in good or bad.”

And then he turned to Ari, who was chewing on her bottom lip.

“Arianne, you allow this man to wed you, to take you as his own. He will ask for your help whenever he needs it, even if he seems to be quite ready to handle everything.” Another chuckle came from them. “He will seek your love, your guidance, your support, your understanding. Protect him as he protects you, and never leave his side, even when the tides are high and the rocks threaten your relationship.”

“Are you both ready to embrace each other for marriage?”

“I am,” spoke Ari, her voice wavering slightly.

“As am I.” Matt replied, keeping her hands in his.

The minister nodded slightly at both of them, he taking a seat. The bridesmaids and best men sat down, leaving the two standing up. Matt parted from Ari and got the microphone from Peters, and handed it to her. She hesitated, as if not ready, and then got it. Her hands trembled slightly due to anxiety. Matt saw and gave her a smile, and the shaking decreased only slightly. She faced him, one hand in his once more.

“Though widely interpreted as a vow, marriage isn’t all what it seems to be.” She took a deep breath and went on. “Marriage is an enhanced version of a relationship. It needs to develop, it needs to grow. Both partners need to know their essential strengths and weaknesses, and how to deal with it. Matt, I am ready. I’ve always been ready. I’ve waited a long time for this, and I don’t think I want any more delay,” she ended with a whisper. He smiled his smile at her and kissed her forehead, gently taking the microphone from her grasp.

“Love satisfies itself, and marriage is another way to satisfy love’s crucial needs. A ring, however, doesn’t need to be there to confirm that one truly loves another. Love is patient; love is kind – as quoted from the Bible. I’ve been patient ever since we got together on that day, and I’m very sure that you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He flashed a grin. “But in all honesty, you are the only one I need. We can have nothing, and I’d still be happy.” He took a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

“Really ready?”

“Honestly and fully ready.” He replied determinedly.

The minister stood and Matt gave back the microphone.

Their hands joined once more.

“Do you, Mail, take Arianne to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Arianne, take Mail to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”

“I do.”

At once came forward Olsen, who had the rings in a small box in his hands. He handed them and sat back down next to Dee, who was dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. Olsen cleared his throat and suddenly took Dee’s hand, he looking away with a blush. The American woman could only cock a brow, smiling slightly and giving his hand a small squeeze.

“The wedding ring symbolizes unity, a circle unbroken, without beginning or end. And today Mail and Arianne exchange these rings as confirmation of their vows to join their lives, to work at all times to create a life that is complete and unbroken and to love each other unconditionally. Arianne, if you may?”

She took a ring with shaky hands and held it in her palm, letting out a shuddery breath. Matt could see the excitement and anxiety in her face.

“Relax,” he told her softly.

“I’m trying to…”

“Hey…” he squeezed her hand. “Just say whatever. It doesn’t matter if there are others watching, alright? All that matters is that it’s just us. Not them.”

She gave him a thankful smile, cleared her throat, and spoke.

“In this hand I have a ring that symbolizes my binding to you,” she said softly, holding up the golden ring. “Round and eternal like my love for you, I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am.” She slid it onto his left ring finger, then raised his hand to gently kiss it, her veil shrouding her face. Matt smiled, biting his tongue and tearing up slightly.

Matt took the other ring and held her hand in his other, looking at her with a prevailing, warm expression. “In this hand I have a ring that symbolizes everything I feel, though I have a feeling I’d be redundant if I said it because you already explained how I feel for you.” His lips curved up, he smirking slightly. “Nothing can ever explain how much I love you, beautiful. “You’re more worth to me than a single ring, Ari. However, I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am.”

It slid onto her finger slowly.

The minister looked at the two.

From his aging eyes, he could see a tall ginger with a determined gaze, looking at his beloved as if she were the entire world’s worth. His hands played with hers, and there was a content smile on his young face. The woman, though nervous, met his stare and returned his beam, giving an elated one herself. She squeezed his hands, the golden bands on their fingers shining due to the sunlight that entered the room.

Peters and Matsumoto walked forward from their positions next to the couple, having being handed over the white cord, rope-like structure. They stretched the rope and the couple got on their knees, still holding each other’s hands. As Peters stood by Ari and Matsumoto by Matt, they held the cord up as the minister spoke.

