Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thirteen: Ice Cream

Day Thirteen: Sunday
Thirteenth Challenge: Eating Ice Cream

She couldn’t understand why he was blushing.

Matt’s intent stare somewhat fazed the young woman as she licked up the Popsicle she had in her hands, licking away the juices that dripped down the stick. She tried not to notice, but she could still feel his burning gaze on her, blatantly ignoring his own ice cream. Ari took one peak at him and saw his cheeks flushed, and she frowned, putting the tip of the Popsicle in her mouth and savoring the sweetness and fruitiness of the flavor.

On the other hand, Matt was visibly flustered, just like when they were out shopping. He was able to look away and spoon some melted ice cream into his mouth hurriedly, trying to cool himself down from the image that was right in front of him. Damn, couldn’t she realize how…appealing she looked? With her hair up in a ponytail and wearing a sleeveless top plus shorts, the last thing he wanted to see her do was to suck that bloody Popsicle as if it was nothing.

He looked at her again, and read her expression.

She was confused.

Matt sighed a bit, a bit relieved. At least she wasn’t aware of what she was doing. The woman would play to her strengths then if she knew that caused him his discomfort, and she could be a teasing vixen about it when she wanted to be. He spooned some more ice cream into his mouth and ate, mindlessly ignoring the fact that a few melted drops landed on his chin. He didn’t dare clean it up.

She tsked at him and took a tissue.

“You might dirty yourself, babe.” She leaned in and wiped off the bit of ice cream that was left behind, and he managed a small pout. She merely shook her head and pulled away, grabbing the Popsicle and starting to eat it (he cheered internally), biting off a few parts, chewing, and then swallowing.

“I could have cleaned it up myself.”

“Mhm, sure. And then resume staring at me?”

He flushed scarlet.

Damn, she knew?

“H-Hold on, it’s not what you think –”

She went on as if he never protested. “If you wanted a Popsicle too, you could have just said so.” She stood up, treat in hand, carrying her wallet as well. “I’ll get one for you. And no, you’re not going to pay me back.” He couldn’t protest as she walked off to the counter, leaving Matt in the booth.

She could be so clueless.

In a good way, that was.

He watched as she asked for two more Popsicles and paid, carrying two pieces of food wrapped in bright-colored paper back to their seat. She handed one to him and sat down, unwrapping hers. Matt swallowed hard and unwrapped his own, finding a strawberry flavored treat inside. Maybe this wasn’t as bad as he thought and they had the same flavor of food –

All thoughts flew out of the window when she started sucking on the chocolate one. 

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