“The love already shared by your hearts has been strengthened by the vows you have taken. You will be bound by your love as you are bound by your clasped hands from now until the end of your days.”

And it was wrapped around their wrists.

“These are the hands that will love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.”

He remembered how he held her close, how comforting and warm her hugs could get. All in his mind were the embraces, the touches, the cuddling and the comfort she would give him for the rest of their lives.

“These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy.”

She bit her lip and recalled the numerous times he eased her down as she cried, even moments back where he wiped away the tears. Her hands trembled lightly and he squeezed them this time, looking at her with a smile on his lips.

“These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as you build your future together.”

So much talk of the future. Matt knew that she was the one, and that he was the one for her. There was so much he could give her, and he was ready. Matt was planning their future, making sure every single detail was perfect.

“These are the hands that will hold you whenever illness, fear, or grief may find you.”

She found him in grief once, and was the one who gave him comfort. Despite his rejections and denials for her help, he soon broke and the roles were switched – she was the one who gave him the strength to stand back up.

These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.

How many times had he helped her back up? Throughout their time together, he had never failed to make her smile, to help her up when she fell and nursed her wounds, whether physical, emotional or mental.

These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times.

Matt shut his eyes for a moment. So many challenges. So many fights. So many conflicts. He could feel her looking at him worriedly, but he squeezed and she squeezed back for a second longer. He himself shivered, exhaling slowly.

These are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to chase your dreams. Together, everything you wish for can be realized.

Go for it, he would tell her with that little smile on her face.
I believe you, he would assure whenever she was in doubt.
Marry me, he asked, on one knee, holding out the small leather box.

Yes, she said.
I will marry you.

These are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours.”

So many dreams the both of them had.
Including one of growing old together.

Though she’d like to have a quiet future and watch their grandchildren and Matt would prefer telling stories, they all involved a similar thing: growing old together. Growing up together. Living until their last breath.


The knots were tied.

“Bless these hands that you see before you this day.

May they always reach out with love, gentleness, and respect.

May they build a loving relationship that lasts a lifetime.

May they always be held by one another.

If you follow these words and heed this sacred binding,

Your hands will heal, protect, shelter, and guide.

Now, you may remove the cords,

But remember the knot as a lasting symbol of your binding and commitment.”

The cords were removed by the two men who then went back to their original positions, and the couple stood. Their hands were still together, both of them refusing to let go of the other, even for a split second.

“Now,” the minister began, lifting a brow as a few ladies watching squealed in her own excitement, “the only people who can declare you two married are yourselves. We watched as you said your vows and slid the rings onto your figures. I only officiated this event.” He smiled. “You have done it before friends and family, and this is proof that you two were able to pass all that was in your way. Each act and each word spoken is the declaration of your eternal love for each other.”

“Hurry up,” whispered Peters. Matsumoto sniggered.

“I would like to not delay.” The minister continued.

“Please don’t,” groaned Jinx, but kept a smile.

“So in accordance with the laws of Tokyo, Japan…Mail and Arianne, it is of my utmost honor to declare you as husband and wife. Mail, you may kiss the bride.”

“Finally!” he replied loudly, exasperated, shocking almost everyone as his words ended with Ari hurriedly pressing her lips against his. He staggered back a bit but caught his balance, pulling his arms around her as the newlyweds kissed. Cheers erupted from all people inside, especially from Matsumoto as well as Peters.

Olsen and Dee looked on, Dee’s eyes brimming with tears. Their fingers were laced with the others, Olsen holding her close.

Peters had sped off to Jinx, kissing her for a short while before pulling her close into a tight embrace.

Touta wiped his eyes and looked on.

As the red-headed man and the black-haired woman pulled away, the minister delivered his parting words.
“Now, may the love that has brought you together continue to grow and enrich your lives. May you meet with courage the problems that arise to challenge you and may your relationship always be one of love and trust. May the happiness you share today be with you always, and may every word you have pledged here be a living truth in your lives.”

As the two embraced, a declaration was made.

I proudly introduce to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Mail and Arianne Jeevas.”

Sources for Wedding Vows, Script, and Such:

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